
zhǔ jī
  • host;master;main engine;host machine;principal machine;lead plane;leader
主机 [zhǔ jī]
  • (1) [main engine]∶在整个机械系统中起主要作用的机器,如飞机上的主发动机

  • (2) [lead plane;leader]∶长机。率领和指挥机群或僚机执行任务的飞机

主机[zhǔ jī]
  1. 提出了主机厂与供应商之间的ERA模型。

    To bring up " ERA " model of main engine factory between suppliers .

  2. 基于PLC的主机遥控系统的实现

    Main Engine Remote Control System Realized on PLC

  3. Digital公司新产品的定价比同类主机的一半还要低。

    Digital priced the new line at less than half the cost of comparable mainframes

  4. 为处理这些数据,医院购入了一些大型主机。

    To cope with these data , hospitals bought large mainframe computers .

  5. 这就使得它的微型计算机与它的大型主机不兼容。

    This made its mini-computers incompatible with its mainframes

  6. 这些终端设备都和我们的计算机主机相连。

    These terminals are all connected to our mainframe computer .

  7. 电脑主机正在变得更好,更便宜也更小。

    Computer games consoles are getting better , cheaper and smaller than ever before .

  8. 它们被称为主机。

    These were the so-called mainframe machines .

  9. 可能只是一个小故障,重新启动主机就能解决了。

    It could just be a random glitch that can be solved by restarting the machine .

  10. 对Common名输入完全限定的主机名。

    Enter the fully qualified host name for the Common name .

  11. 接受缺省节点和主机名称,然后单击Next

    Take the default Node and Host names and click Next

  12. host&队列管理器驻留的主机名或IP地址。

    Host-the hostname or IP address where the queue manager resides .

  13. 主机名只能映射到一个IP地址。

    The host name can map to only one IP address .

  14. 嵌入式USB主机MassStorage类的实现

    Realization of Mass Storage item of embedded host computer

  15. 更改主机名或IP地址(如果需要)。

    Change the host names or IP addresses ( if required ) .

  16. 要运行示例站点,您至少需要在本地主机上运行一个基本的Web服务器。

    To run the example site , you need at least a basic Web server running on localhost .

  17. 新系统的计算机主机为联想PⅢ品牌机,带有两块功能扩充板。

    A Legend PHI with two function-expansion cards works as the main computer of the new digital system .

  18. 同时也针对该应用编制了相应的DSP采集处理程序和主机端应用程序。

    Corresponding software on DSP side and host side is programmed .

  19. 跨网段获取远程主机MAC地址的方法与java实现

    The method of requesting from remote host MAC and java application

  20. 输入一个主机变量作为标题(如:title)。

    Enter a host variable for the title such as : title .

  21. 然后单击OK保存并关闭主机配置对象。

    Then click OK to save and close the host configuration object .

  22. 输入数据库主机名称、端口号和数据库名称,然后单击Testconnection。

    Enter the database host name , the port number , and the database name , and then click Test connection .

  23. 可寻址管理系统由一台PC主机和多台解扰器从机组成。

    The addressable management system is composed of a PC and multiple KY-Decryption equipments .

  24. 船舶主机的调速器主要采用比例积分微分(PID)控制规律。

    Most of speed controllers of main engine in ship use PID Control method .

  25. 服务器主机名或IP地址

    Server host name or IP address

  26. 一种Windows主机入侵检测实验系统

    Windows Host Intrusion Detection Experimental System

  27. USB接口技术为PC主机间的数据传输提供了便捷的解决方案。

    USB interface technology provides a wonderful solution for the data transmission between PCs .

  28. IP电话网关中主机与DSP的实时多通道数据通信技术

    The Technology of the Real-time Muti-channel Data Exchange between Host and DSP in the IP Telephony Gateway

  29. 从IP地址到主机名,所有内容都是可以欺骗的。

    Everything from IP addresses to hostnames , at the end of the day , can be spoofed .

  30. 混合动力汽车USB主机系统的设计与实现

    Design and Implement of USB Host System for HEV