- main sequence star

Having carried on evolution model calculation from the main sequence star to the thermal pulsation AGB star for a 5M (?) star , such numerical calculation result agrees with the prediction of the new criterion .
Since the first affirmance of an extrasolar planetary system in pulsar PSR1257 + 12 , and first discovery of a planet in a main sequence star , 51 Peg , in 1995 , about half hundred of extrasolar planets have been discovered .
Rotation effect has the great influence on star in the former stage of main sequence and in the latter stage of Red Giant through the angular velocity and the change of rotational angular velocity ; turbulent pressure in the stage of AGB star . ( 3 ) .
Hydrogen to helium conversion provides the prime source of energy for stars on the main sequence .
Using large samples , we gain several credible numeric relation between different magnetic activity index and rotational parameters .
It is really possible that the Sun possesses a relic magnetic field of the pre-main sequence epoch in its radiative core .
During the radiation stars will develop in turn into main sequence stars , red giants , white dwarfs or neutron stars , etc.
In the first introductory part it is pointed out that the main difference among current theories of stellar evolution is in the evolutionary stage after stars move onto the main sequence .
Since the solar evolution reached to the main sequence stage , the sun lost the 80 % of its angular momentum , thus the angular velocity of its rotation is reducing by the power index law .