
  • 网络spiritual home;spiritual garden
  1. 新的分类已经出现——“摩天瘦楼”,即超纤瘦的摩天大楼,其精神家园位于中央公园(CentralPark)的边缘。

    A new typology has emerged - the skinnyscraper - the ultra-slender , uber-extruded tower whose spiritual home is the edge of Central Park .

  2. 园林是人类精神家园的现实栖地。

    The garden is the reality habitat of human spiritual home .

  3. E时代的精神家园&个人数字图书馆

    E-era 's Spirit Eden-Personal Digital Library

  4. 从本质上看,WTO是一种文化,是一种以人的智力和知识为核心的文化交流,这种交流承载着营造一种文化精神家园的重任。

    Seen from the essence , WTO is a kind of culture , an exchange of the core of human intelligence and knowledge . It has the duty to establish an atmosphere of the spirit of culture .

  5. 作为结果的文学实际上是人类构建的精神家园。

    Literature as product is actually the homestead that man constructs .

  6. 建设中华民族共有精神家园的理念与路径

    The Idea and Path of Building Chinese Nation Co-possession Spirit Homestead

  7. 《回家》中丰饶女神的隐喻与精神家园的重建

    Goddess of Fertility and Reconstruction of Spiritual Home in The Homecoming

  8. 现代主义文学的主题&寻找精神家园

    Motif of Modernism Literature & Looking for the Spiritual Eden

  9. 气韵生动的自然成为人类追求的自由生命的精神家园。

    Vivid manner in Nature becomes the spiritual homestead for free life .

  10. 创造一个充满生机的精神家园:天津图书大厦设计随想

    To create a vigorous spirit home : design of Tianjin Books Building

  11. 我觉得美国是我真正的精神家园。

    I feel that America is my true spiritual home .

  12. 依托大学语文课程构建学生精神家园

    Construct Student 's Spiritual Home Relying on College Chinese Course

  13. 构筑回归自然的精神家园&美国当代风景园林大师理查德·哈格

    Constructing Back-to-nature Spiritual Home-Con-temporary American Great Landscape Architect Richard Haag

  14. 一个民族如果失去了自己的精神家园,是可悲的。

    If a nation lost their cultural homeland , it were sad .

  15. 乡镇图书馆应成为留守儿童的精神家园

    Town Library Should Be the Spiritual Home of Left-behind Children

  16. 也寻得了一方宁静的精神家园。

    And also found a tranquil home for their hearts .

  17. 葱绿的大树&托马斯·哈代的精神家园

    The Greenwood Tree : Thomas Hardy 's Spiritual Hometown

  18. 为此,要强化理论教育,建设高尚的精神家园;

    Therefore , the theory education should be reinforced to construct magnificent spirit ;

  19. 哲学是时代的精神家园,是文明的灵魂。

    Philosophy is the spiritual homeland of times and the soul of civilization .

  20. 童话是儿童喜爱的文学作品,也是儿童的精神家园。

    The fairy tale is favourite literary and the Spiritual Home of Children .

  21. 企业文化要融入企业员工共有精神家园的构建之中

    To Integrate Corporate Culture into the Construction of Mutual Spiritual Home of Employees

  22. 希腊,奥运会的精神家园,具有领先地位。

    Greece , the spiritual home of the games , has the lead .

  23. 艺术教育,高校教师的精神家园

    Art Education - Spiritual Homeland of the University Teachers

  24. 有谁知道这条通往永恒的精神家园的途径?

    Who knows the way to the eternally fruitful climes of the soul ?

  25. 翻译:寻找另一处精神家园

    Translation : In Search of Another Spiritual Dwelling

  26. 没有纯粹的精神家园,单纯的形式孤岛已不复存在。

    No pure spiritual home , the pure form island has ceased to exist .

  27. 儿童精神家园的回归与守望

    Return and Watch of Children 's Spiritual Home

  28. 寻找精神家园的艰难跋涉&刘醒龙小说论

    Hard Process in Pursuit of Spirit Homestead ── On the LIU Xing-long 's Novels

  29. 以人为本:中华民族共有精神家园建设的价值底蕴

    Building the Common Spiritual Home Based on the Value Perspective of Putting People First

  30. 反映了缺乏精神家园的王朔无处皈依,企图在言说中拯救自己。

    Reflected Wang Shuo who lacks spiritual home attempting to save himself by speech .