
mò jiā
  • Mohist School
墨家 [mò jiā]
  • [Mohist School] 我国古代的一种思想流派,墨子为创始人。主张人与人平等相爱(兼爱),反对侵略战争(非攻)。但是相信有鬼(明鬼),相信天的意志(天志)

墨家[mò jiā]
  1. 法家与墨家由于立足的哲理基础不同,反映在赏罚的理论与实践上,也表现为各有特色的不同侧面。

    The award and punishment theory and practice display different characteristic in the Legalist School and the Mohist School , for the theory foundation is different .

  2. 儒家注重精神生命,道家关爱自然生命,墨家追求社会生命,儒、道、墨三家不仅对此有其各自的理论观点,也有其各自的实践过程。

    Confucianism emphasize on spiritual life ; Taoism care about the nature life ; and Mohist School pursuing the social life . Confucianism , Taoism and Mohist School not only have their own theoretical perspectives , but also have its own practice process .

  3. 墨家的田鸠想向秦惠王阐述自己的治国方略,在秦国呆了三年,一直没有见到秦惠王的机会。

    Tian jiu , a Mohist , wanted to express his general plan for governing the country to King Hui of the state of Qin . He had stayed in state Qin for three years , but had not gotten an opportunity to meet the king .

  4. 墨家的言语行为思想和中国古代逻辑

    The Mohist 's Speech Act Thoughts and the Chinese Ancient Logic

  5. 墨家智慧与中国文化走向

    The Wisdom of the Moism and the Trend of Chinese Culture

  6. 墨家人力资源管理心理思想及其现代意义

    Psychological thoughts of HR management in Mohism & Its Modern Significance

  7. 墨家逻辑研究的历史转型

    The Historical Transformation of The Study on Mu School 's Logic

  8. 墨家功利观与西方功利主义的比较

    Comparison between the Utilitarian Idea of Mo Zi and Western Utilitarianism

  9. 倘若墨家军及时赶到,那又如何?

    What if the Mozi army were to make it here ?

  10. 墨家逻辑产生与作用机理探析

    On the origin and the function mechanism of Mohist school 's logic

  11. 墨子与墨家学派的数学思想

    Mathematics Thought of MO Zi and His School of Thought

  12. 和谐世界:中国和哲学与持久和平&以对道家、儒家、墨家和哲学的分析为中心

    Harmonious World : Chinese philosophy of He and Eternal Peace

  13. 墨家与亚里士多德谬误论比较研究

    A Comparison between Mo-tse 's and Aristotle 's Fallacy Studies

  14. 墨家与亚里士多德指称论思想的比较研究

    Comparative Research on Mohist and Aristotelian Referential Theory of Meaning

  15. 墨家智慧治国论

    On the Theory of Mohist School on Governing a Country through Wisdom

  16. 墨家逻辑的科技思想根源研究

    An Analysis of Scientific and Technological Root in MO 's Logic Idea

  17. 墨家的天鬼神观念浅析

    On the Gods and Ghosts ' ideal of Mohist school

  18. 谬误论是墨家逻辑的重要组成部分。

    Fallacy theory is an important constituent of Mohist school 's logic .

  19. 你们墨家从来都是这么理智的吗?

    Is that what you Mozi would have done sanely ?

  20. 墨子,是战国初期墨家学派的创始人。

    Mozi is the founder of Mohism in the early Warring states .

  21. 墨家科学理性的形成及其中绝

    The Formation of a Science of the Mohist School and Its Dying out

  22. 试论墨家对中国武术传播与发展的影响

    Talking about influence of the Mohist to spread and develop the Chinese Wushu

  23. 墨家侔的语义学思想探析

    Probing into the Semantics Thoughts of Mohist 's Mou

  24. 精思善辩:墨家智慧学的特色

    Perfect in Thinking and Debate : The Characteristics of Wisdom of Mohist School

  25. 他对墨家的逻辑思想也大力发掘,是先秦逻辑思想的延续。

    He studied the logic of Mohist , too .

  26. 墨家逻辑的谬误论

    On the fallacy theory of Mohist school 's logic

  27. 墨家精神的人民性及其当代价值

    People in the Mohist Spirit and Its Value Today

  28. 他肯定墨家的兼爱思想,并把“兼爱”与“交利”相连。

    He gave full affirmation of Each Other 's Love and Mutual Benefit .

  29. 第四部分:墨家的论辩艺术。

    The fourth part : the art of argumentation .

  30. 墨家学说是中华民族文化史上一笔巨大的精神财富。

    The Mohism is a spiritual wealth in the Chinese nation culture history .