
mò ěr běn
  • Melbourne
墨尔本[mò ěr běn]
  1. 他的墨尔本之行让他大开眼界。

    His trip to Melbourne had yielded a lot of information .

  2. 我们会密切注意从墨尔本飞来的每架飞机。

    We 'd be watching every plane coming in from Melbourne

  3. 这将是澳大利亚继1956年墨尔本和2000年悉尼之后第三次举办奥运会。

    It will be the third time the country has hosted the Olympics after Melbourne in 1956 and Sydney in 2000 .

  4. B大卫从澳大利亚的墨尔本来。

    B David 's from Melbourne , Australia .

  5. 1948年,澳大利亚的PeterMacCallum和其他科学家报道了墨尔本附近的6起病例。

    In nineteen forty-eight , Peter MacCallum and other scientists in Australia reported six cases near Melbourne .

  6. ChrisGibson是一位AIX系统专家,居住在澳大利亚墨尔本市。

    Chris Gibson is an AIX systems specialist located in Melbourne , Australia .

  7. 澳大利亚墨尔本皇家儿童医院的GeorgePatton教授是这项研究的首席作者。

    Professor George Patton at Royal Children 's Hospital in Melbourne , Australia , was the lead author .

  8. 应当责成亚洲每一个与建筑法规有关的官员,都去看一看澳大利亚墨尔本小柯林斯街(LittleCollinsStreet)上一座其貌不扬的10层建筑。

    Every senior bureaucrat in Asia concerned with building codes should be obliged to inspect a modest-looking , 10-storey building in Little Collins Street in the Australian city of Melbourne .

  9. 当时就触动了他的心弦,回到墨尔本后,他们俩立即决定注册MOR化妆品。

    It struck a chord and upon their return to Melbourne , the pair immediately registered MOR Cosmetics .

  10. 20国集团将于11月份在澳大利亚墨尔本召开会议。在该会议以及未来的数次会议上,20国集团将努力确保IMF改革的动力得以持续。

    At its meeting in November in Melbourne , Australia , and in future meetings , the G-20 will work to ensure that momentum for reform continues .

  11. 在墨尔本举行的仪式上,总理KevinRudd承诺要重建被毁的城镇。

    At a ceremony in Melbourne , Prime Minister Kevin Rudd promised to rebuild the cities and towns that were devastated .

  12. 上个月,一位来自台湾的游客在翻看Facebook时走下了墨尔本附近的一座码头,给自己的观赏企鹅之旅画上了一个突然而又冰冷的句号。

    A tourist from Taiwan walked off a pier near Melbourne last month while checking Facebook -- bringing an abrupt , and icy , end to a penguin-watching visit .

  13. 和其他的国家一样,中国也有它的优点和缺点。我在墨尔本大学(UniversityofMelbourne)和莫纳什大学(MonashUniversity)学习中文和国际关系。

    Like other nations around the world , China has its strengths and weaknesses . I studied Chinese and international relations at the University of Melbourne and Monash University .

  14. KenWinkel在墨尔本大学的澳大利亚毒液研究机构中,指导研究工作。

    Ken Winkel directs the University of Melbourne 's Australian Research Unit .

  15. 对澳大利亚人来说,最近这段时期令人很不安。据墨尔本一家报纸报导,最近受到打击的享有国际声誉的澳洲品牌是“孤独星球”(LonelyPlanet)。

    In what 's been a rough week for Aussies , the latest internationally recognized Australian brand to get hit is Lonely Planet , according to a report in a Melbourne newspaper .

  16. 墨尔本商学院(MelbourneBusinessSchool)下属MtElizaExecutiveEducation的管理教育系副主任保罗柯克布莱德(PaulKirkbride)表示,在澳大利亚,业务的强劲表现一直保持到今年新年。

    In Australia , business remained strong until the New Year , says Paul Kirkbride , deputy dean for executive education at Mt Eliza Executive Education , part of Melbourne Business School .

  17. 在州首府珀斯(Perth),房价已经开始下跌,而同期悉尼和墨尔本的房价却在上涨。

    House prices have started to fall in the state capital Perth , while they continue to grow in Sydney and Melbourne .

  18. 在墨尔本居住了多年的史蒂夫·昆佩尔(SteveCumper)六年前来到小天鹅村(Cygnet)买下了一家简陋餐厅,这家餐厅开在一座建于1912年的老房子中。

    Melbourne veteran Steve Cumper arrived in the hamlet of Cygnet six years ago and snapped up a shabby cafe in a historic 1912 building .

  19. 结束印尼的比赛后,银河队前往菲律宾首都马尼拉,12月3日与菲律宾国家队进行比赛,然后前往澳大利亚,12月6日与墨尔本胜利队(MelbourneVictory)举行友谊赛。

    After playing in Indonesia , the Galaxy will head to Manila , where it will play the national team Saturday , and then to Australia for a friendly match with the Melbourne Victory .

  20. 另一伦敦女帽设计师皮尔斯•阿特金森(PiersAtkinson)参照奶油蛋糕与樱桃形状,为墨尔本、迪拜以及本国的客户设计了妙趣横生、附庸风雅的帽子。

    Piers Atkinson , also based in London designs fun , arty hats in the shape of cream slices and cherries for customers in Melbourne , Dubai and Britain .

  21. 再过不到10天,一级方程式(formulaone)赛车季就将拉开帷幕,第一站是在墨尔本举行的澳大利亚大奖赛(australiangrandprix)。

    There are only 10 days to go before the formula one motor racing season begins , with the Australian Grand Prix in Melbourne . But pre-race nerves this year are afflicting the sport as a whole as much as the drivers themselves .

  22. 故事的美好结局就是在墨尔本的添加类制造设备22号实验室中,CSIRO的科学家们的第一只龙诞生了。

    The result was the birth of the CSIRO 's first dragon at the additive manufacturing facility Lab 22 in Melbourne .

  23. 一位线粒体疾病遗传学方面的专家,澳大利亚墨尔本大学的大卫索伯恩(davidthorburn),对此项工作感到“震惊和钦佩”。

    David Thorburn , a specialist in the genetics of mitochondrial disorders at the University of Melbourne in Australia , is " surprised and impressed " by the work .

  24. 从墨尔本赶来的jimlui表示,在澳大利亚的众多中国留学生无法在8月份到场观看北京奥运赛事,对他们来说,堪培拉的火炬接力是一项重要活动。

    Jim Lui from Melbourne said the Canberra torch relay was an important event for the thousands of Chinese students resident in Australia who would not be attending the Beijing Games in August .

  25. 祭奠勇士的容器&悉尼、堪培拉、墨尔本Anzac纪念空间分析研究

    The Sanctum to Worship Combatants & Analysis and Research on the ANZAC Memorial Space in Sydney , Canberra and Melbourne

  26. 澳大利亚国民银行首席经济学家欧思濂(AlanOster)表示,外国需求减少很可能反映的是供应过剩,尤其是在墨尔本市场——墨尔本市中心公寓空置率高达30%。

    Alan Oster , NAB 's chief economist , said the reduced foreign demand probably reflected oversupply , particularly in the Melbourne market where up to 30 per cent of city centre apartments were unoccupied .

  27. 而Deon是一名刚毕业的工业设计师,是墨尔本一家室内设计公司的股东之一。

    Meanwhile , Deon , an industrial design graduate , was co-owner of a budding , Melbourne-based interior design company .

  28. 他今年在墨尔本发表演讲时曾表示,如果G20的领导人无法达成任何实质性成果,或者未能在会后有效跟进,将会引发对他们能否共同服务于全球繁荣的质疑。

    If the leaders fail to achieve anything concrete , or fail to follow up later , it will raise questions about whether they are capable of working together in service of global prosperity , Mr. Lipsky told an audience in Melbourne this year .

  29. 澳大利亚墨尔本睡眠障碍中心的睡眠专家DavidCunnington博士说有一些病人有睡梦中发短信的病例记录。他也建议人们不要把手机放在卧室里。

    Sleep specialist Dr David Cunnington , of Melbourne Sleep Disorder Centre in Australia , said patients had reported incidents of sleep texting - and he has advised people to leave their mobile phones outside the bedroom .

  30. Weaver在影片中扮演了墨尔本恶名昭著的犯罪家族中的女族长,她的表现得到了来自全世界的赞许,人们将她比作自FayeDunaway出演《亲爱的妈咪》以来最出色的女族长形象。

    Her portrayal as the matriarch of a notorious Melbourne crime family has won worldwide praise and comparisons to being the most terrifying matriarch figure since Faye Dunaway in " Mommie , Dearest " .