
  • 网络Ruhstahl Hausen
  1. 现在世界上主要有三大炼钢方法,即氧气转炉、平炉、电炉。

    Now there are three major methods of steelmaking .

  2. 这是一种新的炼钢方法。

    It 's a new process for tempering steel .

  3. 目前,复吹转炉冶炼技术已成为世界上主要的炼钢方法。

    At present , it has become the main steelmaking process in the world .

  4. CONARC2000-最灵活的炼钢方法

    CONARC 2000-the Most Flexible Way of Steel

  5. 1952年在奥地利的林茨和德那维茨两地诞生了一种炼钢方法。

    In1952 in the austrian towns of Linz and Donawitz , a steelmaking process was established .

  6. 这是一种新的炼钢方法。这种钢板能抗高压。

    It 's a new process for tempering steel . This type of sheet steel could stand high pressure .

  7. 所以任何一种炼钢方法都必须为精炼的钢水供给一定量的氧。

    So it is necessary for each steel making process to supply controlled amounts of oxygen to the molten metal undergoing refining .

  8. 从化学方面看,现代炼钢方法可分为两大类,即酸性法和碱性法,以碱性法用得为多。

    Chemically modem , steel making processes are divided into two general classes : acid processes and basic processes . Basic processes are used predominantly .

  9. 作者从世界上几个主要产钢国家现时生产和发展的形势,在比较了不同类型的氧气炼钢方法后指出:碱性氧气转炉冶炼是今后炼钢的一个主要发展方向。

    After taking stock of the present steel production and modern development in several leading countries and after comparing various kinds of oxygen steel-making processes , the author points out that the basic oxygen steel-making process is the main trend in steel production from now on .

  10. 你是说你们有许多炼钢的方法?

    You mean you have many ways to make steel ?

  11. 笔者采用冶金物理化学、炼铁学、炼钢学方法结合系统安全分析方法,现场调查、分析了钢铁企业的生产、安全现状;

    The work safety state of iron and steel plants in China is investigated and analyzed by use of physical chemistry in metallurgy , metallurgy and system safety analysis methods .

  12. 炼钢有多种方法,产量最多的是转炉炼钢。

    There are many ways to produce steel , but most steel is produced by converter steelmaking .

  13. 转炉动态控制方法的研究:本文将神经网络、模糊控制等技术与转炉炼钢动态控制方法相结合,提出了转炉炼钢智能动态控制的新方法。

    Research of the Dynamic Control Method : On the basis of the Static Control method , a new BOF intelligent dynamic control method is also established in which many techniques such as neural network , fuzzy inference and expert system are applied .

  14. 炼钢的一种方法是将生铁和废钢放在平炉内加热。

    One way to do this is by using an open hearth furnace , where pig iron and scrap steel are heated .

  15. 本文综述了炼钢过程在线分析方法的现状和将来的发展趋势。主要介绍下直接分析钢液的方法和现场分析方法。

    The present situation and development of on-line analyst 's for Steelmaking processes are summarized and the methods of in-situ direct analysis for molten steel and the method 's of on-site analysis of sample are mainly described .

  16. 电弧炉炼钢是现代大规模炼钢的方法之一。

    The electric arc furnace ( EAF ) is one of the modern large-scale steelmaking technologies .

  17. 转炉炼钢是当今世界上最主要的炼钢方法。

    Converter steelmaking is the main method of steelmaking in the world .

  18. 贝塞麦炼钢法:吹入压缩空气通过熔融的钢铁以燃尽多余的碳和杂质的一种炼钢方法。

    Bessemer process : a method for making steel by blasting compressed air through molten iron to burn out excess carbon and impurities .