
yīn jīng
  • penis;organ;phallus;dick;knob;cirrus;priapus;todger;tentum
阴茎 [yīn jīng]
  • [penis] 高等脊椎动物雄性的交配和排尿器官

阴茎[yīn jīng]
  1. 约翰·霍普金斯大学医学院(JohnsHopkinsUniversitySchoolofMedicine)的外科医生也在计划进行阴茎移植手术。一名在阿富汗受伤的退伍军人已经在名单上等待了好几个月。

    Surgeons at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine are also planning to perform penis transplants , and have had a combat veteran , injured in Afghanistan , on the waiting list for several months .

  2. 我经常见到对阴茎的不满,费城儿童医院(Children’sHospitalofPhiladelphia)的小儿泌尿科医生阿西姆•舒克拉博士(AseemShukla)说。他也是宾夕法尼亚大学(UniversityofPennsylvania)佩雷尔曼医学院(PerelmanSchoolofMedicine)的副教授。

    I see dissatisfaction with the phallus very regularly , said Dr. Aseem Shukla , a pediatric urologist at Children 's Hospital of Philadelphia and associate professor of urology at the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania .

  3. 在男孩专修课的第一晚,还包含一段音乐间奏——《阴茎歌剧》(ThePenisOpera),内有数名男孩的假声合唱,并由他们父亲的低音来为他们和声。

    The first night of the boys " course includes a musical interlude , " The Penis Opera , " in which the falsetto of the boys is set off by the bass of their fathers .

  4. 阴茎移植手术由CurtisCetrulo和DickenKo两位医生负责执行,他们对曼宁能恢复2012年丧失的功能持谨慎乐观的态度。在2012年时,阴茎癌的诊断不得不使他移除了阴茎。”

    Surgeons who performed the transplant , led by Curtis Cetrulo and Dicken Ko , however , are cautiously optimistic Manning will regain function that he lost in 2012 when a diagnosis of penile cancer led to an amputation of the penis .

  5. 麻省总医院的团队为阴茎移植准备了三年时间。

    The Massachusetts General team spent three years preparing for the penis transplants .

  6. 阴茎癌不常见,美国今年预计会出现大约2030例新增病例和340例死亡病例。

    Penile cancer is rare , with about 2030 new cases and 340 deaths expected in the United States this year .

  7. 美国一家医院上周一宣布,该医院完成了美国首例阴茎移植手术,患者之前因癌症移除了阴茎。

    A U.S. hospital said Monday it has performed the nation 's first penis transplant on a man whose penis was removed due to cancer .

  8. 小阴茎能反映出罕见基因综合征和激素问题,早期诊断对于确保没有其他激素问题危及婴儿生命很重要,比如低血糖。

    Micropenis can reflect any of a number of rare genetic syndromes and hormone problems , and early diagnosis is important to make sure that other hormonal issues , like low blood sugar , don 't endanger the baby .