
  • 网络Standard Ethernet;classical ethernet
  1. PC与以太网接口卡之间通过标准以太网进行通信。

    The communication between PC and the ethernet interface card is implemented via standard Ethernet .

  2. 在标准以太网帧和IP分组的基础上,本文设计了OBS的突发数据帧和突发控制帧的结构。

    Both the framework of burst data packet and burst control packet are devised based on the standard structure of the Ethernet frame and IP frame .

  3. 利用最短路径的思想,给出了基于标准以太网的PSDS通信网络的实现方案。

    With the idea of the most short path , the realization plan of PSDS communication networks based on common Ethernet was brought out .

  4. 此节点可以接收标准以太网报文,转换成相应的电流输出。

    The node can receive standard Ethernet packet and output corresponding current loop .

  5. 工厂的标准以太网交换技术

    A Standard in the Works The Switching Ethernet Technology

  6. 千兆位以太网真是比已用多年的标准以太网能力更强的版本吗?

    Is Gigabit Ethernet really just a higher-powered version of the standard Ethernet you 've worked with for years ?

  7. 相机产品也将提供先进的多种网络摄像机配置、本地服务插座、与标准以太网供电。

    Cameras will also offer advanced network camera setup options , a local-service jack for setup ease , and standard power over Ethernet .

  8. 通过仿真实验,讨论了在同时、随机、调度三种信息发送方式下,标准以太网和快速以太网的实时特性。

    Through simulation experiment , the real-time characteristics of standard ethernet and fast ethernet under three information releasing modes ( synchronous , random , scheduled ) were discussed .

  9. 研究结果表明,标准以太网的带宽不足以满足视频业务,需要拓展带宽。

    The result indicates that it is necessary to expand the bandwidth because the bandwidth of standard Ethernet is not big enough to meet the needs of video service .

  10. 摄像机固定在一个小架子上,使用时通过标准以太网电缆接入家庭或小型办公网络,但有点奇怪的是,该产品出售时不提供电缆。

    The camera , mounted on a small stand , plugs into a home or small office network using a standard Ethernet cable , which , somewhat surprisingly , is not supplied .

  11. 高速以太网技术以其速度快、带宽高且兼容性好,比传统标准以太网更具有强大的功能,是目前计算机高速网络的一个新的领域。

    As the development of Internet , high speed Ethernet has powerful functions for its high speed , wide bandwidth and perfect compatibility and has become the focus in this field . Some important technical characteristics of gigabit / 10 ?

  12. 针对标准以太网介质访问控制协议存在的捕获效应和重载时网络性能差的缺点,该文提出了一种新的冲突仲裁算法,并对其进行建模仿真。

    On the basis of the limitation of Ethernet 's Media Access Control protocol such as the capture effect and the poor performance of heavy load , a new kind of collision arbitration algorithm is proposed , then simulated in computer .

  13. 与现有方法相比,新协议充分保留标准以太网的优点和特征,并与以太网标准兼容,实时以太网总线不需经过协议转换装置即可与现有网关实现互连。

    Comparing with existent methods , new protocol tries to conserve the virtue and character of standard Ethernet meanwhile . It is also completely compatible with Ethernet . The new real time Ethernet bus can be connected directly to current gateway without any protocol transfer equipment .

  14. 而E1标准和以太网分别在电信网和计算机网中得到广泛应用,因此E1和以太网互联的研究具有重要的意义。

    The E1 standard and Ethernet were widely used in telecom network and computer network , which make the research of their interconnect more necessary .

  15. EtherNet/IP是标准TCP/IP以太网和通用工业协议(CIP)的结合,是实现这一目的的标准工业以太网技术。

    EtherNet / IP is the combination of standard TCP / IP Ethernet and Control and Information Protocol ( CIP ) . So its purpose is to realize the standard of industrial Ethernet technology .

  16. 工业以太网应既能兼容标准商用以太网又要能满足工业控制对实时性的需求。

    Industrial Ethernet should be compatible with standard Ethernet and meet the real-time requirement of industrial control system .

  17. IEEE802.11系列标准基于现有以太网技术,具有良好的操作性和兼容性,已发展成为WLAN的主要标准。

    IEEE 802.11 set standards based on Ethernet technology , being have favorable handle ability and compatibility , have become the main standards of WLAN .

  18. 系统地介绍了以太网的基本概念、介质接入控制和物理层标准规范、以太网信号的帧结构、网络硬件设备、网络组成及主要的性能,以及以太网信号在PDH、SDH/SONET中的传输等等。

    His paper systematically introduces the basic concept of Ethernet , Ethernet media access control , physical layer performance standard , Ethernet signal frame structure , network hardware equipmen , network constitution and main performances and Ethernet signal transmitted over PDH , SDH / SONET .

  19. 如修改和更新旧的以太网协议,提高以太网硬件设备的标准,改进以太网的通信方式等。

    Such as modify and refresh old Ethernet protocols , change the standards of Ethernet equipments , advance the communication mode of Ethernet .

  20. 以太网是现有局域网中最通用的通信协议标准,而以太网电源是以太网的基础设备。

    Ethernet network is the most popular standard of communication protocol using LAN and the power over Ethernet is the basic equipment of Ethernet .

  21. 同时,所设计的二层交换协议完全遵循IEEE802.1标准,在以太网交换机领域具有通用性。

    And because the design of the layer 2 switched protocols conforms to the specifications of IEEE 802.1 carefully , the switch software has the characteristic of versatility in the field of Ethernet Switch .

  22. 重点研究了大气激光通信光接收系统,包括基于雪崩光电二极管的光接收模块、光接口模块中的接收部分、快速以太网物理层协议标准、快速以太网接口电路与控制模块。

    Emphasis has been placed on the optical receiving system , including APD receiver , receiver of the optical interface , Physical Layer protocols of fast Ethernet , fast Ethernet interface and control unit .

  23. 介绍了ITU-T、IETF、MEF和IEEE等几个主要的标准化组织在以太网标准方面的进展情况,使读者对以太网的标准化现状有一个比较全面的了解。

    This paper presented a status report on the progress that 's already been made by ITU-T , IETF , MEF and IEEE .

  24. 下一代现场总线新标准&高速实时以太网PROFINET

    New Standard of Next Generation & PROFINET

  25. 供应商有极大的兴趣,正在使下一代以太网标准&10千兆位以太网准备好用于广域网。

    There is enough interest that vendors have been trying to make the next Ethernet standard , 10-Gigabit Ethernet , ready for the WAN .

  26. 在企业信息系统中TCP/IP+以太网已经成为事实上的标准网络,将标准TCP/IP以太网延伸到工业实时控制,可帮助用户获得更加开放的、集成的工业自动化和信息化的整体解决方案。

    In enterprise 's information system , Ethernet TCP / IP network have already become the standard network . It is possible to extend Ethernet TCP / IP network to industrial real-time control network . And it will help users to obtain more open , integrated industrial automation solution .