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Chronic Effects of Cadmium Chloride on the Prostate and Seminal Vesicle of Adult Rats
The observations and measurements of the dimension and weight of the prostate , seminal vesicle and bulbourethral gland were made on 50 adult specimens .
Methods : The size of seminal vesicle in the azoospermic patients was measured by transabdominal B ultrasound , and the semen volume , pH value and seminal fructose level were also tested .
Objective : To observe the influence of excising seminal vesicle on male SD rat ′ s sexual behavior and analyze the effect of secretory function of seminal vesicle on rat ′ s sexual function .
In 5 month old sheep , the expression of ERa in the efferent ductules was significantly low ( p < 0.05 ) than that in 3 , 4 , 6 , 7 and 8 month old ;
Objectives : To evaluate the effects of 19 nortestosterone ( NT ) on the growth and development of the ventral prostate ( VP ), epididymis , and seminal vesicles ( SV ) in hypogonadal ( hpg ) mice .
When 5 . 0g / kg is given by oral for 14 days , the wet weight of testicles , preputial galnds , prostate and semi-anl vesicle is decreased in raw FP and its stir-bake tested groups .
The male camel has no seminal vesicle .
Objective : To explore the diagnosis of nontraumatic azoospermia due to simple ejaculatory duct obstruction .
Ultrasound Performance of Seminal Vesicles Gland Bag is Swollen Misdiagnosis Urethra Bitter end Bug is Swollen
The value of B-ultrasonic Measurement of Seminal Vesicle in Diagnosis of Azoospermia due to Ejaculatory Duct Obstruction
Studies on the effects of ultrasound on ultrastructure of seminal vesicle and serum concentration of testosterone in rats
The effects of cadmium on ultrastructure and TPPase cytochemistry of seminal vesicle and serum concentration of testosterone in rats
ResultsThere were clear tissue spaces between the rectum and its surrounding tissues such as the bladder , the prostate and the pelvic autonomic nerve .
The prostate indexes and seminal vesicle indexes were detected and HE staining was used to observe changes on histological structure of prostate and seminal vesicle tissues .
Rats were administered FHE through gastric garage for 7 days and the weights of pituitary gland , testis , epididymis and seminal vesicle were then observed ;
This fascia is most prominent and dense near the base of the prostate and the seminal vesicles and thins dramatically as it extends caudally to its termination at the striated urethral sphincter .
The results showed that taurine showed no significant influence on body weights , testis exponent , prostate exponent , but vesicular seminalis weights of 14 months'rats were increased significantly ( P < 0.05 ) .
In the groups treated by isocarbophos , the counts and layers of spermatogenic cells obviously decreased with the dose increasing . The pathological changes of epididymis , prostate and seminal vesicle were not observed .
She is good at such Ultrasonographic diagnoses of abdomen and viscera as liver , gallbladder , prostate , vesicula seminalis , spermary and so on , which offers accurate information for doctors ' diagnoses .
Results : The test group with large dosage of curculigine A was significantly different from the animal model group in the aspects of the weight of preputial glands and the total weights of the seminal vesicle and the prostate .
Methods : Castrated mice were randomly divided into placebo group , animal model group , control group , and 4 test groups . After 15 days ' administration , the seminal vesicle , prostate and preputial glands were extirpated and weighed for the calculation of organ index .
The spermatheca of female Telegryllus emma is mainly composed of gland cells and muscle .
It also had a certain antagonizing action on the kidney deficiency expressions by castrated male animal such as the gonad atrophy ( seminal vesicle , preputial glands ) .
The results showed that Pantocrine markedly promote the growth of preputial gland , prostate and seminal vesicle in castrated rats , and can also increase significantly development of uteruses in young mice .
Methods : We measured the organ coefficient of testis , seminal vesicle and preputial glands in the rats of treatment group , observed their morphological changes , and investigated the changes of the serum testosterone and cortisol levels in the groups after giving drug , before and after swimming .
Results Short dimensions , incidence rates of adenous duct dilation , calcification of ejaculatory duct , seminal vesicle cyst and richness of blood flow in three groups had significant difference .
Testicular follicles and ovarian tubule contain plasma membranes and relatively thin muscle layer . However , muscle layer is relatively thick in the vas deferens , seminal vesicle , male accessory gland , common ejaculatory duct and bursa copulatrix .