
  • 网络positional goods
  1. 僵化的社会更加精心的守护着位置商品,而不是相反。

    Ossified societies guard positional goods more , not less , jealously .

  2. 地点好的房子,是经济学家佛瑞德•赫希(FredHirsch)所称的位置商品。

    Well located houses are what the economist Fred Hirsch called a positional good .

  3. 各观察变量中最关键的影响因素分别是竞争环境状况、地理位置、商品价格、商品促销以及消费者。

    The observed variables were the most critical factor is the competitive environment , geography , commodity prices , commodity marketing , and consumers .

  4. 过去的研究显示人们倾向于根据中间位置选择商品,就像选择公共厕所中间的隔间,桌子中间的座椅,或者是一系列任意对象的中间项。

    Past studies have shown that people tend to make a lot of choices based on central locations , like choosing the middle bathroom stall in a public washroom , a middle seat at a table , or even the middle items in a series of arbitrary objects .

  5. jcpenney、target、gap和玩具反斗城(toysrus)等其他零售商,则发布了智能手机应用程序(app),结合诸如帮助用户查找实体店位置、查询商品是否有货等服务,促进销售。

    Others , including JC Penney , target , gap and Toys R US have launched smartphone applications , or apps , that promote deals alongside services such as helping customers locate physical stores or check the availability of items .

  6. 通常,我们迷迷糊糊地把自己熟悉的或摆放在显著位置的品牌商品漫不经心地放到购物篮中。

    Often , we feel bamboozled and just shove a familiar or prominently displayed brand into our basket .

  7. 例如,在一个谷物类过道,他们会将大块谷物放在底层,健康类谷物放在顶层,而较昂贵的谷物放在眼平视的位置,优惠的商品放在过道的末尾。

    In the cereal aisle , for instance , bulk cereal is placed at the bottom . Healthy cereal is placed at the top . Expensive brand name cereal goes right at eye level . Favored items are also placed at the end of aisles . And then there 's kid eye level .