
wèi néng
  • potential energy;energy of position;static energy
位能 [wèi néng]
  • [potential energy] 势能

位能[wèi néng]
  1. 用兰纳-琼斯位能和单参数Wilson方程预测汽液平衡

    VLE prediction with Lennard-Jones potential energy and one-parameter Wilson Equation

  2. 从有效位能变化来分析ELNino的年代际变化

    Interdecadal change of El Nino as seen from variations of available potential energy

  3. 欧洲议会急需一位能改善其声望的主席。

    The European Parliament badly needs a president who can burnish its image .

  4. 然后你们两位能不能或许在明天下班后多工作一小时来完成它?

    And could the both of you maybe put in an extra hour after work tomorrow to finish ?

  5. 我想找一位能和我安定下来、共度一生的人,但我遇到的大多数男性都不愿作出承诺。

    I 'm looking for a man I can settle down and spend my life with , but most men I meet don 't want to discuss commitment1 !

  6. H2分子在Ni(110)表面吸附的位能面研究

    A study on the adsorption potential surfaces of hydrogen on Ni ( 110 ) surface

  7. 高密度及多组元方阱位能混合物流体的计算机MonteCarlo模拟

    Computer Monte Carlo Simulation of High Density and Multicomponent Square Well Mixture Fluids

  8. 这部剧讲述了一位能穿越时空的类人外星人、名为“博士”(Doctor)的时间领主的冒险故事。

    The program depicts the adventures of the Doctor , a Time Lord - a space and time-travelling humanoid alien .

  9. 苯与Pt的化学吸附位能曲线呈单调下降,吸附作用是一个自发过程。

    The energy of chemical adsorption monotonously decreased and the adsorption was a spontaneous process .

  10. 对~(236)U的形变位能曲面作了较详细的分析,得出一些有益的结论。

    The deformation potential surface of ~ ( 236 ) U is drawn and analysed in detail .

  11. Cu,Ag,Au多晶原子位能函数线性热膨胀和体弹性模量计算

    Potential Function and Calculation of Linear Thermal Expansion and Bulk Modulus of Cu , Ag , Au

  12. 但是Skype仍然需要一位能带领公司上市的CEO。

    But it needed a CEO who could take the company public .

  13. 最后,在窄通道(C)加有限范围的时空周期性位能,其特性将在理论方面被研究。

    Finally , quantum transport in a narrow constriction ( NC ), and in the presence of a finite-range spatiotemporal periodic potential , is studied on the theoretical side .

  14. La,Ce,Pr和Nd的位能函数及其弹性电子理论

    Potential Functions Among Atoms of La , Ce , Pr and Nd and an Electron Theory of Their Elasticity

  15. 划分时采用流体力学能量方程,位能加动能之和用E指数表示;

    The main method employed in classifying grades is Energy Equation in Hydromechanics . E index stands for the sum of potential energy and kinetic energy .

  16. 用XRD法研究了八面体择位能大的离子对合成钙钛矿型Pb(Zn(1/3)Nb(2/3))03[PZN]多晶材料的影响。

    The effects on of the ion of large octahedral site preference energy an synthesis of perovskite-Type PZN polycrystal materials were investigated by XRD .

  17. 在《蓝色》(Blue)中,扮演一位能生儿育女的母亲,和女儿布鲁·艾薇(BlueIvy)在阳光炫目的巴西海岸漫步。

    and , in " Blue , " as an earth-mother-with-child , strolling a sun-dazzled strip of Brazilian coastline with her daughter , Blue Ivy .

  18. 用NPT系综模拟计算方阱位能流体

    Computer Simulation of NPT Ensemble for Square Well Fluids

  19. 因此模式输出的对流有效位能CAPE必须经过适当订正才能用于诊断强对流天气发生的可能性。

    The simulated CAPE value must be properly revised in order to diagnose the possible occurrence of the strong convective weather .

  20. 用径向分布函数及Lennard-Jones位能模型计算真实流体的PVT性质

    Prediction of PVT Properties of Real Fluid Using Radial Distribution Function and Lennard-Jones Potential Model

  21. 与下沉气流强度、上升气流夹卷率和对流有效位能(CAPE)消耗时间相关的参数能对模式性能造成显著影响。

    The model performance is found to be sensitive to downdraft-and entrainment-related parameters and consumption time of Convective Available Potential Energy ( CAPE ) .

  22. 文章表明,用APE方程近似形式计算大气有效位能是可行的,计算本身也是简便的。

    It is shown that computing APE with the approximate form of APE equations is practicable and the computation is itself simple and convenient .

  23. 在暴雨发生前武汉附近整个对流层大气积聚了大量的水汽,整个层结接近饱和,并且蕴涵着大量对流有效位能(CAPE);

    There was aboundent moisture gathered in the lower troposphere and the atmosphere was nearly saturated with a big store of convective available potential energy ( CAPE ) .

  24. 一位男性受访者表示,当他从MBA毕业时,他对成功的定义是“成为一位能给市场带来全新创新产品的专家。”

    One male respondent said when he graduated with his MBA , his definition of success was " becoming someone who is an expert at bringing new innovations to the marketplace . "

  25. 第二维里系数与温度的关联及Lennard-Jones和Stockmayer位能参数的推算

    Correlations of the Second Virial Coefficient with Temperature and Determinations of Lennard-Jones and Stockmayer Potential Parameters

  26. 从整个物质体系的界面能和位能计算出发,根据热力学平衡条件下整个物质体系的总能量应该达到最小,同样可以得到著名的YoungLaplace方程。

    A new derivation method of the Young-Laplace equation is also presented , based on the interfacial energy , the potential energy , and the total energy of the whole material system which should be minimum on the thermodynamic equilibrium condition .

  27. 二战前的一部电影中有一位名叫BuckRogers的男子登陆了火星,他是一位能打败任何外太空敌人的英雄。

    Moving pictures from before World War Two showed a man named Buck Rogers landing on the planet Mars . He was a hero who could defeat any enemy from outer space .

  28. 本文首先介绍了三类强不稳定度参数,即与对流有效位能CAPE有关的参数、与风垂直切变有关的参数、结合CAPE与风切变的参数等。

    Three kinds of environmental parameters are introduced in this paper , inclusive of one concerned with CAPE , one concerned with wind shearing and other concerned with both CAPE and wind shearing .

  29. 改进的EHMO理论&Ⅰ.氢、碱金属和第二周期元素闭壳层同核双原子分子位能曲线

    A modified EHMO theory ⅰ . the potential curves of closed shell homonuclear diatomic molecules of hydrogen , alkali metals and second periodic elements

  30. 用量子化学自洽场分子轨道从头计算方法,采用STO-3G基组计算了MgH~+,Mg2H~+离子的位能曲线与位能面;

    The potential energy curve of MgH ~ + and the potential energy surface of Mg_2H ~ + are calculated by quantum chemical ab initio SCF MO method with STO-3G basis set .