
liàn jiāo méi
  • coking coal;cinder coal;coal for cooking
  1. 通过煤质改性提高非炼焦煤在炼焦过程中用量的试验研究炼焦过程中多环芳烃与NOx产生的相关性

    Study on Increasing the Usage of Non-coking Coal in Coke-Making by Adding Coal Modifying Additive into Coal Blend EMITTING RELATIVITY OF POLYCYLIC AROMATIC HYDROCARBONS AND NO_x IN COKING

  2. 美国矿业公司皮博迪能源(PeabodyEnergy)估计,去年中国进口了3500万吨炼焦煤,远高于2008年的700万吨。

    Peabody Energy , the US-based miner , estimates that China imported 35m tonnes of coking coal last year , up from 7m tonnes in 2008 .

  3. 自去年起,随着钢铁产量大幅飙升,铁矿石和炼焦煤价格也翻了一番,推高了必和必拓及其竞争对手力拓(RioTinto)和巴西淡水河谷(ValeofBrazil)的盈利能力。

    The price of iron ore and coking coal has doubled since last year as steel production surged , boosting the profitability of BHP Billiton and rivals Rio Tinto and Vale of Brazil .

  4. COREX是用非炼焦煤与氧气的熔融还原炼铁法,取代传统的高炉、焦炉、烧结组成的炼铁系统。

    COREX ironmaking means that conventional ironmaking system with blast furnace , coke oven and sintering circuit is replaced by melting reduction ironmaking with non-coking coal and oxygen .

  5. COREX流程是目前世界上以非炼焦煤为主要还原剂,能大规模生产铁水的成熟工艺;

    At present , the COREX process is the only technology existing on an industrial scale which directly produces hot metal from ore and non-coking coal as reductant ;

  6. COREX熔融还原炼铁工艺采用非炼焦煤直接炼铁,缩短了工艺流程,减轻了炼铁工业对环境的污染,生产过程产生的大量优质煤气可以用于生产热压块。

    The COREX process for hot metal has been known as an advanced technology due to the use of non-coke coal which can shorten the production route , greatly lighten pollution of iron making process , and offgas can be used for production of HBI .

  7. 炼焦煤洗煤厂利润仿真优化

    The Simulation and Optimization of Profits of Coking Coal Preparation Plants

  8. 溶剂抽提法制取炼焦煤粘结剂的研究

    Research on the binder OTF of coking coal by solvent extraction

  9. 炼焦煤性质对焦炭热性能影响研究探讨

    The Effect Study of Coking Coal Qualities on Coke Thermal Property

  10. 废塑料与炼焦煤低温共焦化过程的研究

    Study of low temperture CO-CARBONIZATION OF coking-coal with waste plastics

  11. 中国真的缺乏优质炼焦煤供应。

    China really lacks supplies of good quality coking coal .

  12. 进口炼焦煤性能试验研究

    Research on the import coking coal performance by testing

  13. 优化配煤结构和炼焦煤资源的研究

    Optimization of coal blending structure and coking-coal resource

  14. 炼焦煤干燥和选择粉碎技术

    Coking coal drying and selective crushing technology

  15. 今年第三季度,由于钢铁生产旺盛,铁矿石和炼焦煤价格又大幅上涨了20%至30%。

    In the third quarter , with steel production booming , prices jumped another 20-30 per cent .

  16. 炼焦煤市场分析

    Analysis for Coking Coal Market

  17. 自给自足为该公司提供了一些弹性:阿塞洛-米塔尔所需的铁矿石与炼焦煤,50%至60%是自己生产的。

    Self-sufficiency allows some flexibility : ArcelorMittal produces 50-60 per cent of its ore and coal needs .

  18. 炼焦煤用于在高炉中冶炼铁矿石生产钢铁。

    Coking coal is used , together with iron ore , in blast furnaces to manufacture steel .

  19. 为了保证焦炭质量,优质炼焦煤的配入量需50%左右。

    In order to ensure high coke quality , 50 % high quality coke coal must be added .

  20. 炼焦煤用于炼钢,而火电厂为电煤提供了一个市场。

    Coking coal is used to make steel , while power plants provide a market for thermal coal .

  21. 2005年炼焦煤价格经历了先升后降再回升的波动。

    In2005 , coking coal price experienced the undulation of rising first , and then falling and rising again .

  22. 我国炼焦煤对外贸易分析与煤-焦-铁价格动态关系研究

    Analysis on International Trade of China 's Coking Coal and Research on the Price 's Dynamic Relation about Coking Coal-Coke-Pigiron

  23. 炼焦煤,焦炭:一种可转化为经得起装运的有用的焦炭的煤。

    Coking coal : Coal which can be converted into useful coke that must be strong enough to withstand handling .

  24. 炼焦煤和铁矿石这两种钢铁行业主要原材料价格的飞升,已经使钢铁制造商身心俱疲。

    Rocketing prices for coking coal and iron ore , the two main components of steel , have left steelmakers shell-shocked .

  25. 列侬表示:总体来说,在2010年第二季度,炼焦煤市场供应仍将显得非常紧张。

    Overall the coking coal market continues to look extremely tight through the second quarter of 2010 , said Mr Lennon .

  26. 型焦技术是合理利用非炼焦煤资源或扩大煤焦煤资源的有效途径,工艺条件对型焦质量影响很大。

    The technology of formed cokes is an effective way for making rational use of noncaking coal resources or extending coking coal resources .

  27. 据一家日本钢铁制造商透露,根据合同,炼焦煤价格初步将大幅上涨55%左右。

    The price of coking coal under the contracts will surge initially by about 55 per cent , according to one Japanese steelmaker .

  28. 文章介绍了炼焦煤调湿技术和煤泥干燥成型技术的特点和工艺构成,以及工业应用实例。

    An introduction is made to the techniques as stated above , their respective features , process links and examples of filed application .

  29. 炼焦煤价格总体稳定,稀缺煤种价格仍将保持在高位。

    The coking coal price will be stable on the whole , and the price of scarce coal will still maintain at high level .

  30. 炼焦煤价格则将增至每吨225美元,远高于第二季度的200美元和去年的129美元。

    Coking coal prices would hit $ 225 a tonne next quarter , up from $ 200 in April-June and $ 129 last year .