
  • 网络Splendid China;Shenzhen splendid China
  1. 自中国第一个主题公园-深圳锦绣中华开园以来,主题公园在中国得到了雨后春笋般的发展,然而发展的背后所带来就是各主题公园之间的激烈竞争。

    Since the opening of ShenZhen " Splendid China ", which is the first theme park in China , theme parks in China have obtained mushrooming development . However this also brings about fierce competition between various theme parks .

  2. 旅游景区管理咨询的商业空间与拓展对策&对深圳锦绣中华的实证分析

    Commercial strategy of the Management consultant on Tourism scenic spot

  3. 深圳锦绣中华凤凰广场钢结构预应力拉索施工

    Construction techniques of prestressing cables of the Phoenix Plaza steel structure in the Shenzhen ' Splendid China '