
liàn jīn shù shì
  • alchemist;hermetist
炼金术士[liàn jīn shù shì]
  1. 乍看上去,它完全像是一位炼金术士的幻术。

    At first glance , it all seems an alchemist 's illusion .

  2. Fulcanelli(1839-?1953)是19世纪后期一个法国炼金术士,同时他也作为作家,这是他的笔名,至今他的身份仍不能确定。

    Fulcanelli ( 1839 - ? 1953 ) is a pseudonym of a late19th century French Alchemist and author whose identity is still unknown .

  3. 对炼金术士来说,金子是正直廉洁的化身。

    To the alchemists , gold was the embodiment of incorruptibility .

  4. 炼金术士是今日科学家的先驱。

    The alchemists were the forerunners of the scientists of today .

  5. 那么,你想做一个炼金术士,还是一个化学家呢?

    Would you rather be an alchemist or a chemist ?

  6. 例如如果想制作药水,可以成为炼金术士。

    If you want to make potions , then be an Alchemist .

  7. 一位德国的炼金术士试图将白银炼成黄金。

    A German alchemist tried to transmute silver into gold .

  8. 炼金术士认为存在的万能溶剂或与之相关的。

    Of or pertaining to the alkahest that alchemists assumed to exist .

  9. 这位著名的炼金术士去年度过了他的第665个生日。“

    the noted alchemist who last year celebrated his 665th birthday . "

  10. 炼金术士是不会接受自然金属不可变化的性质的。

    The alchemists were unable to accept the inconvertible nature of elemental metals .

  11. 在消费品市场上,资源的重复利用已经导致出现许多炼金术士。

    In consumer markets , recycling has already spawned an array of alchemists .

  12. 这些炼金术士的活动渐渐变得更社会化、合作化。

    Very gradually the activities of these alchemists became more social and cooperative .

  13. 一直到19世纪炼金术士的制金方法才为人们所怀疑。

    Not until the19th century were the gold-making processes of alchemists finally discredited .

  14. 他施展讽刺挖苦的本领,猛烈挞伐了炼金术士。

    With caustic wit , he made a fierce assault on the alchemists .

  15. 中世纪的欧洲炼金术士有了一些新发现,包括无机酸和乙醇。

    Medieval European alchemists made some useful discoveries , including mineral acids and alcohol .

  16. 炼金术士们发现在炼制黄金过程中,有几种原料对他们特别有用。

    Alchemists found that a number of materials were especially useful in their work .

  17. 由于这位炼金术士提出的理论令人惊恐,他总是被同僚们疏远。

    The alchemist had always been alienated from his peers because of his alarming theories .

  18. 意思可能是金匠,也可能是炼金术士。

    So it can mean " goldsmith , " but also possibly " alchemist . "

  19. 好吧,我总认为自己是个炼金术士和变化的催化剂。

    Well , I 've always seen myself as an alchemist , a catalyst for change .

  20. 凯利是个恶名昭彰的伪造者、秘主义者和炼金术士,相当熟悉卡丹格板。

    Kelley was a notorious forger , mystic and alchemist who was familiar with Cardan grilles .

  21. 设想一下,如果一位炼金术士能够零成本地把铅炼成金,结果会怎样呢?

    Imagine what would happen if an alchemist could transform lead into gold , at no cost .

  22. 有些炼金术士很诚实。

    Other alchemists were honest .

  23. 他希望自己的生命有着无限可能,他甚至自喻为炼金术士。

    He wants his life to represent possibilities , and he even considers himself a metaphorical alchemist .

  24. 瑞萨是第一个能将无用金属转化成水银的炼金术士。

    Rissa was the first Alchemist to perfect the art of converting useless soft metals into mercury .

  25. 除了炼制金子之外,炼金术士们还试图获得另外的两样东西。

    Besides gold , there were two other things that alchemists tried to make in their laboratories .

  26. 旅行在欧洲地图上&比利时:医生和炼金术士

    Belgium doctor & Alchemist

  27. 点金石(旧时炼金术士认为能使金属变成黄金的物质)。

    Philosopher 's stone ( it was formerly believed by alchemists , would change any metal into gold )

  28. 自最后一位炼金术士停止他那无望的寻求至今,时间才过去200年左右。

    It is only about two hundred years since the last a chemist gave up his hopeless search .

  29. 她是我们的炼金术士,她把生活中一切美好的东西融为和谐的力量。

    She shall be our alchemist , to mingle all the good of life in one salubrious draught .

  30. 在她早期的炼金术士生涯中,薇多米娜有一次在地穴之岛发现了一个传说中的宝物。

    In her early alchemist days , Vidomina once sought a legendary artifact on the Isle of Crypts .