
  • 网络teledensity;telephone penetration rate;Penetration Rate;penetration
  1. 截止2011年9月底,全国拥有9.52亿移动用户,移动电话普及率为71.1部佰人。

    In the country , to the end of the September 2011 , the number of mobile subscribers has reached 952 million and telephone penetration rate reached 71.1 per hundred person .

  2. 随着电信产业的发展及电话普及率的提高,用户对电信业务的要求越来越高。

    As the development of telecom industry and increase of the telephone penetration rate , users of telecommunications services have become increasingly demanding .

  3. 通过对全国和浙江移动电话普及率的预测分析,得出Logistic模型预测方法在对移动电话用户数的预测方面具有非常强的科学性和实用性。

    It is proved that the synthesis method of Logistic model and the Rayleigh distribution seem more scientific and practical in prediction of mobile subscription by the application of the prediction of mobile subscription in China and in Zhejiang province .

  4. 内蒙古地区的移动电话普及率2010年已达到了99.5%,不同标准的3G已经展开同台竞争。内蒙古公司面临竞争加剧、收入增长放缓、投入产出率下降的市场压力。

    As the penetration rate of mobile phone in the Inner Mongolia region reaches 99.5 % , and the different 3G carriers competing in the same market , the company will confront with the pressure of increasing competition , income growth slow and input declining .

  5. 用最优分割模型法分析电话普及率

    Optimum classify modeling and its application in analysing telephone popularized rate

  6. 但农村市场发展缓慢,农村移动电话普及率还比较低。

    But rural market developed slowly , the countryside mobile phone popularity rate is also comparatively low .

  7. 随着电话普及率的提高,在用户终端上添置附加装置的现象越来越多。

    With the popularization of telephone , more and more additional devices are found in subscriber terminals .

  8. 基于国家统计部门开展的人口普查得出的家庭住宅用户电话普及率百分比。

    Percentage of households with a telephone is based on census surveys generally carried out by national statistical offices .

  9. 据统计,在北京、广州、上海等大城市,移动电话普及率已经超过60%。

    Statistics shows that the cellphone coverage has surpassed 60 % in big cities like Beijing , Guangzhou and Shanghai .

  10. 移动电话普及率很高的北欧地区,是移动商务的开拓者之一。

    The Nordic region , with its high mobile phone penetration rates , is one of the pioneers in m-commerce .

  11. 移动电话普及率仅为35.3%,远低于移动电话比人口还多的香港。

    Mobile penetration was just 35.3 per cent , a far cry from Hong Kong , where there are more mobiles than people .

  12. 拉美及加勒比海地区的移动电话普及率接近90%,互联网接入率在发展中地区名列前茅。

    Mobile phone penetration is nearly 90 per cent across Latin America and the Caribbean , while Internet access is among the highest in the developing world .

  13. 电话普及率由1%提高到10%以上,是世界上跨过这个阶段花费时间最短的国家。

    The telephony density has increased from 1 % to more than 10 % in China of which the speed is the fastest in the world at this stage .

  14. 城市电话普及率为每百人39部,通电话的行政村比例达80%。黎话与普通话语流音变比较研究及其推普策略

    For every 100 urban residents there are 39 telephones on average , and telephone service covers 80 percent of the administrative villages . A Comparison of Suprasegmental Changes between Leizhou Dialect and Putonghua

  15. 结果表明,用最优分割模型法分析电话普及率,可以去除人为主观因素影响,在变量多时也能精确快速地给样本作出最佳的分割。

    The analytic results show that through the method of optimum classify modeling , the subjective effects can be removed and the optimum classification for the samples can also be quickly given in the case of many variables .

  16. GM(1,1)模型在固定电话主线普及率预测中的应用

    An Application of Grey Model GM ( 1,1 ) to the Prediction of Main Telephone Lines Per 100 Inhabitants

  17. 据乌镇互联网大会分论坛主持人,中国广播电台副台长王晓辉介绍,截至2014年底,全球有52亿移动电话用户,普及率达到73%。

    Until the end of 2014 , there 're 5.2 billion mobile phone users around the world and its popularizing rate reaches to 73 percent , according to Wang Xiaohui , vice chief of China National Radio at the sub forum in Wuzhen .

  18. 在无线通信市场最为发达的一些国家,移动电话的数量已经超过了固定电话的数量,并且移动电话的普及率超过了80%。

    The number of mobile phones with 80 % penetration exceeds the number of landline phones in countries with the most advanced wireless market .