
wǎnɡ luò duān kǒu
  • network port
  1. 这个配置记录行指定的远程位置由IP地址10.1.1.25和网络端口514标识。

    The remote location specified by this configuration record line is identified by the IP address “ ” and network port “ 514 .

  2. HLMport&用于HLM的设备网络端口(AMP),比如5550

    HLM port & Device 's network port for HLM ( AMP ), such as5550

  3. 防火墙和路由器能够阻塞网络端口,限制对Domino服务器的访问。

    A firewall or router can block network ports , restricting access to the Domino server .

  4. 想要在IBMCloudVLAN和您自己的系统之间实现的特定集成,以及那些集成需要的网络端口。

    The specific integrations you want to enable between the IBM Cloud VLAN and your own systems and the network ports those integrations require .

  5. 在“Dominonetworksettings”屏幕上,服务器设置程序探测网络端口,并根据计算机的网络名称建议LotusDomino服务器使用的主机名。

    In the Domino network settings screen , the server setup detects your network ports and suggests a host name to use for your Lotus Domino server based on the computer 's network name .

  6. 在管理非常理想的虚拟化环境中,每个VM都有一个专用的网络端口,或者VM共享一个10Gb或更快的网络连接。

    In an ideally managed virtualized environment , each VM has a dedicated network port , or a 10 Gb or greater network connection is shared by the VMs .

  7. 可以执行各种测试,包括使用标准ping工具的测试。或在ping协议被禁用的情况下尝试其他网络端口的更广泛的测试。

    You can perform a number of different tests , including a test using the standard ping protocol , or a more extensive test that tries other network ports in case the ping protocol has been disabled .

  8. 文章针对通过计算机USB、光驱、软驱、串并口、网络端口等进行窃密/泄密的信息安全漏洞和隐患,提出了一种软、硬件相结合的有效技术解决方案。

    The paper presented a novel computer information security solution scheme by combining software and hard-ware way in order to prevent the potential security risk of computer information which is copied via USB interface , CD-ROM , floppy driver , serial and parallel interface , and network port .

  9. 网络端口扫描及其防御技术研究

    Research about technology of port scan and port scan detect

  10. 架构图包含了网络端口的图标。

    The architecture diagram includes an icon for network ports .

  11. 网络端口要求:需要在云和您的网络之间启用的特定集成

    Network port requirements : Specific integrations to enable between the cloud and your network

  12. HomePlug:每一插座都是网络端口?

    HomePlug : Every outlet a network port ?

  13. 网络端口扫描与漏洞检测的研究

    Study of Network Port Scanning & Leak Detection

  14. 需要一个网络端口把笔记本电脑接到网络来测试系统性能。

    A network port is needed to hook the notebook up to the network to test system performance .

  15. 在主机检测器中的网络端口检测功能,有效的解决了交换式网络中入侵检测系统无法检测的致命弱点。

    Network Port Detection in Host Detector can be used for detecting intrusion in switched network which IDS can not work exactly .

  16. 希望能够按操作类型、文件或网络端口汇总数据吗?

    Do you want to be able to summarize data by an operation type , or by the files or network ports ?

  17. 剩余的策略主要是授与容器充分的特权,以访问系统的各个部分:网络端口、设备和控制台等。

    Most of the rest of the policy merely is there to grant the container sufficient privilege to access bits of the system : network ports , devices , consoles , etc.

  18. 此外,为了满足高校教师和研究人员的需求,本文还在支撑系统侧开发了功能强大的网络端口及数据采集客户端。

    Moreover , in order to meet the university teachers and researchers demand , the author also developed a powerful network ports in the support system side and data collection to the client .

  19. 中国最繁忙的网络端口,比如搜狐和新浪也通过它们黑白的主页来表示它们的尊重,完全看不到平时那些色彩鲜艳的动画图片和文章。

    The country 's most heavily trafficked Web portals such as Sohu and Sina are conveying their respect with black and white home pages , devoid of their usually colorful and animated photos and articles .

  20. 该业务系统利用中国电信无处不在的宽带网络端口,将分散、独立的图像采集点进行联网,实现跨区域的统一监控、管理和资源管理。

    In order to achieve inter-regional , global management and resource sharing , this system takes advantage of the business of broadband network ubiquitous ports of China Telecom to network the decentralized and independent points of image acquisition .

  21. 本文以无线安全网关为基础,分析了当前无线局域网所面临的用户访问控制问题。根据网络端口访问控制标准IEEE802.1x的用户认证协议,提出了无线用户访问控制方案。

    Based on the wireless security gateway , this paper analyzes the problems of user access control WLAN faces to at present , proposes the scheme of wireless user access control based on network port access control standard IEEE 802.1x user authentication protocol .

  22. 如果Linkstate为down,那么就显示网线或网络交换机端口可能有问题。

    A down state would indicate a possible bad cable or network switch port .

  23. 任意端接网络按端口并联对网络转移特性的影响

    Effect of connecting multi-terminal network in parallel by ports on matrix transfer characteristics

  24. 网络典型端口扫描攻击的分析与完善

    Analysis and Perfection of Typical Port Network Scan Attacks

  25. 被测件经过电缆、转接头适配器与网络仪端口连接;

    DUT are joined with cables and adapters ;

  26. 以四端网络的端口特性为依据,提出了双口网络的补充方程。

    The extended equations of two-port network are given on the basis of the four-terminal characteristic .

  27. 在这个新模型中,互连线网络的端口被分为有源和无源两类。

    In this new model , the ports of the interconnect network are classified into two groups : active and passive ports .

  28. 应用不定导纳矩阵,对线性、非时变、初始松驰的任意端接网络按端口并联,分析了网络转移函数所受的影响。

    For parallel connection by ports of linear , time-invariant and initial slack multi-terminal networks , the effect on network transfer function is analyzed by using indefinite admittance matrix .

  29. 本文给出复杂网络任意端口连接理论,从而可以方便地进行多端口功率分配器的S参数计算机分析。

    A connection theory to the arbitrary ports of a complicated network is presented , from which the computer-aided analysis of the S scattering parameters of a multi-port power distributor is investigated .

  30. 用MRTG实时记录多个网络设备的端口流量

    Record the Traffic Load on Network - links in Real Time with MRTG