
  • 网络nervism
  1. 人体经穴综合系统论与神经论

    The Theory of Acupoint Energy System and the Theory of Nerves of the Human Body

  2. 认知说又先后经历了3个主要发展阶段:数学映射模型、投影仪映射模型和神经论模型。

    This view has undergone three stages of development , namely , Mathematical Mapping Model , Overhead Projector Model and Neural Model .

  3. 结论股二头肌长头和短头有单独神经支配。论B股回购

    Conclusion The innervation of BFl and BFs are independent reciprocally . On repurchase of B-share

  4. 高级神经活动类型论

    Typological theory of higher nervous activity

  5. 运用人工神经网络、博弈论和对等比较原理对企业国际结算风险进行了论证分析,提出BP算法下的前馈型人工神经网络风险预测模型。

    Third , it analyzes the international settlement risk through ANN , game theory and reciprocity comparative principle , and brings forward the forecast model of the BP neural network .

  6. 植物性神经高阈平衡论&关于植物神经高阈平衡及其应用的研究

    The high threshold balance theory of vegetative nerves

  7. 植物性神经高阈平衡论动物实验的初步证实

    Preliminary confirmation of the high threshold theory in autonomic nerves through experiment of animals

  8. 而这些理论则包括了,计算理论,认知神经科学,进化论,以及文化心理学的诸多当代理论。

    I 'm also including modern-day approaches to computational theory , cognitive neuroscience , evolutionary theory and cultural psychology .

  9. 本论文的研究工作为企业的某些决策提供了理论基础,同时也为以后神经网络和博弈论综合应用开创了先河。

    In a word , this article supports theories for the researching of enterprise decision-making , and do the first study on the synthesizing of NN and Game Theory .

  10. 在不同数据集上和其他已有方法进行比较:对同一数据集不同分类阈值的预测结果显示,支持向量机方法对蛋白可溶性的整体预测效果好于神经网络和信息论的方法。

    The prediction accuracies of support vector machine ( SVM ) for different cut-off thresholds are analyzed and compared with other methods , which shows that the SVM is a better method than neural network and information theory when using the same dataset .

  11. 单通道盲分离是盲信号处理的重要分支,作为统计处理、人工神经网络以及信息论等多门学科结合的产物,具有重要的理论研究和实用价值。

    Single-Channel blind signal separation ( SC-BSS ) is an important branch of blind signal processing , as the product of the combination of multi-discipline of statistical processing , artificial neural networks and information theory , which has important value of both theoretical and practical .