
piān hǎo
  • it so happened that;as luck would have it


piān hào
  • have a special fondness for sth.;have a partiality for sth.
偏好 [piān hǎo]
  • [it so happened that] 〈方〉∶刚好,碰巧

  • 我去叫她看电影,偏好她来找我了

  • [have partiality for sth.] 偏爱

  • 他对于戏曲有特别的偏好

  1. 我说不出自己有什么特别偏好。

    I can 't say that I have any particular preference .

  2. 父母可以表达对自己孩子所上学校的偏好。

    Parents can express a preference for the school their child attends

  3. 他向记者公开了他的偏好。

    He let his preference be known to the press .

  4. 可供选择的品种当中,我还是偏好这种老式、可爱、带有粉色花朵的类型,“苹果花”。

    Among the varieties available , my preference stays with the old and lovely pink-flowered variety , ' Apple Blossom ' .

  5. 我妹妹对蘑菇有着特殊的偏好。

    My sister has an especial fondness for mushrooms .

  6. 你告诉我他到外地去了,可偏好我昨天看到他了。

    You told me he was out of town , but I happened to see him yesterday .

  7. 但消费者的偏好已经转向触摸屏智能手机。

    But consumers ' preferences were already shifting toward touch-screen smartphones .

  8. 我们消费的几乎所有文化物品都是以继承的观点来包装的;在某种程度上,我们的偏好总是来自他人。

    Nearly all the cultural objects we consume arrive wrapped in inherited opinion ; our preferences are always , to some extent , someone else 's.

  9. 其中一些选择可能会根据特定的情况或个人的偏好而改变顺序。

    Some of these may change order according to the specific situation or your own preferences .

  10. 学生们对考试类型的偏好也不尽相同,通常取决于科目和课程的难度。

    Students ' test-form preferences vary , too , often depending on the subject and course difficulty .

  11. 加夫列拉·费雷拉博士说,“不管你偏好哪种戒烟观点,如果你已经准备好戒烟了,突然地戒掉会更加有效。”

    " Regardless of your stated preference , if you 're ready to quit , quitting abruptly is more effective , " says Dr. Gabriela Ferreira .

  12. 如果某人说“Idon'tmind”,意思是他们对某事没有偏好,无所谓,或是很乐意有某事发生。

    Do you mind opening the window ? No , I don 't mind ! If someone says that they don 't mind , it means that they have no preference or that they 're happy for something to happen . 2 .

  13. 年轻人在工作偏好和就业前景的错位令人惋惜

    Some unfortunate mismatches in young people ’ s job preferences and prospects

  14. 历史上,这家华尔街公司一直偏好有领衬衫和西装。

    The Wall Street firm has historically favored collared shirts and suits .

  15. 像任何其他理想主义者,你从不隐晦自己的偏好

    Like any other idealistic person you make a secret of your predilections .

  16. 该词源于一项美国研究报告,该研究显示,人们对甜食的偏好与自身的性情有关。那些笑容温暖、性格随和的女孩通常被叫作“甜心”。

    This word comes from an American research report , which revealed that people 's dessert preferences have something to do with their dispositions are often described as " sweethearts . "

  17. 上世纪80年代中国开始实施改革开放政策时,国家急需科技人才来发展工业,中国人对于理工科的偏好就是从那时候开始的。

    When the Chinese started their reform and opening-up policy in the 1980s , the country urgently needed scientific professionals for industrial development , and the Chinese preference for STEM is rooted in that period .

  18. 该系统基于B/S模式,可以为客户端用户推荐符合用户兴趣偏好的信息。

    The system , based on B / S model , can recommend information consistent with user interest and preference .

  19. 在Web挖掘研究中,传统硬聚类技术常被用来分析网站浏览者对网页的浏览偏好。

    Lately , most studies have relied on traditional hard-clustering techniques to analyze web user profile data for their prefer in web mining .

  20. AHP中近似偏好判断的分析与结论

    The analyses and results of approximate preference judgments in AHP

  21. 数字图书馆系统中基于Ontology的用户偏好模型

    Ontology-Based Preference Model in Digital Library

  22. 最后,在现有的综合评价指标体系的基础上,应用偏好序DEA模型对信息系统进行综合评价进行实例研究。

    The preference DEA model is applied to the evaluation of information system .

  23. 贝尔内特的个人偏好可以从他最近为DesignWithinReach公司设计的系列作品中看出来。这是一整套现代、低矮的卧室家具,名为“平行线”(Parallel)。

    Mr. Bernett 's personal preference can be seen in his recent collection for Design Within Reach , a line of modern , low-slung bedroom furniture called Parallel .

  24. 该选项在HATS工具集偏好中是可选择的。

    This option is selectable in the HATS Toolkit preferences .

  25. 这告诉服务器Firefox偏好text/html。

    This tells the server that Firefox prefers text / html .

  26. 目前,用户主要依赖于信息检索技术,比如基于关键字的搜索引擎,获取有用或符合个人偏好的Blog信息。

    Currently , people mainly depend on information retrieval technology , such as keyword-based search engines , to access useful or personal-like Blog information .

  27. 在现有语义Web服务描述模型OWL-S的基础上进行了扩展和完善,形成增加用户偏好表示的模型&OWL-S+。

    It proposes a new Semantic Web service model called OWL-S + by enriching OWL-S with the expression power of users ' preferences .

  28. 研究了带部分偏好依附的EBA模型。

    The extended model with partial preferential attachment is studied .

  29. 基于模糊的偏好DEA在科研机构评价中的应用基于模糊的端铣加工参数多目标优化模型

    The application of fuzzy DEA with preference information on the evaluation of institutions Fuzzy Method Based Model for Multi-Objective Optimization of Machining Conditions for End Milling

  30. 通过在不同准则之间引入偏好来解决该问题,提出一种多目标调和遗传算法MOCGA(multi-objectiveconcordancegeneticalgorithm)。

    By introducing preferences among different criteria , a multi-objective concordance genetic algorithm ( MOCGA ) is proposed to deal with the problems in the paper .