
wǎnɡ luò tūn tǔ liànɡ
  • network throughput
  1. 在网络吞吐量、丢包率等性能方面明显优于RED算法。

    IARED is better than RED algorithm in network throughput , packet loss rate and other network performance .

  2. Facebook使用Linux,但针对自己的需求对Linux进行了优化,特别是网络吞吐量方面。

    Facebook uses Linux , but has optimized it for its own purposes ( especially in terms of network throughput ) .

  3. 协议功能并行对TCP网络吞吐量的影响

    Effects of Protocol Function on the Throughput of TCP Net

  4. 分簇CDMA无线adhoc网络吞吐量性能研究

    The Throughput Capacity of Cluster CDMA Wireless Ad Hoc Networks

  5. 基于多用户检测的adhoc网络吞吐量研究

    Throughput Study for Ad hoc Network with Multiuser Detection

  6. 非时隙CDMA分组网络吞吐量性能分析:统一的方法

    Throughput analysis for unslotted CDMA packet networks : a unified approach

  7. 基于事件冲突干扰模型的UWB无线adhoc网络吞吐量性能研究

    Study on throughput capacity of UWB Ad Hoc networks based on events conflict interference model

  8. 这种行为会损害网络吞吐量、CPU利用率以及总体网络性能和可伸缩性。

    This behavior degraded networking throughput , CPU utilization , and overall networking performance and scalability .

  9. 对于基础设施mesh网,其网络吞吐量的大小直接决定了终端设备接入的数量。

    For infrastructure mesh networks , the throughput in network will determine the number of terminals which can access network .

  10. 调度算法是虚拟化技术中分配处理器资源的重要方法,对虚拟机的磁盘读写速度、网络吞吐量及CPU分配精度等性能有很大影响。

    The performance of scheduler plays a key role in the rate of disk reading / writing , network throughput , CPU allocation accuracy and so on .

  11. 从比较结果可以看出,本文提出的定向接入与空间复用机制对无线adhoc网络吞吐量和平均时延两方面的性能均有明显的改善作用。

    And the simulation results of scene two show that the performance of network throughput and average delay in wireless ad hoc networks is significantly improved using the proposed mechanism .

  12. 为了充分利用多信道资源,提高网络吞吐量,本文研究了Multi-Channel无线网络中基于协议冲突模型的功率选择问题。

    To take full advantage of multi-channel resources and improve the network throughput , we study protocol conflict model based power selection problem in multi-channel wireless networks .

  13. 与RTS/CTS(RequestToSend/ClearToSend)握手机制相比,在一定假设条件下,网络吞吐量有着明显的提高,与此同时,系统发射功率最多可降低60%以上。

    Compared with RTS / CTS ( request to send / clear to send ) hand mechanism , the throughput is improved obviously , meanwhile the system power has been decreased more than 60 percent at most .

  14. 通过二维Markov链的分析,研究了数据包长度服从均匀分布时的网络吞吐量性能,给出了最佳RTS门限值的计算方法。

    The throughput performance of network is analyzed based on 2-dimension Markov chain when packet lengths are uniformly distributed , and the optimal RTS threshold is presented .

  15. 本文研究了基于CR系统的协作中继功率分配问题,在确保不影响授权用户正常通信的前提下,最大化通信效率,兼顾用户间公平,以达到对用户发射功率的较好优化,提高网络吞吐量。

    In this paper , power control for cooperative communications based on CR system is studied to improve network throughput and achieve a better optimization of transmission power under the premise of primary users ' normal communication .

  16. 在有些情况下,比如说网络吞吐量很慢时,Ajax调用在暂停一段特定的时间之后没有完成,会导致测试用例失败。

    Under some circumstances , such as slow network throughput , the Ajax call is not completed after pausing for a specific time and will lead to the failure of the test cases .

  17. 然而,我们首先检查到网络吞吐量没有问题(使用NetworkAssociates提供的网络嗅探器NetXRay)。

    However , we first verified that we did not have a network throughput problem ( by using the network sniffer tool , NetXRay , by Network Associates ) .

  18. 扩展的NS2仿真结果表明,该算法能有效降低链路干扰,提高网络吞吐量。

    Simulations result of extensive NS2 shows that this method can improve the link interference and network throughput effectively .

  19. 而且对于部署密度较高的大规模WSNs,单信道MAC协议会产生大量数据包冲突,从而导致网络吞吐量较低和时延较大等问题。

    And for the deployment of high-density , large-scale WSNs , single-channel MAC protocol will generate a large number of packet collisions , resulting in lower network throughput and latency larger problem .

  20. 2P协议的不足之处是主干链路使用同一信道,形成整个网络吞吐量的瓶颈。

    The disadvantage for 2P protocol is that the backbone links share a common channel , resulting in the bottleneck of the network throughput .

  21. 本论文以提高带宽资源利用率和网络吞吐量等网络性能为目标,主要围绕多信道MAC协议和多信道路由协议的设计与实现展开研究。

    We aim at utilizing multi-channel technique to improve the performance of network in bandwidth resource utilization , network throughput and so on . We mainly research on design and realization of multi-channel MAC protocol as well as routing protocol .

  22. RLP层吞吐量从81.2KBPS提高到95.83KBPS,平均1X数据传输速率、网络吞吐量得到明显提升,表明优化方案是可行的。

    RLP layer KBPS improve throughput from 95.83 to KBPS stuffy symptom , average data transfer rate , 1X network throughput , get that optimization scheme is feasible .

  23. 实验结果表明,DCA和RFS可有效降低数据转发时延,减小节点平均能耗,提高网络吞吐量。

    Simulation results indicate that DCA and RFS can reduce the latency of data forwarding and the average energy consumption of nodes , as well as increase the throughput significantly . 2 .

  24. 分析和模拟结果表明WRSN网络吞吐量高,分组时延小。

    The analysis and simulation results show that the WRSN achieves high throughput and low delay .

  25. 传统的单信道MAC协议在进行数据传输时存在较大的数据冲突,多信道MAC协议在充分利用信道资源的基础上,能够增大网络吞吐量,减小时延。

    Traditional single channel MAC protocol will be possible to have data conflicts during data transmission . Compared with single channel MAC , the multi-channel MAC protocol is possible to increase network throughput and reducing the delay on the basis of the full use of the channel resource .

  26. 虽然其在网络吞吐量和网络延迟性能上均不如单独部署的IPSECVPN或SSL/TLSVPN,但完全可以满足远程教学或数据下载等网络应用。

    Although the network transmission rate and the network latency performance are not as good as a separate deployment of IPSec VPN or SSL / TLS VPN , the integrated VPN can fully meet the requirements of distance learning , data downloading or other network applications .

  27. 分析了GMPLS流量工程机制,包括其对路由协议和信令协议进行的扩展,并通过仿真分析网络吞吐量和链路利用率两方面的性能指标验证了GMPLS流量工程在网络中的应用。

    We analyze GMPLS TE mechanism , including extensions of routing and signaling protocol , and verify the application of GMPLS TE in the network through simulating and analyzing the performance indicator of network throughput and link utilization .

  28. 在这种条件下,WMSN需要更大的网络吞吐量、更高地数据实时传输能力以及更强的计算能力来应对大量数据传输带来的拥塞问题。

    Under these conditions , to cope with congestion problems WMSN for emergency hospitals requires greater network throughput , higher capacity for real-time data transmission and more computing power of computing components .

  29. 尤其是两个算法的端到端平均延迟比原始蚁群算法都低,RACO算法网络吞吐量及发包率上也要好于原始蚁群算法。

    The average delay of end to end is better in the two algorithms than ACO . The throughput and delivery rate of RACO is better than ACO .

  30. 仿真结果表明:QUR协议保证了实时业务的服务质量,在网络吞吐量和相对控制开销方面优于DSDV协议。

    The simulation results show that the QoS of real-time traffic is guaranteed in QUR , and QUR achieves better performance in terms of throughput and control overhead compared with DSDV .