
diàn zǐ chǎn pǐn
  • Electronics;electronic product;electronic goods
  1. 购买者将获得可换取其它电子产品的环保积分返点,这样既刺激了消费又推动了绿色议程(GreenAgenda)。

    Buyers will be given eco point rebates that can be traded in for other electronic goods so boosting both consumption and the green agenda .

  2. 2002年,苹果公司在中国为其电子产品申请了“iPhone”商标,但是直到2013年才真正核准通过。

    In 2002 , Apple applied for the " iPhone " trademark for its electronic goods in China , but it wasn 't actually granted until 2013 .

  3. 美国打算取消电子产品等的关税。

    America wants to eliminate tariffs on items such as electronics .

  4. 飞利浦决心保持其在消费类电子产品领域的世界领先地位。

    In the field of consumer electronics , Philips is determined to remain a world leader

  5. 与飞利浦公司的交易也使斯巴克得以进入一个新市场——消费类电子产品。

    The Philips deal also gives Sparc a foot in the door of a new market — consumer electronics .

  6. 现在的趋势是追求“有品位”的电子产品——人们渴望拥有那些黑色锃亮、非常炫丽的东西。

    The trend now is towards ' lifestyle ' electronics — black , shiny gee-whiz things that people like to own .

  7. 他是一家特大型电子产品公司的经理。

    He is a manager of a giant electronics company .

  8. 消费类电子产品展大都追求炫酷。

    So much of what CES has been about is the cool .

  9. 浏览一下今年消费类电子产品展销会上的精彩部分,你或许会感觉似曾相识。

    Scan the highlights of this year 's Consumer Electronics Show ( CES ) , and you may get a slight feeling of having seen them before .

  10. 他小时候就对电子产品着迷,建立Heathldt自己动手项目,比如收音机。

    He was fascinated by electronics as a child , building Heath kit do-it-yourself projects , like radios .

  11. 全球电子产品生产巨头思科系统公司的主席约翰·钱伯斯说“我们和市场转型竞争,而不是和对手竟争。”

    John Chambers , chairman of Cisco Systems Inc. , a worldwide leader in electronics products , says that " we compete against market transitions , not competitors . "

  12. 研究小组的数据只持续到2007年,但研究人员还探讨了如果消费者用新的电子产品替代旧产品,比如用于文字处理和电视观看的平板电脑,会发生什么情况。

    The team 's data only went up to 2007 , but the researchers also explored what would happen if consumers replaced old products with new electronics that serve more than one function , such as a tablet for word processing and TV viewing .

  13. 如果你有不想要的电子产品,给它们找个新家。

    If you have unwanted electronics , find a new home for them .

  14. 小时候,他经常和父亲一起做电子产品。

    As a child , he often worked with his father on electronics .

  15. 小时候,在空闲时间,我喜欢玩电子产品。

    As a child , in my free time , I enjoyed playing with electronics .

  16. 我喜欢玩电子产品。

    I enjoyed playing with electronics .

  17. 作为青少年,如果我们好好利用电子产品,他们可以给我们的生活增添更多乐趣,成为我们学习的好帮手。

    As teenagers , if we put the e-products into good use , they can add more fun to our life and become good helpers to our study .

  18. 生活在"互联网"时代,越来越多的电子产品和应用程序在很多方面改变了人们的生活方式,如阅读习惯和体育赛事。

    Living in the age of " Internet " , more and more electronic products and Apps have changed people 's lifestyles in many ways , such as reading habits and sports events .

  19. “矩形时间”这一短语也可以应用于其他电子产品,如电脑、iPad等。

    The term can also apply to other electronics , such as computers , iPads , etc.

  20. 如果你对电子产品和社交媒体上瘾,那么没有比戒掉它们更可怕的事情了。

    If you 're addicted and social media , going cold turkey has never been scarier .

  21. 与此同时,中国对欧洲的出口得益于对医疗设备和电子产品的强劲需求。

    Meanwhile , China 's exports to Europe benefited from strong demand for medical equipment and electronics .

  22. “先逛店后网购”现象似乎在购买电子产品时更常见,因为很多人在购买电子产品之前都愿意试用一下。

    Showrooming , it seems , is particularly prevalent in the purchase of electronic products , where consumers may like to test before they buy .

  23. 欧洲漫长的封锁期制造了对电子产品、娱乐产品以及医疗保健产品的巨大需求,其中很多产品都是中国制造。

    The extended lockdown in Europe created a huge demand for electronics , entertainment and health care goods , many of which are manufactured in China .

  24. 回收这些电子产品对于保留垃圾填埋空间以及确保这些用于制造电子产品的危险品得以正确处理至关重要。

    Recycling , or " E-cycling , " these and other electronic items is critical for preserving landfill space and for ensuring that hazardous2 materials used to make electronics are properly disposed .

  25. 消费电子产品背光照明系统中一个重要的单元之一就是白光LED背光驱动芯片。

    One important element of consumer electronics backlight system is white LED backlight driver IC .

  26. PCB板设计与电子产品的电磁兼容性

    Print Circuit Board designing and the EMC of electronics products

  27. EPC(ElectronicProductCode:电子产品码)概念的提出源于射频识别技术和计算机网络技术的发展。

    The conception of Electronic Product Code is based on the development of Radio Frequency Identification and computer network technology .

  28. TH公司是国家大型军工电子产品制造骨干企业。

    The TH Company is a national military point business enterprise , which manufacture electronics equipment .

  29. IT、AV类电子产品阻燃试验的选择

    Selection of Flame Retardant Testing of IT , AV Products

  30. FMEA工作是提高航空非电子产品可靠性的重要手段

    FMEA 's Importance for Improvement of Aviation Non - electric Product Reliability