
  • 网络flying carpet;magic carpet
  1. 第二个兄弟带来了一张飞毯。“我发现了一张飞毯,它可以去任何地方。”

    The second brother brought a flying carpet . " I found a flying carpet that can be anywhere . "

  2. 这款名为“飞毯”的枕头能够让你躺在上面的时候有一种在飞毯上穿越河山的感觉。

    The Flying Carpet is the only carpet / floor pillow that gives you the magic sensation of lying down between hills .

  3. 第二兄弟打开了他的飞毯,并说。

    The second opened his carpet and said .

  4. 我现在在魔法飞毯上跟你问好。

    I 'm now saying hello to you on the Magic Carpet .

  5. 在飞毯与魔法世界之间有一个关联。

    There is a connection between magic carpets and the wizarding world .

  6. 但,飞毯永远不会在英国代替飞天扫帚的,是不是?

    Well , they 'll never replace brooms in Britain , will they ?

  7. 他想就你禁运飞毯的事和你谈谈。

    He wants a word with you about your embargo on flying carpets .

  8. 来吧,来到这里吧跳上飞毯飞向;

    Come on down , stop on by , hop a carpet and fly .

  9. 飞毯飞行得如此之快,以至于一转眼他们就来到了津巴布韦。

    The flying carpet traveled so fast that next minute they were in Zimbabwe .

  10. 小心这个不会说话的飞毯。

    Watch it with the dumb rug .

  11. 请你给我一个魔法飞毯。

    Give me a magic flying mat .

  12. 弗农姨父挖苦式地试图在飞毯和魔法师之间建立联系。

    Uncle Vernon jokingly makes a stab at a connection between magic carpets and wizards .

  13. 他们把他解救出来去找他妈妈,后来他叔叔跑了,飞毯把他挡住。

    They free him went to his mother , and later ran his uncle , stopped him flying carpet .

  14. 福音并不是送你到达天堂的飞毯,它只是能把人们送到上帝的身边。

    The gospel is not a way to get people to heaven ; it is a way to get people to God .

  15. 再怎么说我也是这句话:被禁施咒物品登记处将飞毯定为麻瓜制品,但他会听我的话吗?

    If I 've told him once I 've told him a hundred times : Carpets are defined as a Muggle Artifact by the Registry of Proscribed Charmable Objects , but will he listen ?