
  • 网络SERVER;Cloud Server;ECS
  1. 云服务器通常是可靠的,但是采取预防措施是很明智的,特别是自从Amazon提供额外服务来提高可靠性之后。

    Cloud servers are generally reliable , but taking precautions is smart , especially since Amazon provides extra services to enhance reliability .

  2. 思科把“传统”服务与云服务器区分开;

    Cisco differentiates between " traditional " services and cloud servers ;

  3. addtocacti.sh脚本在Cacti服务器上之后,所需的就是让云服务器运行它。

    With the add_to_cacti.sh script on the Cacti server , all it takes is for the cloud server to run it .

  4. 您可以设置Rational产品,使用您自己的LDAP服务器进行身份验证,消除了在每个Rational云服务器上本地创建用户帐户的必要性。

    You can set up the Rational products to use your own LDAP servers for authentication , eliminating the need to create user accounts locally on each Rational cloud server .

  5. 云服务器在通常的位置放置一个带有元数据的文件,例如AmazonSimpleStorageService(AmazonS3),在这个位置其他脚本会重建它们的配置文件。

    The cloud server drops a file with some metadata in a common place , such as Amazon Simple Storage Service ( Amazon S3 ), where other scripts look to rebuild their configuration files .

  6. 使用高端数据库开发软件,最可能的选择是使用企业内部数据中心的云服务器池,测试的时候可以使用AmazonWeb服务临时扩展资源。

    To develop software using high-end databases , the most likely choice is to use cloud server pools at the internal data corporate center and extend resources temporarily with Amazon Web services for testing purposes .

  7. MB还可以部署在防火墙外,例如在一个云服务器上,连接到运行在防火墙内的WSO2ESB上。

    MB can also be deployed outside your firewall , for instance in a Cloud server , and connect to WSO2 ESB running within your firewall .

  8. 在这个例子中,云服务器连接回到Cacti服务器,并且自行配置。

    In this example , the cloud server connects back to the Cacti server and configure itself .

  9. 当从cron定期地运行时,这些代码就会收集显示中的任何变更,然后将它们应用到云服务器。

    This code , when run from cron periodically , picks up any changes in the manifests and applies them to the cloud server .

  10. 云服务器连接到其他服务器,运行一个直接升级管理应用程序的脚本。

    The cloud server connects to another server and runs a script , which updates the management application directly .

  11. 现在,您已经有了一个检查表,还知道备用云服务器将在哪里运行。

    At this point , you have started a checklist and know where your alternate cloud servers will be running .

  12. 利用已有的经验,您可以在早晨为概念验证进行编码,并于当天下午就在云服务器上运行它。

    With experience , you could code a proof of concept in a morning and have it running on a cloud server the same afternoon .

  13. 今天,软件开发中的大部分有趣工作都出现在两个极端上:巨型云服务器和微型移动设备。

    Most of the interesting work in software development today occurs at one of the two extremes : huge cloud servers and tiny mobile devices .

  14. 未来移动互联网主要发展趋势是通过移动互联网,一端连着智能终端设备,一端连着云服务器,为用户提供更加丰富的应用。

    The trend of the mobile Internet is one end attaches the intelligent terminal device with another end attaching to the cloud though the mobile Internet .

  15. 如果这还不足以得到足够的信息,那么在没有告知相关企业并得到批准的情况下,美国国家安全局还能悄悄进入谷歌和雅虎的云服务器查看信息。

    If that wasn 't enough , the NSA also secretly tapped into Google and Yahoo 's cloud servers without the companies ' knowledge or approval .

  16. 同时在客户端和云服务器之间采用公共信道来传送加密的数据,减少了建设安全信道的费用。

    Meanwhile , the public channel is adopted to transmit the data between the server and the client , which reduce the overhead of building secure channel .

  17. 今年早些时候,亚马逊的首席技术官沃纳o沃格尔表示,如果客户有需求,公司将会提供工具帮助他们架设混合云服务器。

    Earlier this year , Amazon CTO Werner Vogels said his company would offer some tools to help customers go hybrid if that is what they want .

  18. 在一个云服务器上,您不知道您已经获取了什么&或者更确切地说,您不知道您访问了什么。

    On a cloud server , you don 't know what you 've got & or , more to the point , what you have access to .

  19. 如果想要在此公司的云服务器上获取更大的储存容量,用户需要付费,这样他们最多就可以上传30条信息,与多达200人分享这些信息。

    For a larger storage capacity on the company 's cloud servers and up to 30 messages that they can share with up to 200 people , users have to pay a fee .

  20. 在权限分配方面,为云端服务器设定相应的角色,限制云服务器的权限,降低云服务提供商使用云服务器非法访问使用数据的可能性,提高云端数据的安全性。

    For permission assignment , we provide a special role for cloud server to limiting its permissions , which may reduce probability of illegal access and abuse of data that caused by incredible cloud computing venders .

  21. 每一封通过谷歌邮箱发送的邮件,每一份储存在谷歌文档的电子表格,还有每一段在雅虎通上发生的对话,都记录在云服务器上—一个全球性的服务器和数据中心网络。

    Every e-mail sent through Gmail , every spreadsheet saved in Google Docs and every chat conversation held on Yahoo Messenger is stored in " the cloud , " a global network of servers and data centers .

  22. 但是在不考虑用户与云服务器竞争的前提下,现有的研究缺乏一种激励机制来使系统实现有效的应用卸载和云资源的高效配置。

    However , without considering the competition relationship of mobile users and cloudlets in the mobile cloud computing system ( MCCS ), existing studies lack an incentive mechanism for the system to achieve efficient application offloading and cloud resource provisioning .

  23. 在本文的模型中,数据所有者成为协议中的计算方之一,因此数据所有者可以安全的控制检测行为,并且可以有效的防范两种分别来自云服务器和非法检测者的恶意攻击。

    In our model , the data owner is one of the computing operators in the protocol , so the data owner can control the security of the checking action and defense the attacks coming from the cloud server and the illegal checker .

  24. 而数据完整性检测方案可以有效的检测出存储在云服务器中数据是否被篡改,当损失的数据量在一定规模以内时,可以通过前期的编码恢复出完整数据。

    Fortunately , the data integrity checking can judge whether the data have been tampered or not . If the lost data do not exceed certain limitation , they can be recovered by the codes technology which has been processed in the data preprocessing before .

  25. 本项目团队在这样的背景下,展开了信息化关键技术研究,提出了云计算服务器+宽带网+瘦客户端这种完全摒弃PC的全新信息化模式。

    In this context , the project team has launched a key technology research of information technology , a new information mode of " cloud computing server and broadband network and thin client " has been proposed .

  26. 系统主要包括云计算服务器集群和信息服务平台。

    This system mainly includes cloud computing server cluster and information service platform .

  27. 新的信息化模式采用云计算服务器+宽带网络+多媒体瘦客户端的系统构架,包括嵌入式终端系统研发、高可靠云计算服务器集群的建设。

    The new information system architecture based on " Cloud computing center + broadband network + multimedia thin client ", includes embedded terminal system research , highly reliable cloud computing server cluster building .

  28. 这一服务构建在一个专用的、基于云的服务器上,然后通过一个全新的用户界面,传送给每位业主。该界面可视化了业主们使用能源时的具体模式。

    This disaggregation was performed on a purpose-built , cloud-based server , and then relayed back to the owners of each home via a novel user interface that visualized their specific patterns of use .

  29. 允许现有的NOC监控和管理基于云计算的服务器。

    Allows existing NOC to monitor and manage the cloud-based servers .

  30. 管理器实例将IPsec信道交通路由到数据中心,并作为基于云计算的服务器之间的加密交换机。

    The manager instances route the IPsec tunnel traffic to the data center and act as encrypted switches between the cloud-based servers .