- 网络mainstream science

Unlike mainstream science , MFP gives a new description on real world picture .
But mainstream science has practically given up on funding these kinds of experiments ,
This was the company 's first step into the mainstream of scientific and commercial computing
With IAASTD , it is the reverse ; the final report avoids the mainstream scientific consensus that , overall , GM crops pose a relatively low threat to either the environment or to human health .
The Forward March to Mainstream Economics & The Progress of Ecological Economics in China
They took the aim of scientific criticize to " bad science ", and modified the main science .
You may need to consider the reaction of the mainstream scientific community to the dissenters and whether this is likely to change .
His willingness to downplay the spiritual side of meditation , Gelles argues , helped make mindfulness acceptable to mainstream science and medicine .
Warmer weather is causing a famous breed of Scottish sheep to get smaller , according to research published in a leading scientific journal .
Admittedly , these non-mainstream areas of inquiry address certain human needs , which mainstream science and other areas of intellectual inquiry inherently cannot .
But the mainstream sciences are still unable to detect the invisible world and invisible body , and are thus incapable of perceiving many truths about the universe and humankind .
After moving out of the mainstream of science , standing on the others ' position and regarding their science as cub-culture , we can really grasp many startling facts .
As a mainstream of modern science , system science provides not only a panorama of the world , but also a new angle of view to observe nature and society .
Feminist standpoint theory in philosophy of science , as a different philosophy , judgmental main current science epistemology proceed root , judgmental traditional epistemology and objectivity and foundation , offers feminist science that is another science .
Ether part being ignored , will affect the scientific , open and timely development of China 's mainstream economics .
At the beginning of the 20th century , the conventional wisdom in science was that the universe was static and eternal .
Analytic methods deal directly with the patterned , relational nature of social structure in order to supplement – and sometimes supplant – mainstream methods that demand independent units of analysis .
The Queen Elizabeth Prize for Engineering , a brand-new award , is a conscious attempt to sprinkle a similar kind of stardust onto engineering , which has long worried that it is seen as a bit of a poor relation to more academic science .
Assets / Liability management is the currently prevailing methodology of global banking industry .
NOT EVERYONE IS enthusiastic about the reappearance of Freudian concepts in the mainstream of mental science .
The mainstream of contemporary university students ' beliefs is healthy , but there undeniably exist many unscientific , irrational and vulgarized trends .
In the1920s , Ku Shih Pien School quickly became the most important new school of Chinese History by the self-fashioning in a new science paradigm differing from the traditional research .
The main stream of Chinese traditional philosophy is a sort of political philosophy seeking beauty while that of the West is a sort scientific philosophy seeking truth .