
  • 网络web searching;web search;internet search;network search
  1. 剩下的几个章节讨论了教授网络搜索技能的一些逻辑和策略方面的问题。

    The remaining chapters cover logistical and tactical aspects of teaching web searching skills .

  2. 一种基于相关反馈和用户建模的网络搜索个性化服务

    A Personal Service for Web Searching Based on Relevant Feedback and User 's Interest Modeling

  3. 微软研究人员近日进行一项人们对健康相关网络搜索的调查,结果发现近40%的人在搜索症状后比未搜索前要更加忧虑。

    A study by researchers at Microsoft analyzed masses of health-related Internet searches and found that nearly 40 percent of people experience greater anxiety after researching their symptoms than they did at the outset .

  4. 网络搜索是一个经典的问题,在ITS(IntelligentTransportationsystem)中具有重要的意义。

    The network search is a classic problem ; it is very important in ITS ( Intelligent Transportation System ) .

  5. 基于移动agent的P2P网络搜索算法研究

    Study on Using Mobile Agent for Resource Searching Algorithm in P2P Network

  6. 基于应用层组播策略的P2P网络搜索模型研究

    Study on a P2P Network Searching Model based on Application-layer Multicasting

  7. 自适应P2P网络搜索算法

    An Adaptive Search Algorithm for P 2 P Network

  8. 在Internet高速发展的信息时代,网络搜索引擎是人们快速获得信息的重要工具之一。

    In the information times of internet rapid development , Search Engine is one of very important tool for people to obtain information .

  9. 新一代网络搜索引擎系统CHINAVIVI的实现

    Implementation of CHINA_VIVI & A New Generation Internet Search Engine

  10. 对等点(P2P)网络搜索技术的研究

    An Investigation on Search in Peer-To-Peer Networks

  11. 一种基于本体的P2P网络搜索方法

    An ontology-based searching method for peer-to-peer networks

  12. 用VB制作网络搜索软件的研究

    How to Use Visual-Basic to Produce Network Search Software

  13. 随着Internet技术的不断发展特别是网络搜索引擎技术的发展,用户想要得到自己需求的网络链接成为越来越容易的事情。

    With the continuous development of Internet technology , especially web search engine technology , it is easier that the user getting their network connections .

  14. 研究工作为实现高效的、可行的P2P网络搜索引擎系统做出了有益的尝试。

    The research has made beneficial attempt for achieving high effective and feasible P2P network search engine system .

  15. 基于DHT的分布式P2P网络搜索模型

    Base on the DHT P2P Distributed Network Search Model

  16. WCDMA终端网络搜索过程剖析

    Network Search Course Analysis of WCDMA Terminal

  17. 网络搜索和广告公司雅虎去年夏天拒绝了微软(Microsoft)每股42美元的收购报价,现在股价已经跌到了13.11美元。

    The Web search and advertising company last summer rejected Microsoft 's $ 42-a-share bid and its shares were trading recently at $ 13.11 .

  18. 如果你曾经看到他出现在一些行业会议上,如网络搜索大学(WebSearchUniversity)。你知道他的教学方法非常饱满,时常充满幽默,寓教于乐。

    If you 've ever seen him present at industry conferences such as Web Search University , you know he has an energetic , often humorous approach that is both enlightening and entertaining .

  19. 训练与识别算法分别为分段K-means算法和帧同步网络搜索算法。

    Segment K-means algorithm and frame - synchronous network search algorithm are used to train and recognize respectively .

  20. 网络搜索扩展器&运行命令db2textstop。

    Net search extender-Issue the command db2text stop .

  21. Facebook也跻身该榜,排名第35,品牌价值为191亿美元。中国网络搜索引擎百度从第46位上升至第29位。

    Facebook entered the top 100 at number 35 with a brand valued at $ 19.1 billion , while Chinese search engine Baidu rose to number 29 from 46 .

  22. 对Gnutella网络搜索机制的改进

    Improvement on Searching Mechanism in Gnutella Network

  23. 新入选榜单的富翁包括网络搜索巨头Google的创建人布琳和裴基,在他们公司的股票上市后,他俩每人的财富都超过了70亿美元。

    New entrants to the list include the founders of the internet search group Google Sergie Brin and Larry Page each worth more than seven billion dollars after their company 's recent stock market debut .

  24. 不过随着重点业务Android系统站稳脚跟,加上谷歌在网络搜索领域的地位很大程度上已经得到了开发,现在谷歌也在寻求新的开拓领域。

    But as its focus on its Android operating system makes clear , having largely exploited its position in online search , it is looking for new worlds to conquer .

  25. 难度感知的混合式对等网络搜索协议:通过结合结构化DHT和无结构对等网搜索协议各自的优点,混合对等网搜索策略能有效提高对等网系统的检索效率。

    Difficulty-aware hybrid search protocol in P2P networks . By combining structured DHTs and unstructured search protocols , hybrid P2Ps have the potential to effectively improve the performance of P2P retrieval systems .

  26. 本研究采用网络搜索任务和预期型时距生成范式,考察了等待信息的特征和任务特征对SRT估计的影响。

    Searching task and prospective time production paradigm were used to explore effects of waiting message and task characteristics on subjective estimation of SRT in the present study , including three experiments .

  27. 伦敦——据称,欧盟委员会(EuropeanCommission)计划就谷歌(Google)利用它在网络搜索方面的主导地位,偏袒谷歌自身服务的做法提起诉讼。这可能会成为监管机关对微软(Microsoft)采取行动以来,欧洲规模最大的反垄断案之一。

    London - The European Commission is said to be planning to charge Google with using its dominant position in online search to favor the company 's own services over others , in what would be one of the biggest antitrust cases here since regulators went after Microsoft .

  28. 据美国有线新闻网报道,谷歌公司日前发布透明度报告称,包括美国在内的西方国家正大力审查网络搜索结果和YouTube视频。

    According to a transparency report released by Google , western governments , including that of the United States , appear to be stepping up efforts to censor Internet search results and YouTube videos , CNN reported .

  29. 根据病理生理学知识及临床信息的可获得性确立病人生理状态稳定性的分类标准,并借鉴网络搜索思想尝试进行ICU病人生理状态稳定性的判断与预测。

    The standards of patients ' physiological state are established , according to the basic pathophysiology knowledge and the availability of clinical information , and we try to predict physiological stable states in ICU patients , drawing lessons from internet search principle .

  30. 布鲁塞尔——欧盟反垄断最高官员周三正式指控谷歌(Google)利用其在网络搜索方面的主导地位,损害竞争对手,并将就Android智能手机软件是否强制手机制造商偏袒谷歌自身服务和应用的做法提起诉讼。

    BRUSSELS - The European Union 's antitrust chief on Wednesday formally accused Google of abusing its dominance in web searches to the detriment of competitors and began official proceedings into whether its Android smartphone software forces phone makers to favor the company 's own services and applications .