
  • 网络Power electronics;power electronics technology;power electronic technology
  1. 基于MATLAB的电力电子技术软件实验系统

    A Software Experiment System for Power Electronics Technology Based on MATLAB

  2. Matlab在电力电子技术中的仿真研究

    The Simulation Study of Power Electronics Technology in MATLAB

  3. Hall电流传感器是新型电力电子技术中不可缺少的检测器之一。

    Hall current sensor is one of the detectors indispensable to the new electric powder and electronic technologies .

  4. EDA仿真技术在电力电子技术实践教学中的应用

    The application of EDA emulational technique in electric power and electron practice teaching

  5. 控制理论、电力电子技术和数字IC技术的不断突破为励磁控制系统的发展注入了强大的动力。

    The breakthrough of Control theory , power electronics and digitalIC technology provides a powerful impetus to the development of the excitation controlsystem .

  6. 近些年,快速发展的电力电子技术使得越来越多的FACTS元件应用于电力系统。

    In recent years , the rapid development of power electronics technology enables a growing number of FACTS devices to be applied into power systems .

  7. 随着电力电子技术进一步发展,PWM逆变器在各种电力电子装置中得到了广泛的应用。

    With the further development of power electronics technology , PWM inverter has been widely used in a variety of power electronic devices .

  8. 随着电力电子技术和自动化技术的推广,有源电力滤波器(ActivePowerfilter,APF)的研究不断取得新的突破。

    With the development and popularization of Power Electric Technology and Automation Technology , there is incessant new breakthrough in the research field of APF ( Active Power Filter ) .

  9. 为此,高功率因数和低电流谐波畸变的PWM整流器成为电力电子技术应用中的研究热点。

    Therefore , high power factor and low current harmonic distortion of PWM rectifier is becoming a hot spot of power electronic technology application .

  10. 功率因数校正(PFC)作为电力电子技术领域里非常重要的内容,本文对其进行了一些研究,并将其应用于LED恒流源的设计中。

    As the very important content in power electronic technology , power factor correction ( PFC ) is studied to design LED constant current source .

  11. 随着电力电子技术、控制技术以及计算机技术的飞速发展,基于现场可编程门阵列(FPGA)的电机控制得到了越来越多的关注。

    Along with the rapid development of power electronic technology , control technology and computer technology , Motor control gets more and more attention based on the FPGA .

  12. 随着绿色能源技术的快速发展,PWM整流器技术已成为电力电子技术研究的热点和亮点。

    With the fast developing technology of green energy , an ever-enhanced attention has been focused to the PWM rectifier in the field of power electronics .

  13. 随着电力电子技术的不断发展,IGBT逆变桥在能量转换电路中的应用日益广泛。

    The inverter-bridges of IGBT are applied to big power converting applications more widely with the develop of Power Electronics Technology .

  14. 本文论述以VB为开发工具,结合Flash动画制作,在电力电子技术多媒体教学软件中实现电力电子变流电路仿真运行动态演示效果的方法。

    This paper describes an approach to implement dynamic simulation operation of power electronics circuits in the course of Power Electronic Technology with VB combined with Flash .

  15. 该文叙述了EDA仿真技术在电力电子技术实践教学中的应用,并以Boost电路为例对其进行了仿真和分析。

    The application of EDA emulational technique in electric power and electron practice teaching is introduced in this paper . The Boost circuit is emulated and analyzed .

  16. 随着半导体技术、电力电子技术、控制技术以及微处理器技术的飞速发展,利用高速微处理器DSP控制交流调压,实现正弦波节能调光成为了可能。

    As the rapid development of semiconductor technology , power electronics , micro-control technology , and microprocessor technology , using sine wave dimmers controlled AC voltage to achieve energy-efficient by high-speed DSP is possible .

  17. 无刷直流电机(BrushlessDCMotor简称BLDCM)是随着电力电子技术发展和新型永磁材料出现而迅速发展起来的一种新型机电一体化电机。

    Brushless DC Motor ( Brushless DC Motor ab. BLDCM ) is a new type of electrical-mechanical motor with the development of power electronics technology and new permanent magnetic materials .

  18. VDMOS是将微电子技术和电力电子技术融合起来的新一代功率半导体器件。

    VDMOS is microelectronics and power electronics integrate a new generation of power semiconductor devices .

  19. 软开关PWM技术集谐振变换器与PWM控制的优点于一体,既能实现功率管的零电压开关,又能实现功率管的恒定频率控制,是电力电子技术的发展方向之一。

    Soft-switching PWM technique integrates the advantage of resonant converter and constant frequency modulator , which realizes zero-voltage-switching in constant frequency , and is one of the development trends of power electronics .

  20. PWM调制技术已广泛应用于电力电子技术中,但PWM调制信号含有大量的高次谐波,成为产生EMI的主要原因之一。

    Though PWM modulation technology has already been used in power converter abroad , it becomes a main reason which can produces EMI because PWM modulation signal contains abundant high harmonic .

  21. 由于IPM中的功率器件在测试过程中易损坏等原因,使得研究IPM的测试技术成为当前电力电子技术的热点之一。

    Improper control can destroy IPM , so the research on test technology of IPM become one of the hotspots of electric and electronic technology .

  22. 随着电力电子技术飞速发展,AC-DC变换器等电源设备给电力系统带来了严重的谐波污染问题。

    With the development of power electronics , the AC-DC power supplies have brought serious harmonic pollution problems to the power system .

  23. 随着电力电子技术和新能源发电的快速发展,出现了基于VSC(VoltageSourcedConverters)技术的柔性直流输电系统,VSC-HVDC。

    With the rapid development of electronic technology and renewable energy generation , there emerges flexible DC transmission system based on voltage sourced converters ( VSCs ) which is called VSC-HVDC .

  24. 随着超导技术和电力电子技术的发展,三相电流源型变流器(CSC)在超导储能领域依然占有主导地位。

    With the development of the technology of superconducting and power electronics , three-phase current source converter remains its dominant status in superconducting magnetic energy storage field .

  25. 在某型机载相控阵雷达中,阵面电源采用移相控制零电压软开关PWM变换技术,既能实现功率管的零电压开关,又能实现功率管的恒定频率控制,符合电力电子技术的发展方向。

    A PS-ZVS PWM soft switching power supply is applied in an airborne phased array radar , which realizes both zero-voltage-switching and constant frequency control of power tube and accords with the development trend of electrical and electronic technology .

  26. 在电力电子技术领域中,逆变技术有着其重要地位,它是现代电力传动系统中的主要支撑,是不间断电源(UPS)的核心技术。

    In the field of power electronics , Inversion Technology plays an important role . It is the main supporting technology of modern electric drive system and the core technology of Uninterruptible Power Supply ( UPS ) .

  27. 本课题研究了嵌入式系统在SVC控制系统中的应用,是嵌入式计算机技术与电力电子技术结合的一个实例。

    This topic research embedded computer system in the SVC ( Static Var Compensator ) control system application . This is embedded computer technology and an electric power electronic technology union example .

  28. 随着电力电子技术、PWM调制技术、计算机控制技术、交流电动机的控制技术的发展,交流调速系统由于其坚固耐用、运行可靠等众多优点,正在逐步取代以前直流调速系统,在传动领域占据主导地位。

    By the development of power electronics , PWM technology , computer control and AC motor control , AC speed regulation system is replacing AC speed regulation system by its many faults such as solidity , safety and so on .

  29. 近年来随着永磁材料、现代电力电子技术、计算机技术和现代控制理论的迅猛发展,无刷直流电动机(BrushlessDirectCurrentMotor-BLDCM)调速系统也逐渐成熟起来。

    In recent years , DC Brushless motor ( Brushless Direct Current Motor-BLDCM ) are growing quickly with the rapid development of permanent magnet materials , modern power electronics technology , computer technology and modern control theory .

  30. 论文对基于现代电力电子技术的并联型有源电力滤波器(ShuntAPF)补偿配电系统谐波和无功电流问题进行了理论研究。

    The paper does the theoretical study of this problem which Shunt Active power Filter ( Shunt APF ) based on the modern power electronic technology compensates the harmonics and reactive current of the distributing system .