
lí jiāng
  • the Lijiang River
漓江[lí jiāng]
  1. 在漓江里游泳是非常愉快的事。

    To swim in the Lijiang River is a great pleasure .

  2. 漓江在清晨时看上去格外美丽。

    The Lijiang River looks especially beautiful in the early morning .

  3. 漓江之美难以用语言来描画。

    The beauty of the scenery along the Lijiang River defies description .

  4. 漓江水质自动监测站pH值变化的综合分析研究

    Research on Comprehensive Analysis about the Characteristics of Variation of the pH from Water Quality Automatic Management

  5. 在申报材料中,官员指出,尽管桂林和漓江去年被联合国列入了《世界遗产名录》(WorldHeritageSite),但阳朔县也被《中国国家地理》杂志列为最美的喀斯特峰林。

    In it , officials note that while Guilin and the Li River were designated a World Heritage Site by the United Nations last year , Yangshuo County was named as having the single best karst landscape by Chinese National Geographic magazine .

  6. 漓江底泥对活性艳蓝X-BR的吸附行为研究

    Adsorption of brilliant gaudy blue X-BR on sediments in Lijiang River

  7. 预测实例表明Elman人工神经网络模型更能反映时间序列的波动性,更适合桂林漓江旅游需求预测。

    The research indicates that Elman neural network could reflect the wave of timing series better and is more suitable for tourist demand forecast of Lijiang , Guilin .

  8. 结合漓江的水文和水质特点,综合利用数学建模、VISUALBASIC高级语言编程、AC-CESS数据库技术、图形图像处理技术,初步开发了漓江流域水污染控制软件系统。

    Based on the water quality and hydrologic characteristics of the Lijiang River , a water pollution control software is developed by math analysis and model , Visual Basic software , ACCESS database technology , graph and image treatment technology .

  9. 漓江水位的年际变化与桂林市雨量的年际变化一致,大致以10a为周期。

    The annual change of water level of Lijiang River is consistent with that of the rainfall of Guilin , approximately takes 10a as a cycle .

  10. 针对漓江流域生态环境近30年来出现的快速退化的趋势,采用美国陆地卫星Landsat遥感影像对漓江源头及其上游小流域的环境变化开展了调查研究。

    As the ecological environment of Lijiang River basin has been degenerating rapidly in the past 30 years , an investigation for the environment change of the source of Lijiang River and upper reaches is completed by using the Landsat remote sensing technology .

  11. 上午八时三十分,游客登上两艘游船,沿弯曲的漓江畅游五小时。基于TDIS框架的旅游形象策划探讨&以青海黄河上游水上游览带为例

    At 8:30 a.m. , the tourists boarded two pleasure ships and enjoyed a delightful tour of the winding Lijiang River for five hours . Discussion on the Tourism Image Planning Based on TDIS Framework

  12. 通过这些措施的实施,可基本消除漓江洪涝灾害而达百年一遇,漓江枯季水量也可望达40~50m3/s,从而基本解决枯季缺水问题。

    The implementation of the mentioned above measures may basically eliminate the flood disasters along Li River , and the flow of Li River in dry seasons may be up to 40 ~ 50 m 3 / s .

  13. 漓江风景区环境现状及变化趋势研究

    Environment and Its Change Trend of Lijiang Scenic Spot in Guilin

  14. 桂林普降大暴雨漓江游船全线封航

    Rainstorm Fell over Guilin , All Cruises along Li River Closed

  15. 漓江的起源于猫儿山,一个必须要看的!

    Origin of Li River at Cat Mountain a must see !

  16. 桂林市防洪及漓江补水枢纽工程建设的必要性

    Necessity of Guilin City flood control Lijiang river water supplement project

  17. 漓江上游植被类型的水文特征与功能评价

    Hydrological Characteristics and Ecological Function Estimation of Upper Reaches of Lijiang River

  18. 确定桂林漓江历史洪水重现期的探讨

    Probing into the historical flood return period of the Guilin Lijiang river

  19. 漓江最高水位的分析及预测

    The Analysis and Forecast for the Maximun-level of Lijiang River

  20. 漓江水资源调查与水量调节研究

    Investigate to Water Resource and the Dispatch to Water Capacity in LIJIANG

  21. 那远处泛着微光,一闪一闪的是漓江吗?

    Is that the Ljiang River suffused with dim but glittering light ?

  22. 桂林漓江流域马尾松林演替动态

    Successional dynamics of Pinus massoniana forest in Lijiang River watershed , Guilin

  23. 漓江依山流转蜿蜒,是桂林山水的精华。

    Lijiang River takes wind flow is the essence of Guilin landscape .

  24. 漓江鱼类资源调查及物种多样性分析

    Investigation on Fish Resources and Analysis of Species Diversity in Lijiang River

  25. 影响漓江底栖动物群落的主要环境因素解析

    Factor Analysis of Environmental Variables Influencing Benthic Macroinvertebrate Community in Lijiang River

  26. 漓江是中国最清澈的河流之一

    Li is one of the cleanest rivers in China ,

  27. 漓江枯水、功能性断流与水利工程的关系

    Low Water and Functional Cutoff and Reservoirs of Lijiang River

  28. 漓江是桂林的王牌旅游资源,在桂林旅游产品中处于龙头地位。

    Li River is the top tour resource of Guilin .

  29. 重镀锌铁丝网石笼技术在漓江护岸的应用

    Application of the thickly galvanized stonemesh technique for the Lijiang bank revetment

  30. 土地利用变化对漓江流域生态服务价值影响

    Effects of Land Use Changes on Eco-Service Value in Lijiang River Basin