
  • 网络The Deep-Sea Trenches;Trench
  1. 在别的地方,两块板块又可能相向移动而沿着深海沟和岛弧逐渐聚合。

    Elsewhere , two plates may shift toward each other and converge along a deepsea trench and island arc .

  2. 继1960年两名男子对这一太平洋最深海沟进行了一次20分钟的造访之后,卡梅隆是只身潜入马里亚纳海沟底部的第一人。

    Cameron is the first person to explore the deepest valley in the ocean since two men made a 20-minute trip there in 1960 .

  3. 布什总统指出,受保护的地区包括马利亚纳海沟的一部分,那是世界上最深的海沟。

    President Bush notes the protected zones include parts of the Mariana Trench - the world 's deepest canyon .

  4. 一道很深的海沟把南极洲一分为二。把冰球场地一分为二的红线。

    A deep trough divides the two parts of the Antarctic . a line that is colored red bisects an ice hockey rink .

  5. 最后,大洋板块的地质不同于从广泛的岛周围浅滩到世界中一些最深的海沟。

    Finally , the topography of the ocean floor varies from extensive shoals around the islands to some of the deepest marine trenches in the world .

  6. 在日本富山湾海下三四百米深的海沟中栖息着大量荧光乌贼,他们的一生大部分时间生活在海底,每年的3月至6月浮到海面产卵。

    Firefly squids spend most of their life near the ocean floor . Every year around March to June , they will come to the surface to fertilize and drop eggs on the shoreline at night .