
xuàn yào xìnɡ xiāo fèi
  • conspicuous consumption
  1. 那是一个炫耀性消费的年代——有钱人都喜欢炫富。

    It was an age of conspicuous consumption — those who had money liked to display it .

  2. 借鉴简单的Ramsey模型,从理论上分析炫耀性消费对经济增长的影响。

    Ramsey 's Model is applied to analyze the effect of conspicuous consumption on the economic growth .

  3. 与此同时,一些非理性的消费行为也随着他们消费观念的转变而逐渐浮出水面,比如攀比性消费、炫耀性消费等等。

    Meanwhile , some irrational1 consuming behaviors such as unrealistic-comparison consumption , show-off consumption and so on also form since their consumption concept has been changed .

  4. 这些长期的债务人兼房奴将很可能永远无法完全拥有这个房子,因为炫耀性消费需要周期性的再融资来提供资金,也因为房产税的存在。

    These perpetual debtors / serfs will probably never own the home outright1 , thanks to cyclical refinancing ( used to fund conspicuous2 consumption ) and property taxes .

  5. 很少有哪个“炫耀性消费”场所能像佛罗伦萨小镇(FlorentiaVillage)一样给人带来惊奇。佛罗伦萨小镇地处中国北方城市天津市的郊外,是一处占地甚广“纯正意大利风格的名品奥特莱斯”,有仿建的斗兽场。

    Few temples to conspicuous consumption are as quirky as the Florentia Village , a sprawling " authentic Italian luxury outlet centre " on the outskirts of China 's northern city of Tianjin that boasts its own ersatz Colosseum .

  6. 中国独生代消费者炫耀性消费动机的实证分析

    Exploratory study on Chinese only-child generation 's motives of conspicuous consumption

  7. 炫耀性消费对经济增长影响的理论分析框架

    Theoretical Analysis about the Influence of Conspicuous Consumption to Economic Growth

  8. 自我概念归因与炫耀性消费行为关系的实证研究

    Empirical Study on Relationship between Self-concept Attribution and Conspicuous Consumption Behavior

  9. 抵制炫耀性消费的运动也对国内游有利。

    The campaign against flashy spending further favours staying at home .

  10. 也就是说,凡勃伦所谓的“炫耀性消费”卷土重来。

    Veblen 's conspicuous consumers , in other words , are back .

  11. 一名清洁工站在北京一家奢侈品商店的橱窗外,她身后是卡地亚手表的广告最新开启炫耀性消费香槟酒瓶塞的国度是中国。

    The latest to pop the champagne corks of conspicuous consumption is China .

  12. 炫耀性消费的最后阵地是太空。

    The final frontier in conspicuous consumption : space .

  13. 不过不用担心:炫耀性消费不会消失。

    Dont worry : Conspicuous consumption wont disappear .

  14. 中国情境下,新兴文化价值观会促进个人层面的炫耀性消费。

    Modern cultural values will promote conspicuous consumption at individual level in Chinese context .

  15. 此外,这种炫耀性消费的倾向并不只是富人才有。

    This tendency towards conspicuous consumption also extends well beyond the ranks of the wealthy .

  16. 炫耀性消费历来就是提供一种证明,表示你已经成功了。

    Conspicuously wasteful consumption has , traditionally , provided confirmation that you 've apparently made it .

  17. 面子意识、地位消费倾向与炫耀性消费行为&理论关系模型及实证检验

    Face Consciousness , Status Consumption Tendency and Conspicuous Consumption Behavior & Theoretical Relationship Model and Empirical Research

  18. 通过寻差和示差深度刻画了个体炫耀性消费的行为过程。

    This study deeply depicts the process of individual conspicuous consumption behavior by seeking and display discrepancy .

  19. 炫耀性消费的经济学效用分析

    Economic analysis on conspicuous consumption

  20. 透视青少年炫耀性消费

    Analysis on Teenagers ' Showing-off-Consumption

  21. 提出有序和无序的符号意义阐释来规避炫耀性消费的消极影响。

    This study proposes ordered and disordered symbol meaning explanation to evade the negative effect of conspicuous consumption .

  22. 炫耀性消费的三维动机结构&基于独生代消费者的探索性研究

    Three Dimensional Motivation Structures on Conspicuous Consumption & Based on the One-child Generation of Consumers ' Explorative Study

  23. 结果表明,炫耀性消费能加速经济增长,但不是经济增长的引擎。

    The result shows that conspicuous consumption can accelerate but is not the engine of the economic growth .

  24. 广告宣传的阶层想像和现实生活的巨大反差带来了一系列问题:炫耀性消费给国家经济发展和消费文化建构带来了不利影响;

    One problem is the negative influence of conspicuous consumption on the foundation of economic development and consumption culture .

  25. 本文中,笔者对凡勃伦的炫耀性消费思想作了简略的探讨;

    In this paper , the author first presented a brief introduction to Veblen 's thoughts on conspicuous consumption .

  26. 然后参考相关研究设计炫耀性消费行为和参照群体影响的初步测量量表。

    After that , measuring scales about CCB and reference group influence were designed based on some related researches .

  27. 虚荣特性、金钱态度对大学生炫耀性消费倾向影响的实证研究

    An Empirical Study of the Effects of Vanity and Money Attitudes on College Students ' Propensity to Conspicuous Consumption

  28. 深化对青少年炫耀性消费原因的分析,有助于我们对青少年消费观的引导。

    Deepening the analysis on the its reason will help us to give teenagers correct guidance on their consuming view .

  29. 中国情境下,个体的炫耀性消费行为由于不同文化价值观的碰撞会出现不同的程度的裂变。

    Individual conspicuous consumption behavior in Chinese context presents changes in varying degrees due to the collision among different cultural values .

  30. 炫耀性消费、经济增长和最优税收政策政府对外国货征收抑制性税率。

    Conspicuous Consumption , Economic Development and Optimum Tax Policy ; The government has put a prohibitive tax on foreign goods .