
zhǔ tí ɡōnɡ yuán
  • theme park
  1. 例句一位歌星误入歧途,失去人心,所以现在在一家主题公园里当歌手。

    A pop star , who fell from grace , now works as singer at a theme park .

  2. 他们没有去主题公园,因为几乎一整天都在下雨。

    They didn 't go to the theme park because it was raining cats and dogs almost all day .

  3. 各地的公司确定园址后进行主题公园的修建,而我们将负责品牌推广工作。

    Local companies find the sites and build the theme parks , while we will look after the branding .

  4. 试运行期间,受邀客人将在指定日期体验主题公园中部分景点、娱乐设施、演出和餐饮服务。

    During trial operations , invited guests will experience selected rides , attractions , shows and dining services throughout the Universal Studios Beijing theme park on designated dates .

  5. 严格遵守疫情防控措施参与试运行测试体验的受邀客人需提前绑定身份信息,在主题公园入口处完成门票及身份核验,并通过疫情防控的相关检查,方可入园。

    The identity information of the invited guests will be pre-registered and invited guests must complete ticket and ID verification , and related pandemic control process at the park entrance before entering the park .

  6. 基于产业竞争力的X主题公园发展战略研究

    Research on the Strategy of X Theme Park Based on the Industry Competitive Power

  7. 与此同时,环球影城(universalstudios)在新加坡的一座主题公园将于明年开放。

    Meanwhile , Universal Studios is opening a theme park in Singapore next year .

  8. 中国的现代城市主题公园是伴随着旅游业发展而发展的,尤其是我国加入WTO之后,主题公园已经成为世人关注的焦点。

    With the developing of travel , China 's modern theme park developed and it has attracted people 's eyes since our attending to the WTO .

  9. 他指出,当迪士尼在香港开设主题公园时,邻近的海洋公园(OceanPark)曾担心出现游客流失,但实际结果是到海洋公园的游客增加了。

    He noted that when Disney opened a Hong Kong theme park , the nearby attraction Ocean Park feared losing customers but in fact gained attendance .

  10. 在主题公园入口处,我们看到了枫树以及一家星巴克(Starbucks)。

    At the park entrance , we found maple trees and a Starbucks .

  11. 此外,大众车还将在一些DVD产品,以及位于美国加利福尼亚、佛罗里达和西班牙的Universal主题公园中亮相。

    VW will also be able to promote its vehicles on various DVD releases and at Universal theme parks in California , Florida and Spain .

  12. 2005年,一个官方工作组预计,赌场、主题公园、会议设施将增加3.5万个就业岗位,将国内生产总值(GDP)提高1.5%。

    An official task force estimated in 2005 that casinos , theme parks and convention facilities would add 35,000 jobs and 1.5 percentage points to gross domestic product .

  13. 在美国,迪士尼与有线电视运营商康卡斯特(Comcast)都是大型主题公园运营商。康卡斯特旗下拥有环球(Universal)连锁主题公园。

    In the US , Disney and Comcast , the US cable company which owns the Universal chain of theme parks , are among the big operators .

  14. “太空世界”主题公园经理武田俊美在接受CNN采访时表示,当该景点的新闻在本地电视台播放后,人们在社交媒体上普遍都觉得这太残忍了。

    Space World manager Toshimi Takeda told CNN the reaction on social media had been brutal once news of the attraction was broadcast on local television .

  15. 中国娱乐咨询公司艺恩网(EntGroup)合伙人侯涛(TigerHou)表示,因为拥有知名动漫人物,迪士尼相对中国本土主题公园拥有“真正优势”。

    Tiger Hou , a partner at Ent Group , the Chinese entertainment consulting firm , says Disney has " a real edge " against local theme parks because of their famous characters .

  16. 迪士尼其他业务,包括美国电视公司家庭频道(ABCFamily)、ESPN体育频道等有线电视网以及主题公园和电影制片厂,营收和利润都达到或超过了预期。

    The rest of the company , which includes its cable networks , like ABC Family and ESPN , as well as its theme parks and movie studios , met or beat revenue and profit expectations .

  17. 据《好莱坞报道》,美国的主题公园将由AvatronSmartPark开发,而澳门附近的主题公园将由丰德丽控股(eSun)及其子公司丽丰控股(LaiFung)开发。

    According to The Hollywood Reporter , the US site will be developed by Avatron Smart Park . The Chinese site near Macao will be developed by Lai Fung and parent eSun .

  18. 自Mila早期提升很多年以来,她曾被引导在诸如商厦和主题公园这样的地方尝试设置提升的机器。

    For several years and early in her ascension , Mila was guided to try and set up ascension devices in such places as shopping malls and theme parks .

  19. 香港迪士尼乐园将于周一晚些时候公布截至2013年9月这一财年的业绩。香港政府持有该主题公园52%的股份,其余为华特-迪士尼公司(WaltDisneyCo.,DIS)持有。

    Hong Kong Disneyland , which is - owned by the city 's government , while Walt Disney Co. owns the rest , will announce financial results for the fiscal year ended September 2013 later Monday .

  20. 按照协议,AMC将成为总部位于北京的万达集团的全资子公司。万达是一家民营企业集团,资产达350亿美元,包括商场、主题公园和艺术收藏品等。

    Under the agreement , AMC will become a wholly owned subsidiary of Beijing-headquartered Wanda , a privately held group whose $ 35bn in assets spans shopping malls and theme parks to art collections .

  21. 尽管如此,本周你在以下方面也是迫不及待的:娱乐、运动、娱乐业、主题公园、度假、Spa以及和孩子相关的事务。

    Nevertheless , this week , you 're hot to trot when it comes to entertaining diversions , sports , the entertainment world , show business , theme parks , vacations , spas , and anything to do with children .

  22. 总部位于美国的咨询公司Aecom预测,到2020年,中国将取代美国成为最大的主题公园市场,每年游客人数将达到2.21亿,是2015年的两倍。

    US-based consultant company Aecom predicted that China will replace America to become the largest theme park market by 2020 , witnessing 221 million visits annually , twice as much as that in 2015 .

  23. 促进文化产业的发展是城市规划亟待研究的新课题&支持主题公园的建设是发展文化产业的重要组成部分之一

    Construction of Theme Park is an Important Part of Culture Industry

  24. 厦门主题公园面临的问题、原因与对策

    Problems , causes and solutions of the theme parks in Xiamen

  25. 近几年来,主题公园的表现令人失望。

    The theme parks performance has been disappointing over recent years .

  26. 我国主题公园未来发展模式探讨

    Research on the Future Model of the Theme Park in China

  27. 您对主题公园业务的投资畏首畏尾。

    The timidity of your investments in our theme park business .

  28. 我国主题公园市场营销组合策略实证分析

    An Empirical Study on Theme Park Combinatorial Marketing Strategy of China

  29. 该主题公园并不是官方授权的“愤怒的小鸟”产品。

    The playground is not an officially licensed Angry Birds product .

  30. “这会是一个多功能的主题公园。”石说。

    " It will be a multi-functional theme park ," Shi said .