
  • 网络Cloud Technology
  1. 她目前在领导向公共云和私有云技术推广Rational品牌的采用。

    She currently leads the Rational brand adoption of public and private cloud technologies .

  2. 与此同时,云技术所提供的弹性和资源自动配置显著改进了SDLC。

    At the same time , the elasticity and automated provisioning of resources that cloud technologies offer radically improve the SDLC .

  3. ChromeOS的确有其令人称道的独特之处——尤其是它简约以及与云技术契合的理念。

    Chrome OS does have some admirable qualities - especially its philosophy of simplicity and of being wedded to the cloud .

  4. 自从Web2.0出现以来,云技术成为谈论最多的技术之一。

    The cloud has been one of the most talked about technologies since Web 2.0 .

  5. 他目前致力于云技术解决方案,这些技术包括API经济和物联网的迁移、集成和启用。

    His current focus is on cloud technology solutions , including migration , integration , and enablement of the API economy and the Internet of Things .

  6. ARTISVentures参与PracticeFusion公司的三轮融资,也正是基于这样的理念。PracticeFusion公司通过云技术,为超过112000名医护专业人员管理电子病历。

    That philosophy is behind ARTIS Ventures ' three rounds of financing for Practice Fusion , which manages electronic health records in the cloud for more than 112,000 healthcare professionals .

  7. 谷歌表示,通过其自身的一系列努力,加之行业内更廉价的、基于云技术的产品已是大势所趋,近年来,成上千万的企业已经不再使用微软Exchange电子邮件系统,转而选择谷歌企业应用套件。

    According to the company , the result of these efforts and the general trend towards cheaper cloud-based offerings , thousands of businesses have switched from Microsoft ( MSFT ) exchange to Google Apps in recent years .

  8. 思科(Cisco)将重点放在云技术领域,为了加强在云技术市场的竞争,还进行了多笔收购。

    It 's all about the cloud at Cisco and it 's made several acquisitions to compete in that market .

  9. 提出了一套SaaS在手机上的解决方案,实现云技术和手机的结合。

    A set of SaaS solutions on mobile phones were proposed to achieve a combination of cloud and mobile phone technology .

  10. 和Salesforce.com一样,Workday正在让云技术企业软件所带来的希望逐步成为现实。

    COM , workday showed the promise of the cloud in enterprise software was being fulfilled today .

  11. 澳大利亚的CBA银行已转向一种基于云技术的系统,而德意志银行最近也将许多应用程序外包给一家云计算服务提供商。

    Australia 's CBA has moved to a cloud-based system , while Deutsche recently outsourced many of its applications to a cloud provider .

  12. (医疗服务公司)athenahealth的老板JonathanBush称医疗行业是“反创新”,他的公司利用云技术将保健公司的行政管理系统数码化。

    Jonathan Bush , the boss of athenahealth , which uses the cloud to digitise health firms " administrative systems , calls the medical industry " anti-innovation . "

  13. 说到云技术,存储和网络方面还有很多技术难关要攻克,iosaferoggedportable是大赢家。

    And speaking of cloud , in the storage and networking category , the alter rugged and bullet proof , IO safe rogged portable is the winner .

  14. 云技术已经在消费领域蓬勃发展起来,其代表产品有文件存储服务Dropbox、亚马逊(Amazon)和谷歌文档(GoogleDocs)等。

    The cloud has been thriving in the consumer space , led by products like Dropbox , Amazon ( AMZN ) , and Google ( GOOG ) docs .

  15. 正如许多搭载谷歌(Google)云技术操作系统的上网本一样,该电脑离线处理文档会有点困难,必须使用Gmail、谷歌文档(GoogleDocs)及其他谷歌应用。

    Like many netbooks running Google 's cloud-oriented operating system , it struggles a bit with handling documents offline and all but requires using Gmail , Google Docs and other Google apps .

  16. 控制台采用云技术,可以让游戏立刻传输到玩家的家中,这点很像网飞(Netflix)和亚马逊(Amazon)传输电影和电视节目。

    The console features cloud-based technology that can stream games to players ' homes instantly , much like Netflix ( NFLX ) and Amazon ( AMZN ) beam movies and TV shows .

  17. “那些不大可能会采用云技术,因为移植的成本太高了。”瑞士信贷技术基础设施服务的主管斯蒂夫·希尔顿(SteveHilton)毫不讳言。

    " It is unlikely those will go out to the cloud because the cost of migration is so high ," says Steve Hilton , Credit Suisse 's head of technology infrastructure services .

  18. 在贝托谢姆看来,云技术对新公司,如他最新投资的Arista网络公司是大势所趋。

    As Bechtolsheim sees it , the cloud is a foregone conclusion for new companies such as his latest venture , Arista Networks .

  19. 该系统是基于云技术中SaaS(软件即服务)和IaaS(基础设施即服务)理念而设计的、针对多家企业进行进销存信息管理,即电子商务应用云平台系统。

    The system is based on SaaS ( Software as a Service ) and IaaS ( Infrastructure as a Service ) concept and design , a system of inventory management for many companies , that is E-commerce application cloud platform system .

  20. 混合云技术及XaaS允许您为利用无处不在的设备以及管理随该设备涌现的大量资源和服务挖掘所需的多样化。

    Hybrid cloud technology along with XaaS allows you to tap into the requisite variety required to utilize ubiquitous devices and manage the mushrooming array of resources and services they make possible .

  21. 向云计算平台的转型首先发生在应用层面上。近年来,一批新建立的公司开始通过基于云技术的“软件即服务”模式向用户交付现有应用功能,比如客户关系管理应用Salesforce.com和人力资源应用Workday。

    The first elements of the cloud-computing shift took place at the applications level : New companies were created to deliver existing application functionality via a cloud-based , software-as-a-service ( SaaS ) model . Think of examples like Salesforce.com CRM - 2.81 % for customer relationship management , or Workday for human resources .

  22. 现在云技术正在朝企业领域进军。

    Now the cloud is working its way into the enterprise .

  23. 为人工智能服务的云技术也遵循这一法则。

    A cloud that serves AI will obey the same law .

  24. 云技术虽然优越,但尚不完美。

    The cloud approach is better , but not perfect .

  25. ⑸采用云技术构建省市级医疗数据中心。

    ⑸ Medical data center is build by cloud technology .

  26. 除了创新潜能之外,云技术还有一些实际的好处。

    Beyond the innovative possibilities , the cloud also has practical benefits .

  27. 他们目前有三个不同的管理团队在运营其云技术战略。

    They 've had three different management teams running their cloud strategy .

  28. 老的科技巨头不会拒绝云技术。

    The old-school tech giants don 't reject the cloud .

  29. 想象一下,一个团队使用不同的设备形式通过云技术进行通信。

    Imagine a team that communicates via cloud technology using distinct device forms .

  30. 云技术大大改变了几乎所有应用程序开发项目的业务案例。

    Cloud technology drastically alters the business case for almost any application development project .