
  1. 与西方发达国家相比,我国的奢侈品市场存在独有的特点,比如多数中国人购买奢侈品往往出于炫耀心理。

    Compare with West developed countries , the luxury market of our country has characteristics , such as most Chinese buy luxury goods often to show off themselves .

  2. 然而时过境迁,炫耀财富的心理开始挖墙角了。

    But there is was ; the pride of riches was beginning its disintegrating work .

  3. 大量运用中国文化典故,既说明柳梦寅熟悉并热爱中国文化,也表现了他不甘被埋没而努力炫耀才华的心理。

    Liu Mengyin put so many allusions in his prose not only because he loved Chinese culture , but also because he wanted to display his talent .