- Deep-focus earthquake;palintectic earthquake;anatectic earthquake;bathyseism

The principal compressive stress direction of the intermediate and deep-focus earthquakes varies from NW to NE gradually with the depth rising . The axis P elevations of principal compressive stress are gentle .
During the first half of the year 2002 , there were 16 earthquakes of M ≥ 6.5 occurring in the world , including 13 shallow focus earthquakes , 2 intermediate focus earthquakes and 1 deep focus earthquake ;
Shear instability originated from viscous heating due to shear strain in a Maxwell body is investigated - Using the approach of stability analysis we have deduced the condition under which shear heating instability occures and discussed the implication for the origin of deep focus earthquakes .
Results from the Chinese seismological statistical examinations have disclosed the 1st-20th periods of the solar activity in the following , 1.The magnitude of deep-focus earthquakes ≥ 5 ( not including aftershocks ) is closely correlated with the lgR linearly .
By means of the deep focus earthquake catalogue , the diving plate shape which the depth is more than 500 km was studied . The diving coefficient of the diving belt and three-dimensional shape of the diving belt in Philippines and Banda island arc was given in this paper .
Deep earthquakes : faulting triggered by the olivine → spinel transformation
Aftershock occurrence rate decay properties for intermediate and deep earthquake sequences
A new mechanism of deep-focus earthquakes : anticrack faulting
Understanding Earthquake Source Radiation one deep focus earthquake .
Development of software for process deep focus earthquakes
An overview of the deep earthquake research
Shear heating instability and its application to the study of mechanism of deep focus earthquakes
One deep focus earthquake .
Rheology of mantle minerals at high pressure and high temperature , and its influence on deep earthquakes
In West Region are mainly intermediate and deep-focus earthquakes , while in East Region are all shallow focus ones .
On June 28 , a deep focus earthquake of M W 7.3 occurred in Wangqing , Jilin Province of China .
The results of high temperature and high pressure experimental research indicate that the occurrence of deep-focus earthquakes is closely related to the mantle phase transformation .
The Kurile lsland earth-quake occurring on October 4 was the largest shallow-focus earthquake , and the Bolivian earth-quake occurring on June 9 was the largest deep-focus earthquake .
There obviously exists a intermediate and deep-focus earthquake zone striking northeast-southwest in the Painter region . The distribution of its focal-mechanism solutions is of apparent regional characteristics .
In this paper the authors discussed the pattern , time and space evolutional characteristics before two deep source earthquakes , occurred in Wangqing and Hunchun County , Jilin Province .
Global seismic imaging and deep source seismic data have revealed that some formerly subducted fragments ( slabs ) seem to have continuously or intermittently sunk to the CMB and returned into the mantle plumes originated from the boundary .
18.6 years cycles of large intermediate and deep focus earthquakes in the world 's major seismic regions
Seismic regions in which large intermediate and deep focus earthquakes have significant 18.6 years cycle have been determined by analyzing correlation between the events and the tropic longitude of lunar ascending node .
The seismicity level of deep-and intermediate-focus earthquakes was also relatively lower .
Altogether there were 7 deep focus and intermediate focus earthquakes occurring over the globe .
Mechanism of earth dynamics of synchronous activity for deep focus and shallow focus earthquakes in Northeast China
This paper studied the time sequence features of the deep-seated seismicity in Northeast China deep-seated earthquake region and shows clearer cycle with alternate quiet and active periods , i. e , after deep-seated earthquake activity the shallow seismicity is relatively strengthened .
Study on superplastic deformation of rocks has significant implications for formative mechanism of mylonites , origin of deep seismic reflector near the Moho of the lower crust , rheological weakening of upper mantle , and occurrence and abrupt stop of deep earthquakes .
Deep seated earthquakes , often severe in magnitude , generally occur beneath subduction zones , as one plate is forced deep into the mantle beneath another .