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  • cathode-ray tube;cathode-ray lamp;C-R tube
阴极射线管[yīn jí shè xiàn guǎn]
  1. 基于孟塞尔系统的阴极射线管特性化新方法

    A New Method of Cathode-Ray Tube Characterisation Based on Munsell System

  2. 所称“平板显示”不包括阴极射线管技术。

    The expression " flat panel display " does not cover cathode-ray tube technology .

  3. 电视接收机有一个非常特殊的电子管,称为阴极射线管。

    The television receiver contain a very special sort of electron tube , called a " cathode-ray " tube .

  4. GB/T14011-1992阴极射线管x射线辐射测试方法

    Methods of measurement of X-radiation for cathode-ray tubes

  5. 在阴极射线管(RT)示器上用来识别或强调数据的一种方法。

    A method used to distinguish or emphasize data on a CRT display .

  6. 伦琴认为阴极射线管一定在发射某种穿透力极强的射线,他称这种未知的射线为X射线。

    Roentgen decided that the tube must have been emitting some sort of penetrating rays . He named them X for unknown .

  7. 但在办公室里用的台式机上,受人信赖的阴极射线管(CRT)技术仍将很流行。

    On your desktop in the office , though , trusty CRT technology will prevail .

  8. 阴极射线管(CRT)显示器信息电磁泄漏频谱分析方法

    Method of Analysis on Spectrum of Information Electromagnetic Leakage from Cathode Ray Tube ( CRT ) Displays

  9. 固定阵列多元激光雷达阴极射线管(rt)电视(v)幕上的点阵列,当电子束击中时会发光。

    The matrix of dots on a CRT screen ( or TV set ) that emit light when bombarded by an electron beam .

  10. 在电子技术中,由阴极射线管(CRT)中电子枪所产生的、单向细电子流。

    In electronics , the unidirectional , pinhead electron stream generated by the cathode gun in a CRT .

  11. 巴赫男,蝇吨,斯特拉斯堡尔的H(1997)光栅扫描的视觉研究阴极射线管-在空间分辨率的限制,时间和强度,以及一些解决办法。

    Bach M , Meigen T , Strasburger H ( 1997 ) Raster-scan cathode ray tubes for vision research – limits of resolution in space , time and intensity , and some solutions .

  12. 废旧阴极射线管(CRT)显示器玻壳进入土壤后铅的释放及转化

    Release and Transform of Lead from the Glass of Cathode Ray Tube ( CRT ) Following Its Entrance in the Soil

  13. 简述了高清晰度数字电视的技术标准及未来数字时代阴极射线管(crt)型高清电视的发展方向。

    This paper introduces the technological criteria of HDTV and indicates the development tendency of HDTV using CRT in digital future .

  14. 二次电子或背散射电子的电流被用来调制阴极射线管(CRT)中电子束的强度。

    The secondary backscattered electron current is used to modulate the intensity of an electron beam in a cathode ray tube ( CRT ) .

  15. 直接在电脑彩色CRT(cathoderaytube,阴极射线管)显示器上输出该图像,将发生色度失真,需要进行色度校正。

    If the color image is displayed directly on the color cathode ray tube ( CRT ) monitor of a computer , colorimetric distortion will occur . Colorimetric correction is then needed .

  16. 重点讨论阴极射线管大屏幕HDTV显示器设计中的一些关键技术问题和总体设计中的技术发展趋势。

    This paper mainly discusses some key technology programs during the design of Large screen HDTV Ready and the technology-developing trend in general design .

  17. 他评论了J·W·弗来斯特和J·A·拉奇曼关于阴极射线管存储器的提议,后者正在美国无线电公司负责开发光线摄像管。

    For example , he discussed the cathode ray tube storage proposals made by J.W. Forrester and J.A. Rajchman , the latter being responsible for development of the Iconoscope at RCA .

  18. 从显示方式上可分为CRT(阴极射线管)式、LED(发光二极管)或LCD(液品)式和模拟仪表(指针仪表)式几种;

    Four types by display modes : CRT ( cathode - ray tube ), LED ( light emitting diode ), LCD ( liguid crystal display ) and analogue ( pointer ) instruments ;

  19. 本文介绍了显示器中常用的三种显示器件:CRT阴极射线管、LCD液晶和PDP等离子体。

    This paper gives an introduction to three kinds of display : CRT ( Cathode Ray Tube ), LCD ( Liquid Crystal Display ), and PDP ( Plasma Display Panel );

  20. 新电视虽不及阴极射线管(crt)15至20年的使用寿命长,但仍有7至10年。

    A new set is bought more often than the 15 to 20 years a cathode ray tube lasts , but the lifespan is still seven to 10 years .

  21. 需求增长的最大推动力来自新兴市场,那里的经济增长强劲,消费者正开始以平板电视取代阴极射线管(CRT)电视。

    The biggest factor boosting demand is emerging markets , where economic growth is strong , and consumers are starting to replace cathode ray tube TVs with flat-panel displays .

  22. 阴极射线管(CRT)显示是最早的,最成熟的,也是性能价格比最高的信息显示技术,人们已广泛接受CRT的显示色彩和画质。

    Cathode ray tube ( CRTs ) display is one kind of information display with the highest performance to price ratio and the highest qualities on display color and imaging widely accepted .

  23. 第二,ACE原定采用的是延迟线存储,如果改用阴极射线管,几乎所有的设计和编程都必须推倒重来。

    For another , the ACE design and programming had been done for a delay line store , and would have to be completely reworked if policy changed to the use of cathode ray tubes .

  24. 本文介绍了一种新型彩色阴极射线管,即穿透式彩色阴极射线管的原理和特点,并且阐述了它在HDTV和彩色显示器中的应用。

    The principle and characteristics of new type color CRTs , i. e. the penetration color CRTs are introduced , and its application in HDTV and color display devices are indicated in this paper .

  25. 以阴极射线管(CRT)为例,研究了在不同发射电流下空间电荷效应对荧光屏上电子束点大小的影响。

    Setting Cathode Ray Tube ( CRT ) as an example , this paper gives an overview on how space charge effect influences electron beam spot size on the screen with respect to different cathode current .

  26. 目前广泛应用的热阴极射线管(CRT)因不能与集成电路制造技术相兼容,很难实现结构上的小型化,且工作电压高,能耗大,面临着被淘汰的局面。

    The widely applied cathode ray tube ( CRT ) display works under high voltages and it is very energy-consuming . It is also incompatible with the fabrication technology of integration circuits and difficult to be miniaturized .

  27. TCL多媒体大约有一半收入仍来自阴极射线管的生产,但这家生产TCL、乐华、汤姆森和RCA品牌电视的公司在平板电视领域也取得了增长。

    About half of TCL Multimedia 's revenue still comes from producing cathode-ray tubes , but the company , which makes TVs under the TCL , ROWA , Thomson and RCA brands , is growing in flat-screen TVs .

  28. 该系统用阴极射线管作扫描光源,由PDP-12小型电子计算机控制,在35毫米胶片上借助简单的光学系统进行扫描。

    The light spot controlled by a PDP-12 computer is focused by simple optical techniques and scans on a 35mm film .

  29. ias的其他研究人员有些看不起冯诺依曼和他召集来建造计算机的工程师团队,因为他们更愿意全力研究深奥的理论,而不是跟阴极射线管、热离子管和电烙铁打交道,更不要说热核武器了。

    Von Neumann and the band of engineers he assembled to build his computer were looked down upon by other members of the IAS faculty , who preferred to grapple with esoteric theories rather than cathode-ray tubes , thermionic valves and soldering irons-let alone thermonuclear weapons .

  30. 目的研究电脑阴极射线管显示器正前方不同距离和不同方位的极低频磁场(ELFMF)强度,就如何减少ELFMF的影响提出初步建议。

    Objectives To investigate intensity of extremely low frequency magnetic field ( ELFMF ) emitted from cathode-ray tubes ( CRT ) of monitors in various directions and to find ways to avoid its influence .