
liàn tiě
  • iron-smelting
炼铁 [liàn tiě]
  • [ironsmelting] 把铁矿石和焦炭等燃料及熔剂装入高炉中冶炼,去掉杂质而得到铁

  1. 三连杆蝶阀在炼铁设备上的应用

    Application of three-lever type butterfly valve in metallurgical iron-smelting equipment

  2. 炼铁高炉设备维护检修标准化作业之实践探索

    Exploration Practice about Standardization of Maintenance and Overhaul of Equipment of Iron-Smelting BF

  3. 过去在市中心有一家炼铁厂。

    There was an ironworks in the centre of the city before .

  4. 铁匠们点着炼铁炉。

    The Smiths kindled fires in their forges .

  5. 一种炼铁方法

    a method of smelting iron

  6. 在整个钢铁生产系统中,炼铁工序是最耗能的,而且产生的CO2多,环境负荷最大。

    The energy consumption of iron-making sector is the highest and environmental load is the biggest in the entire system of steel production .

  7. 介绍在国内中小炼铁高炉中应用PLC技术改造老式的机械秤及机械电子秤组成的配料上料系统,从而实现高炉上料过程自动化的一些经验。

    Some experience is introduced in this thesis of how to make use of PLC in weighing / controlling process for automatic feeding system in Blast Furnace .

  8. 炼铁高炉TRT系统炉顶压力动态数学模型研究

    Research on dynamic mathematical model of top gas pressure in TRT system

  9. 攀枝花钒钛磁铁矿经选矿后约有55%左右Ti进入铁精矿,在随后的高炉炼铁中,钛基本上进入高炉渣。

    About 55 % titanium contained inside Panzhihua titanium-vanadium magnetite ore enters the enriched iron concentrate , and then goes into blast-furnace slag during subsequent blast-furnace puddling .

  10. COREX炼铁煤气生产热压块流程的模拟分析

    Simulation Analysis of Shaft Production of HBI With COREX Offgas

  11. COREX熔融还原炼铁技术的探讨

    Discussion on COREX smelting reduction process in iron-making

  12. COREX是世界上第一个实现工业化的非高炉炼铁工艺。

    COREX is the first non-coke iron-making process that has been put in to industrialization .

  13. 炼铁生产入炉焦比及其影响因素的Box-Jenkins预测

    Forecast on coke ratios and influencing factors of ironworks by Box-Jenkins

  14. COREX熔融还原炼铁法

    COREX Melting - Reduction Ironmaking Process

  15. 而直接返回高炉炼铁,Zn在高炉内循环富集则会缩短炉衬寿命、堵塞煤气管道。

    During directly recycling the EAF dusts for the blast furnace ( BF ), the zinc enriched in the BF would shorten the lining life , and block the gas pipeline of BF .

  16. 通过分析影响炼铁工序能耗的各关键因素的相关关系及对能耗的影响规律,应用SPSS软件建立了炼铁工序能耗预测模型。

    The relationship between the key factors and effecting mechanism for energy consumption were analyzed . A prediction model for BF Procedure energy consumption has been established by SPSS .

  17. MIDREX直接还原炼铁&无损环境之途径

    The MIDREX Direct Reduction Process : An Environmentally-Sound Route to Steel Making

  18. COREX是一种新型的炼铁工艺,把喷煤技术引入到COREX工艺中具有非常重要的理论意义和现实意义。

    Corex is a new type of iron making process . Introducing pulverized coal injection technology to corex process has special theoretic and realistic significance .

  19. 论述了未来的以煤代焦富氧喷煤高炉和KR法炼铁新工艺及其技术经济指标。

    The new ironmaking processes , blast furnace with large amount of oxygen and pulverized coal and minimum of coke in the future , and KR process are discussed .

  20. 提出了一种以铁矿粉、粉煤、空气和一部分氧为原料,将熔矿还原反应和CO燃烧加热熔池分别在反应器两室内同时进行的炼铁装置。

    The authors propose an ironmaking set-up , in which using fine ore , powdered coal , air and oxygen in part as the raw materials , the reduction of smelting ore and combustion of carbon monoxide simultaneously carried out in two separated chambers .

  21. COREX工艺是当代冶金工业的炼铁前沿技术,可以使用铁矿和非焦煤生产出优质铁水。

    COREX process , known as an advanced technology of metallurgical industry presently , can use iron ore and non-coking coal to produce high quality hot metal .

  22. COREX是用非炼焦煤与氧气的熔融还原炼铁法,取代传统的高炉、焦炉、烧结组成的炼铁系统。

    COREX ironmaking means that conventional ironmaking system with blast furnace , coke oven and sintering circuit is replaced by melting reduction ironmaking with non-coking coal and oxygen .

  23. 水淬高炉矿渣(BFS)是炼铁厂的副产品,具有水硬性质,目前已广泛用于建筑水泥&矿渣水泥的生产。

    Water-cooled blast furnace slag ( BFS ), a by-product of iron plants , characterizes hydraulicity , and has largely been put into production of BFS-cements for the purpose of construction .

  24. 探讨了高炉炼铁计算机辅助教学系统的系统功能,提出了多媒体计算机辅助教学系统的硬件配置方案和高炉炼铁CAI课件的设计方法。

    The system function of computer assisted instruction system for ironmaking in blast furnace was developed . The configuration of the CAI system made of multimedia computer was designed and the method to design the CAI course ware for ironmaking in BF was given in the same time .

  25. 分析了宣钢炼铁厂H08A的冶炼工艺,对其存在的问题提出了改进措施。

    The smelting technology of H08A welding rod steel is analyzed , some measures against the problems existing proposed .

  26. 唐钢二炼铁厂的炼铁生产实践结果表明,适当配用MBR块矿,高炉入炉品位上升,矿耗降低,综合焦比下降,铁成本降低,高炉顺行状态良好。

    The application of MBR lump ore shows that the charge grade of BF increases , the iron ore consumption reduces , the equivalent coke ratio declines , and the cost of iron decreases with a proper mixture of Brazilian MBR lump ore.

  27. 主要介绍了西门子矢量型AC-AC变频器的控制原理及其在宣钢炼铁厂1800m3高炉东西两探尺中的应用。

    The control principle of SIEMENS vector-type AC-AC frequency converter was mainly presented and application of the frequency converter in two stock rods in the east and west of 1 800 m3 blast furnace was also introduced .

  28. 通过COREX炼铁工艺考察,经与高炉流程比较,认为COREX炉设计关键是COREX工艺的先进性和高炉成熟技术的有机结合;

    Compared to the traditional BF process , the advantages of COREX technology lie in two aspects : the keystone for COREX furnace designment is the organic combination of the advanced COREX principle and the mature BF process ;

  29. 详细介绍了炼铁厂一期(1、2、3BF)大型高炉矿槽栈桥除尘工程特点、除尘工艺方案确定、尘源控制及系统布置。

    The characteristics , determination of dust removal process , dust source control and the system disposition of the dust removal renovation project for the trestle of the ore trough of No. 1,2 and 3 BF huge blast furnace at the IronMaking Plant are introduced in detail .

  30. 首届中澳炼铁原料准备技术交流会

    First China-Australia Technical Exchange Conference on raw material preparation for ironmaking