
dān yuán
  • unit;cell;module;location;unit element
单元 [dān yuán]
  • [unit] 整体中自为一组或自成系统的独立单位

单元[dān yuán]
  1. 这个单元现在为本课程既定的一部分。

    This unit is now an established part of the course .

  2. 现在完成时在第8单元讲解。

    The present perfect is covered in Unit 8 .

  3. 我们听到楼下单元房传来愤怒的喊叫。

    We heard angry shouts coming from the flat below .

  4. 许多大的老房子已改建成单元房。

    Many large old houses have been converted into flats .

  5. 她把她的单元房间保持得很整洁。

    She keeps her flat very tidy .

  6. 经理带我们去看了我们所谓的“豪华单元”。

    The manager showed us to our ' luxury apartment ' , in inverted commas .

  7. 这些单元让孩子们接触到有关某一特定问题的多种观点。

    These units exposed children to many viewpoints of a given issue .

  8. 他的微观经济学授课单元有250名学生。

    He has 250 students in his microeconomics module .

  9. 这些课程要上12周,分为3个单元,每单元4周。

    These courses cover a twelve-week period and are organised into three four-week modules .

  10. 该课程在结构上以单元划分。

    The course is modular in structure .

  11. 两位编者一致同意把该教材分成10个单元。

    The two compilers agreed upon a division of the textbook into ten units .

  12. 她住在顶层的单元房中。

    She lives in the top flat .

  13. 现在从考察一无应力物体中的圆球形单元体开始讨论。

    We begin by considering a spherical element in an unstressed body .

  14. 这些非抗震的建筑单元内部为钢构架。

    These nonrestrictive units had concrete floors on an interior steel frame .

  15. 相当一部分溶质离子聚集形成胶体大小的单元。

    A substantial portion of the solution is aggregated to form units of colloidal size .

  16. 目前我们住单元房很满意,不过不久也许我们想要住个单门独院的房子。

    We 're happy living in a flat for the moment but we may want to move to a house soon .

  17. 可以区分出来作为植物群落学单位的植被的最小部分是“群落单元。”

    The smallest part of the plant cover that can be distinguished as a PHYTOCOENOLOGICAL unit is the " coenocell . "

  18. 坳陷构造是地壳表层的基本构造单元,它叠加在大的板块(或地块)构造之上,属于二级结构构造。

    Depression-Uplift structure is a basic structural unit developed on crustal surface , it is secondary structure and is superposed upon larger plate tectonics .

  19. FAST由4450个反射面板单元组成。

    FAST is made up of 4,450 panels .

  20. 当你完成一个单元的学习时,找时间复习。

    Look for time when you complete a unit of study .

  21. 学校教科书分成一些学习单元。

    School textbooks are divided into units of study .

  22. 记下你在本单元学到的新东西。

    Write down some notes on the new things that you learned in the unit .

  23. 有时,看到某种测试时,你就知道一个单元结束了。

    Sometimes you know the unit is over because there is some kind of test .

  24. 目前有许多微计算机允许你直接访问某个存储单元。

    Many microcomputers do allow you to directly address a memory address .

  25. 最后,本文重点研究了由加寄生天线的单元组成的天线阵列。

    Finally , the array antennas composed of parasitical cells are mainly researched .

  26. 在这一单元中,有许多形容词,请依据前面所讲,写出他们的比较级

    In this unit , are many adjectives . Please write their comparatives .

  27. 这些构造单元是由构造原因,依一定的时空序列拼贴在一起的。

    The units are collaged together by a serial tectonic spatially and temporally .

  28. 北美大陆是由三个构造单元组成的。

    The North American continent is made up of three great structural entities .

  29. 字法单元的主题包括简洁、重复、简单的字等等。

    The topics of Diction section include Conciseness , Repetition Simple Words , and etc.

  30. 该砂层单元通常为厚层或块状,具粉砂质和碳质纹层

    This sandstone unit is commonly thick-bedded and massive , with silty and carbonaceous laminations .