
  1. 随着Internet的迅速发展和信息技术在商业领域中的广泛应用,传统的商业模式正在向网络经济模式转变。

    With rapid development of Internet and widespread use of Information Technology , the traditional business pattern has changed to network economy .

  2. 针对当今网络经济模式下中小企业对支持企业动态联盟使能系统的需求,本文提出了一个面向服务结构的、基于Web服务的服务集成使能原型系统&eScope。

    Under the current network economic model , according to the requirement of the small and medium enterprises for dynamic alliance enabled system , based on Web services , a service-oriented service integration enabled prototype system-e_Scope is proposed .

  3. 因此,在网络经济模式下,企业尤其是中小企业,企业动态联盟将成为主要商业运营模式。

    Therefore , in network economic pattern , enterprises , especially small and medium enterprises , dynamic alliance will be the main business model .

  4. 在电子商务和网络经济模式下,传统银行面临着机遇和挑战,电子商务给银行业带来了无限的发展机遇和商机。

    In the electronic commerce and the network economic mode , traditional Banks are facing opportunities and challenges , the electronic commerce to banking brought infinite opportunity of development and business opportunities .

  5. 网络经济新模式&协同商务

    Collaborative Commerce & - A New Network Economy Mode

  6. 关于完善网络经济核算模式的研究

    On Perfecting Network Economic Accounting Mechanism

  7. 网络经济的运行模式与竞争策略

    On the Operating Models and Competition Tactics of net Economy

  8. 中国企业网络经济的发展模式

    The Consideration On Pattern of Development of Network Economy of Enterprises of China

  9. 网络经济时代的商务模式变革与知识管理

    Change of Commerce Pattern and Knowledge Management in Internet Economic Era

  10. 网络经济对企业管理模式的影响。

    The influence of the NE on the mode of enterprise management .

  11. 网络带来的新经济模式,已开始改变人们过去的生活习惯与行为。

    Network brings the new economic model , which has begun to change people 's living habit and behavior .

  12. 电子商务是网络经济的主要交易模式,它代表着未来贸易方式的发展方向。

    Electronic Commerce , the key model of network economy , represents the orientation of trade development in the future .

  13. 网络经济与传统经济模式相比,具有降低信息成本的重要特点。信息成本通常被认为传统产业中的交易成本,其实它是一项极高昂的成本,并且表现出很大的变动性。

    Comparing with traditional economy , internet economy can greatly reduce the information cost which is very high and shows high mobility .

  14. 网络营销随着现代经济模式的发展逐步成为钢铁业经营的重要方式之一。

    Network marketing has gradually become one of the important ways in iron and steel industry operating with the development of modern economic model .

  15. 究其本质,笔者认为,网络经济的核心盈利模式是最大程度的获取用户资源,从而提高访问量以及广告点击率。

    In the essence , I think that the core profit model of Internet economy is to strive for the greatest resources of users and to improve traffic and advertising click rate .

  16. 在网络经济时代,创新模式从简单的线性模式、交互模式向网络模式演化,网络成为了企业创新的重要环境特征。

    In the Network Economy , innovation model is moving from a simple linear model , interactive model to the network model , and the network has become an important environmental characteristic of business innovation .

  17. 网络经济时代,创新模式从简单的线性模式、交互作用模式到网络模式的演化,要求企业从封闭式创新走向开放式创新,网络成为当代企业创新的重要环境特征。

    At the age of network economy , as innovation model evolves from a simple linear mode 、 interactive model to the network model , requires the enterprise to go from closed innovation to open innovation , the network has become an important environmental characteristics of business innovation .

  18. 在网络经济下,重组的模式有单纯的发展网络银行业务及全面与网络经济融合两种模式。

    The development of network economy is changing the operation environment .

  19. 作为新兴经济的代表,网络经济近年来在全球范围内得到了飞速的发展。进入20世纪90年代后期,网络经济模式的发展更为迅猛,互联网已经进入世界经济发展的各个角落。

    Being the representative of new economy , internet economy was developing rapidly in recent years and even more faster in late 90s of this century .