
  • 网络polarization plane;polarized plane;plane of polarization
  1. 依据残差值的大小和重复测试的结果设定系统两束光的初始偏振面夹角为π/4,并对系统测量的影响因素进行了分析。

    According to the residual error and retested result , plane of polarization angle of initial system is set as π / 4 .

  2. 该衰减器解决了632.8nm多膜氦氖激光器出射光为非完全自然光且偏振面随时间做随机变化导致实验误差的问题,为偏光信息测试系统提供了相对稳定的激光光源。

    This attenuator helps to eliminate experimental errors caused by 623.8 nm multimode He-Ne laser 's non-complete natural light and changing random of polarization plane with time , and thus provides relatively stable laser light source for polarized light information testing system .

  3. 利用NdYAG激光增益介质的法拉第效应,以及光束在非平面环形谐振腔中传播产生的偏振面旋转,使激光二极管泵浦的环形NdYAG激光器单向运转,获得单频激光输出。

    By using the Faraday effect in Nd ∶ YAG and the rotation of polarization in a non plannar ring resonator , single frequency output from an all solid state out of plane Nd ∶ YAG ring laser is demonstrated .

  4. 对ZF1、ZF6磁光玻璃的磁致旋光效应分别进行了实验研究,给出偏振面旋转角与磁感应强度的关系,计算出波长不变情况下不同磁感应强度的费尔德常数。

    The relationship between the azimuth rotation of the polarization plane of the linearly polarized optical beam and magnetic field strength is indicated by experiment . The Verdet constant under different magnetic filed strength ( the operating light wavelength is fixed all the time ) is calculated .

  5. 葡萄糖使得偏振光的偏振面发生旋转,从而影响介质的后向散射米勒矩阵。

    Glucose molecules rotate the polarization plane and induce changes in backscattered Mueller matrix patterns .

  6. 给出一种可调式90°偏振面旋转器。

    In this paper , a kind of adjustable 90 ° angle polarization plane rotator is given .

  7. 便用式偏振面旋转器

    Convenience-type polarization plane rotator

  8. 当线偏振光的偏振面旋转角度远小于1弧度时,可得出两种方案的结果符合得较好。

    The results of the two methods are in good agreement when the rotation angle the polarized plane of the linearly polarized light is far less than 1 radian .

  9. 首次提出利用两对探测器联合测量方法,可以扣除吸收对转角的影响,准确测出由折射率变化引起的探针光偏振面旋转角。

    We proposed a new method measuring the polarization rotation caused by the changes of refractivity for the first time , which can eliminate the effect of absorption on polarization rotation using two pair of detector .

  10. 实验测量了两波耦合增益系数随泵浦光偏振方向与入射面夹角φ的变化规律,当夹角φ等于20°或160°时,光栅具有最大耦合增益系数。

    The two-wave coupling gain coefficient is experimentally measured with respect to the angle φ between the incident plane and the polarization direction of the pump beam .

  11. 根据米氏散射理论,计算了在不同大小的散射中心下,碳纳米管悬浮液的散射光能量在平行于入射线偏振光偏振方向的散射面内的角度分布,以及散射截面随散射中心半径大小的变化。

    Based on Mie theory , the scattering energy distribution and scattering cross-section varying with carbon vapour bubble radius is calculated , which qualitatively agree with experiment results .

  12. 在两个偏振媒体之间的带有两个电极的透明电池;只有当两个偏振位面平行时光线才能通过。

    A transparent cell with two electrodes between two polarizing media ; passes light only if the two planes of polarization are parallel ; used as a high-speed shutter or to modulate a laser beam .

  13. 我们设计了一种偏振测量装置,消除了吸收对转角测量的影响,从而较高精度地测量了探针光的偏振面旋转角。

    We designed a polarization measurement setup to eliminate the influence of absorption on the measurement of polarization rotation angle and measured the rotation angle with the higher measurement precision .