
  • 网络standard risk
  1. 然后对各评估对象所属的级别的标准风险量化值进行模糊积分。

    Then it carries on the fuzzy integral to standard risk quantification value of each appraisal object respective rank .

  2. 但是,面对次优选择(如标准风险权重或直接的杠杆率),银行本身应采取主动。

    But faced with inferior alternatives , such as standard risk weights or straight leverage ratios , the banks themselves must take the lead .

  3. 涝灾风险及排涝设计标准风险分析优选方法

    Waterlogging Risk and Risk Analysis-based Optimization for Design Criteria for Waterlogging Control

  4. 施工导流初期戗堤挡水标准风险分析

    The risk analysis of closure dike retaining during the initial stage of construction diversion

  5. 第三部分企业出口贸易面临危机的原因,从全球贸易摩擦、歧视性因素和企业对标准风险的认识不足、防范意识不强等方面分析,阐述了危机产生的原因。

    Part Three : Reasons why Chinese export enterprises is facing crisis , which talks about global trade frictions , discriminations and the lack of consciousness of self-protection .

  6. 影响高校内部审计的主要风险因素是内部控制风险、质量控制风险和评价标准风险,分析了高校内部审计风险产生的原因及特点并提出了有效控制高校内部审计风险的方法。

    The primary risk factors for internal audit in colleges and universities are internal control risk , quality control risk , and evaluation criteria risk . This paper analyzes its causes and features , and proposes effective methods to control the risk of internal audit in colleges and universities .

  7. 施工导流标准的风险决策研究

    Risk Decision on the Standard of River Diversion during Construction

  8. 标准化风险度量与投资决策的双目标优化

    The Standardized Risk Measure and a Double Objective Optimization of Investment Strategies

  9. 标准化风险度量下的投资决策与合同履约激励对策

    Investment Decisions under the Standardized Risk Measure and Incentive Stratiges on Performing Obligations

  10. 水库洪水标准的风险分析

    Analysis of Risk for Reservoir Flood Standard

  11. 它可以获取再现了关于项目成功标准和风险的有用信息的隐含期望。

    It can capture hidden expectations that render useful information about a project 's success criteria and risks .

  12. 提出风险概率等级标准、风险损失等级标准以及风险评价矩阵。

    We put forward the grading standards of the probability and the loss of the risks and the risk assessment matrix .

  13. 高标准的风险管理也就成为银行呼叫中心与其他行业呼叫中心的最显著区别。

    The high standard risk management also becomes the most remarkable difference between the bank call center and other business call centers .

  14. 首先强调了风险分析在项目评估中的重要性,给出了风险分析应用中(包括投资决策标准和风险的各种度量)的主要问题。

    The paper highlights the importance of risk analysis in project appraisal and presents the major steps in the application of risk analysis .

  15. 不过,有观点认为,对贷款标准和风险管理进行更有效的监管,能防止未来出现这样的系统性问题。

    But better regulation of lending standards and risk management , the argument goes , will prevent such systemic problems in the future .

  16. 标准的风险指标衡量杠杆比率或风险加权杠杆比率或者出现短期信贷枯竭的可能性。

    Standard metrics of risk capture leverage , or risk-weighted leverage , or exposure to the possibility that short-term credit might dry up .

  17. 风险包含风险源、风险客体、风险主体、风险标准、风险评价、风险走向等六大要素。

    Risk includes the six elements of risk source , risk object , risk subject , risk standard , risk assessment , risk tendency .

  18. 在中国的银行申请开设分行的那些国家,监管机构应该是持欢迎态度,不过它们也会坚持要求高标准的风险和运营管理。

    Regulators in countries where Chinese banks apply to open a branch should be welcoming but insistent on high standards of risk and operational management .

  19. 特别是对投资长期基建项目债券,只要符合有关的信息披露标准和风险特征要求,就应该允许所有类型的机构投资者参与投资。

    In particular , investments in long-term infrastructure bonds meeting defined information disclosure standards and risk characters would be permitted for all classes of institutional investors .

  20. 编制一个标准工作风险分析数据库是极大地提高工作许可管理流程效率和安全性。

    Develop a database for the Generic Job Hazard Analysis is a excellent way to enhance the efficiency and safety of the Safe Work Permit system .

  21. 采用安全领域内相关规范标准和风险评价方法的评价内容,对各评价指标进行了详细的评判标准说明。

    By using the relevant standards of safety fields and evaluation contents of risk assessment method , assessment criterion of every evaluation index is explained in detail .

  22. 沟通会的关注点是风险结构,包括审计标准、风险类别和一个持续的讨论参考框架。

    The focal point of the workshops is the Risk Framework , which provides auditing standards , risk categories and a consistent frame of reference for the discussion .

  23. 证券公司是证券市场的重要主体,对其监管的国际合作主要在资本充足率标准和风险控制两个方面。

    Securities companies are the important subjects of international securities markets , the principal part of international regulatory cooperation on securities companies is about capital adequacy and risk control .

  24. 本文对于投资中常用的几种回报分布,获得了相应的标准化风险度量公式,并讨论了单期和多期情形标准化风险度量的性质。

    The formulas of standardized risk measure under some important return distributions are obtained in this thesis . Its properties in the case of one-period or multi-period are discussed .

  25. 本研究的目的就是要针对海浪风暴潮漫堤灾害,提出漫堤灾害的风险评估标准及风险评估方法和程式,为沿海防灾减灾提供科学依据。

    The aim of this study is to present the assessment standard and method as well as the procedures for the risk of overtopping dam subject to waves and surges .

  26. 建立了城市防洪标准的风险分析模型、模糊评价模型,以及排污收费模型和节水城市的评价指标体系。

    Establishes risk analysis model of preventing flood in urban areas , indefinite evaluating model ; sets up the model of drainage charges and an evaluating index system for cities which economize on water .

  27. 风险控制的前提是风险的计量,风险的计量指标是度量风险控制效果的标准,风险的计量越科学,风险控制的效果就越好。

    The premise of risk control is risk measurement . Risk measurement index is the standard of measuring risk control effect , the more scientific risk measurement , and the more good effect risk control .

  28. 融合经济学方法核算承灾体价值,采用定量风险模型估算滑坡灾害生命和经济风险,并建立风险标准对风险分析结果进行评价。

    It uses economics accounting method to calculate the value of elements at risk , using the quantitative risk model to estimate landslide life risk and economic risk , and to establish risk criteria and evaluate the risk result .

  29. 此外,研究了不同洪水预报精度下,水库遭遇超标洪水时,下泄流量超过安全标准的风险率。(3)洪水灾害是一种常见的自然灾害。

    Moreover , the risk rate that discharge flow overtakes the safety standard under the different accuracy of flood forecasting is investigated while the reservoir encounters the over-level flood . ( 3 ) Flood disaster is a kind of frequent natural hazards .

  30. 按照多个标准对风险进行分类,提出了物流外包的风险识别方法,即企业风险问卷法、财务报表法、环境分析法、损失统计记录分析法等。

    Based on various standards , the logistics outsourcing risks in the enterprises were classified ; then the methods identifying logistics outsourcing risks are put forwards , which are the questionnaire , the financial report , the environment analysis , the record analysis of the loss count .