
  • 网络positional consumption
  1. 位置消费理论:福利经济学的前沿课题

    Positional Consumption Theory : the Frontiers Study of Welfare Economics

  2. 位置消费与和谐社会的不和谐及矫正

    The " Un-harmoniousness " between Positional Consumption and Harmonious Society and the Rectification

  3. 中国居民位置消费行为的实证分析

    A Positive Analysis on Positional Consumer Behavior of the Residents in China

  4. 位置消费理论是研究人们争名寻位的经济理论。

    Positional consumption theory is a study on human quest for social status .

  5. 收入差距、位置消费与社会稳定

    Income Gap , Positional Consumption and Social Stability

  6. 用位置消费理论拓展中高级轿车市场

    Exploration of High & Medium Level Car Market by The Theory of Positional Consumption

  7. 论位置消费的福利影响

    On the Welfare Effect of Positional Consumption

  8. 为减少位置消费的负面影响,应对位置消费进行相应的引导和管制。

    Leading and regulating positional consumption comparatively is to minimizing the adverse effect of it .

  9. 位置消费是指人们追求相对经济地位的消费,而福利代表人们的满足感。

    Positional consumption is the consumption for comparative economic status , and the welfare is a feeling of satisfaction .

  10. 通过分析位置消费行为的双重效应,提出了规制人们消费行为的政策建议。

    And , then , through an analysis of dual effect of positional consumption the paper puts forward some suggested policies guiding consumer behavior .

  11. 所以位置消费的存在会影响经济增长的总福利水平,甚至导致得不偿失的经济增长。

    Positional consumption influences the overall welfare standard of economic growth , even brings the loss of economic growth rather than the gain of it .

  12. 争名与逐利一样都是人的经济本性,因而位置消费现象在休闲消费领域也同样存在。

    As it is human nature to quest for social status as well as profit , the phenomenon of positional consumption also exists in the field of leisure .

  13. 适度、合理的收入差距,不仅是激励人们竞争,促进发展的重要条件,也是位置消费产生的基本条件;

    Proper , reasonable gap in income is not only the important condition of stimulating competition and developing economy , it is also the essential condition of positional consumption .

  14. 本文运用位置消费理论阐述中高级轿车市场的消费特点,并提出运用位置消费理论指导我国中高级轿车市场开拓的策略。

    Through theory of positional consumption , the consumption feature of luxury level car market is described . The strategies to explore luxury level car market guided by positional consumption theory is also presented .

  15. 位置消费是消费经济学和福利经济学的前沿课题,是人类社会进步、经济发展、消费升级的具体体现。

    Positional consumption is a leading research field of the consumption economics and the wealth economics , and an embodiment of the advancement of the human society , the economic development , the consumption upgrading .

  16. 这些负面影响充分地暴露出位置消费中人与自然关系的矛盾,与可持续发展目标相左,与构建和谐社会不和谐。

    These negative effects fully expose contradictions in the relationship between human and the nature , and are incompatible with the goal of sustainable development , and are unharmonious with the construction of the harmonious society .

  17. 但过分悬殊的收入差距则不仅会影响人们的社会心理,不利于提高有效消费,而且可能产生畸形的位置消费行为,甚至会因此影响社会的稳定。

    But excessive gap will not only have negative influence on people 's social psychology and the improvement of real consumption , but also lead to malformed positional consumption behavior , even lead to the problem of social stability .

  18. 位置消费使人们追求效用极大化的行为从单纯的商品和劳务的消费变成自己消费和别人消费的比较,从独立消费变为不独立的消费比较。

    Then , in pursuing the maximum of utility , human being change the pure consumption of goods and services to comparison of his own consumption with that of others , from the independent consumption to comparison of dependent consumption .

  19. 基于建立中国农户消费函数分析理论框架的考虑,作者在第四章中提出了浴盆曲线、农户位置消费行为及农户短视消费行为等三个消费函数分析的理论模型。

    In Chapter IV , a theoretic frame of Chinese rural households ' consumption behavior analysis , the author brings up the theoretic frame of three consumption function analyses - Bathtub-shaped Curve , Rural Households ' Positional Consumption and Myopic Consumption .

  20. 一个位置提供消费事务或营销领域的挑战和责任。

    A Position offering challenge and responsibility in the realm of consumer affairs or marketing .

  21. 此外,沼气生产地点的位置和消费点,可以在不同的领域。

    Besides , biogas production place location and consumption point can be in different areas .

  22. 判断具体案件中明显的状况时,应根据权钱交易的本质特征,综合考虑地理位置、当地消费水平、经济发展水平等各种因素,以合理性、合法性原则为指导,得出判断案件性质的标准。

    Considering the location , local consumption level , economic development level and other factors based on the essential characteristics to identify the specific cases of clear situation . To see the principle of legality as a guide that analysis the nature of the case .