
  • 网络Sheep farming;sheep industry;sheep husbandry
  1. 在第四章中,从社会经济的角度来分析养羊业,特别分析了圈地运动与养羊业的相互关系。

    In the fourth chapter , from the standpoint of socio-economic analysis of sheep husbandry , special analyzes the relationship between the enclosure and sheep farming .

  2. 安塞县养羊业发展研究

    A Study on the Development of Sheep Husbandry in Ansai County

  3. 由山羊关节炎脑炎病毒(CAEV)引发的山羊关节炎脑炎(CAE)是世界养羊业中破坏力最强、经济学意义最重要的病毒性传染病。

    Caprine arthritis and encephalitis ( CAE ) caused by Caprine arthritis encephalitis virus ( CAEV ) is one of the most destructive and economically important viral disease of the goat industry worldwide .

  4. 世界养羊业的发展

    The development trend of global sheep and goat rais in g

  5. 世界旱区养羊业概貌

    A general survey of sheep-raising in arid areas over the world

  6. 黄河三角洲地区养羊业发展战略研究

    Study on the Development Strategies of Sheep-breeding in Yellow River Delta Area

  7. 养羊业在这里难有收益。

    It 's difficult to make sheep farming pay here .

  8. 群选法在中国养羊业中的应用

    The Utility of Mass Breeding in Sheep Production in China

  9. 以草定畜,合理发展养羊业。

    Plan the feeding according to the grass and develop the sheep-feeding reasonably .

  10. 新疆养羊业可持续发展与生态环境的探讨

    Quest to the Sustaining Development of Xinjiang Breeding Sheep Industry and Ecology Environment

  11. 养羊业、毛纺工业市场调节系统的动态仿真

    Dynamic Analogue for Marketing Regulation System of the Sheep farming and Spinning Wool Production

  12. 中国细毛养羊业发展战略

    Development Strategy of Fine wool Sheep in China

  13. 四川养羊业现状与可持续发展的对策

    Current Situation of Sheep Husbandry in Sichuan Province and Countermeasures for Its Continuative Development

  14. 新疆养羊业的现状和对策

    Xinjiang sheep industry at present and countermeasure

  15. 绵羊的多胎性状是养羊业获得更多经济效益的重要途径。

    The trait of prolificacy of sheep was an important approach increasing more economic benefit .

  16. 针对湟源县绵羊品种退化,生产性能低下,制约着养羊业的发展。

    Sheep breed degraded and productivity was low , developing of sheep multiplication was restricted .

  17. 养羊业的引种和种性资源保护与利用

    Protection and Utilization of Introduced Species

  18. 肉羊胚胎移植和经济杂交技术在海北州养羊业中的应用

    Application of Technology of Embryo Transfer and Commercial Crossbreeding of Mutton Sheep in Haibei sheep Husbandry

  19. 随着养牛、养羊业的规模不断扩大,青贮玉米的种植面积也不断增大。

    With the development of cattle and sheep raising , the sown area of silage corn expanded .

  20. 在羊毛贸易和纺织业上,养羊业起着十分重要的作用。

    On the trade in wool and textile industry , sheep industry plays a very important role .

  21. 随着盐城地区养羊业的发展,球虫病的危害日趋严重。

    With the development of goat industry in Yancheng area , the damage of coccidiosis become worse .

  22. 对河北省的肉羊饲养状况进行了调查。1985年以来河北省养羊业基本保持平稳增长的势头。

    Since 1985 , the mutton sheep and goat raising was kept on the tendency with steady increasing .

  23. 该病在我国的西北地区大量的分布,对养羊业的发展存在着一定的潜在威胁。

    Ovis is widespread in the northwest of China and has become latent threatening to development of sheep husbandry .

  24. 目前小反刍兽疫在世界范围内广泛流行,对我国的养羊业构成严重威胁。

    Peste des petits ruminants is popular in the world also a serious threat to the sheep industry of China .

  25. 因此,世界上养羊业发达国家都把肥羔生产作为羊肉生产的重点。

    Therefore , the developed country in the cultured sheep trade in the world regards fattening sheep production as emphasis of sheep meat production .

  26. 这些技术的应用使养羊业育种和生产水平大为提高,产生了显著的经济效益。

    The application of biological technique not only improves the level of sheep breeding and production , but also brings about obvious economical results .

  27. 新疆养羊业是新疆畜牧业的主体,草地是畜牧业生产的重要资源。

    Xinjiang breeding sheep industry is the main body of Xinjiang livestock industry and grassland is the important resources in producing of livestock industry .

  28. 随着我国养羊业的发展和草原载畜力的下降,舍饲养羊已经成为我国养羊业的发展方向。

    With the development of sheep industry and decrease of stocking capacity of the pasture in China , sheep housing system has been becoming its developing trend .

  29. 劳役的消失,租佃制的繁盛以及养羊业的发展,引起经营方式的转变;

    Secondly , the abolishment of penal servitude , the prosperous tenancy of demesne lands and development of sheep-farming contributed to the change in the management styles ;

  30. 陕北老区养羊业发展历史悠久,养羊业是其畜牧主导产业中重要的传统优势产业,又是人们经常强烈地干预着的大农业生态经济系统中重要的生态经济子系统之一。

    Sheep raising has a long history in northern Shaanxi and is a leading industry in husbandry , which has great influence on ecological environment and economy .