
  1. 炼火的烈焰是玫瑰,而浓烟是多刺的荆棘。

    Of which the flame is roses , and the smoke is briars .

  2. 这种自由来自对命运的综观思索,如果心灵未经由时光的炼火就已完全净化,那么命运对这种心灵就完全无能为力了。

    And this liberation is effected by a contemplation of Fate ; for Fate itself is subdued by the mind which leaves nothing to be purged by the purifying fire of Time .

  3. 激怒的灵魂从错误走向错误除非得到炼火的匡救,因为像一个舞蹈家你必然要随着节拍向那儿跳去。”

    Then fools ' approval stings , and honour stains . From wrong to wrong the exasperated spirit proceeds , unless restored by that refining fire Where you must move in measure , like a dancer . '

  4. 我相信报效社会是人类共同的责任;惟有在牺牲奉献的炼火中,自私自利的渣滓才能烧毁,而人类灵魂的伟大也才能发挥出来。

    I believe that the rendering of useful service is the common duty of mankind and that only in the purifying fire of sacrifice is the dross of selfishness consumed and the greatness of the human soul set free .

  5. 论文研究建立炼焦炉火道燃烧温度数学模型,以便科学的控制火道温度和结焦时间,保证焦炭质量和节省炼焦过程能耗,提高经济效益。

    The thesis research established coking stove fire way burnable temperature mathematics model , so as to control fire way temperature and coking time scenically , Guaranteeing the coke quantity and saving to coke process can consume , raise the economic performance .