
  • 网络configuration space;C-space
  1. 位形空间非定域Ward恒等式

    Non-local Ward Identity in Configuration Space

  2. 任务空间是机械系统的一种典型位形空间,在几何上对应了李群SE(3)。

    Task-space is a typical configuration space of mechanical systems , whose geometrical correspondence is the Lie-group SE ( 3 ) .

  3. 对规范不变系统,从位形空间生成泛函出发,导出了该系统在定域、非定域和整体变换下的广义Ward恒等式。

    Starting from the configuration space generating functional for a gauge invariant system , the generalized Ward identities were deduced under the local , non local and global transformation , respectively .

  4. 本文在假定势能函数是Morse函数的情况下,通过计算位形空间的同调群并利用Morse不等式来估计某些质点系的平衡位置的个数。

    In the paper the potential functions are assumed to be Morse functions and the number of equilibrium positions of certain systems of n mass points is estimated by calculating of the homology groups of configuration spaces of the systems and Morse inequalities .

  5. 一种基于位形空间理论的几何建模方法

    A geometric modeling method based on the configuration space theory

  6. 5自由度并联机器人奇异位形空间分析

    Analysis of the singularity space of the 5 DOF of parallel manipulator

  7. 3&RTT并联机器人奇异位形空间分析

    Spatial analysis for singularity configuration of 3-RTT parallel robots

  8. 多特征的位形空间理论及其在定向公差建模与评定中的应用

    Configuration space of multiple features with application to modeling and evaluation of orientation tolerances

  9. 结合李群李代数方法,系统地研究了多特征的位形空间理论,给出了定向公差约束子流形的局部参数显式表达。

    A systematic introduction to the theory of configuration space of multi-features is given , appealing to Lie groups and algebras .

  10. 因此找到了位形空间中的电离谱和相空间中的同宿缠绕的对应。

    Thus a direct connection between the ionization spectrum in general geometric space and the homoclinic tangle manifolds in phase space is found .

  11. 非完整系统的运动约束不可积,因而具有可用较少的控制输入数确定其比控制输入空间维数大的位形空间内的运动。

    Nonholonomic machine system has a character that the number of dimensions of input space is fewer than that of controllable posture space .

  12. 然后以此路径作为操作臂位置约束,在操作臂的位形空间内随机采样构造了道路图;

    Then , taking the path curve as a position constraint , a roadmap was constructed by randomly selecting configuration of the manipulator .

  13. 由于非完整系统的运动约束不可积性,可使其用较少的控制输入确定比控制输入维数多的位形空间内的运动,表现出欠驱动的特性。

    Nonholonomic system is not integrated and it enable less control input to determine the motion within configuration space of which the dimension is more .

  14. 波函数的模平方正比于体系处在其位形空间各个点的几率密度。

    The square modulus of the wave function is proportional to the probability density of finding the system at each point in the configuration space .

  15. 研究了并联机器人的参数优化设计问题。分析了机构参数与位形空间拓扑性态之间的关系。

    Based on the relations between parameters of mechanisms and topology of configuration space , the singularity-free parameters design problem of a general parallel robot is studied .

  16. 基于位形空间的拓扑几何性质提出一种坐标无关的几何分类方法。

    Based on the topological and geometric properties of configuration spaces , this dissertation proposes a fine classification of singularities of parallel robots , which is coordinate-independent .

  17. 同时充分利用非完整系统具有输入空间的维数比可控制的位形空间小这一特殊属性,仅用两个输入:牵引车速度和转向角,来控制拖车系统的运动。

    Fully utilizing the character of the nonholonomic system , we control the movement of the trailers with two inputs - the velocity and Angular speed of the tractor .

  18. 应用连续无穷小变换结合力学变分原理给出完整非保守系统首次积分的两个新型构造方法。一是基于相空间的首次积分构造法,二是基于位形空间的较简便的首次积分构造法。

    Two new types of construction of the first integral for holonomic non-conservative systems are presented , using respectively the continuous infinitesimal transformation and the variational principles of mechanical systems .

  19. 由于传统运动规划算法是以位形空间的分解为出发点,因而传统方法框架下面很难引入车辆运动学和动力学。

    Since traditional motion planning algorithms are based on the decomposition of the configuration space , it is difficult to incorporate the kinematics and dynamics of the vehicle into the old framework .

  20. 本文以曲线坐标张量和位形空间概念,直接从动力学基本方程,导出第二类拉格朗日方程。

    This paper gives the derivation of the Lagrange 's equation of the second kind directly from the fundamental equation of dynamics on the bases of the curvilinear tensors and the concepts of configuration space .

  21. 在对并联机构的拓扑结构进行分析的基础上,提出了一种新的冗余并联机构的分类方法,即把冗余并联机构分为位形空间冗余,驱动冗余和末端执行器冗余三种类型。

    Based on the analysis of topology structure of parallel mechanisms , we present a new classification of redundancy of parallel mechanisms in three groups : configuration space redundancy , actuation redundancy and end effector redundancy .

  22. 本文通过坐标变换得到了分析力学中d'Alembert-Lagrange原理在任意位形空间中的简洁形式,并指出这种变换的关键是改变了位形空间的几何结构。

    The form of d'Alembert-Lagrange principle in configuration spaces is obtained by coordinate transform in the article . The key of this work is that the geometrical structure of configuration spaces is transformed by the coordinate transform .

  23. 第三章计算了强电场中锂原子的电离率,通过庞加莱映射找到了位形空间电离谱和相空间同宿缠绕的对应。

    In the third chapter , we calculate autoionization rate of Rydberg lithium atoms in a static electric field . Through the Poincar é map found a direct connection between the ionization spectrum in general geometric space and the homoclinic tangle manifolds in phase space is found .

  24. 传统运动规划算法仅仅考虑了位形空间的几何约束,忽略了车辆的运动学和动力学特性,因而规划结果不一定是可行的,运动控制系统无法使得车辆准确跟踪规划轨迹。

    In traditional motion planning algorithms , only geometric constraints are considered , while the kinematics and dynamics of the vehicle are ignored . Therefore the planned trajectory is not guaranteed for feasibility . That is , sometimes motion control cannot make the vehicle precisely track the planned trajectory .

  25. 这些结果可以为我们进一步开展三维磁层顶结构研究和磁层顶位形的空间天气预报提供一定的基础。

    These results provide some basis for further study of three-dimensional magnetopause structure and the forecasting of magnetopause shape for space weather .

  26. 探索了工作空间边界,综合分析了机构奇异位形与工作空间的关系。

    The boundary of workspace was explored and the relation of singular configuration and workspace was analyzed synthetically .

  27. 丰富而复杂的奇异位形是并联机构的一个重要特点,位形空间中的奇异位形对并联机构的精度、刚度以及运动性能有着重要的影响。

    There are abundant and complicated singularities in parallel mechanisms , which have great effects on the accuracy , stiffness and motion ability of parallel mechanisms .

  28. 研究了在每种位形下输出运动螺旋的节距与输入速度之间的关系以及具有相同节距的所有运动螺旋轴线在每种位形下的空间分布。

    The relations between the pitches of the output twists and hree velocity inputs are described , and the spatial distribution of the axes of all the twists with the same pitch is illustrated under each configuration .