
  • 网络standard price
  1. 去纽约的来回票标准价是56元。

    The normal return fare to New York is fifty-six .

  2. 出售公房的标准价计算方法探研

    A study on the method for calculating the standard sales price of urban housing

  3. 我们换机油的标准价是15.88美元,税包含在内。

    Our standard oil change is fifteen dollars and eighty-eight cents , including tax .

  4. 解释库存定价法中的“标准价”,并说明在实际中如何应用。

    Explain the'Standard price'method of stock pricing and how it is applied in practice .

  5. 检查一下是否你在物料主记录中维护的是标准价,或者是否你有一个相关的信息记录。

    Check if you have a standard value in your master record or if you have a relevant info record .

  6. 按照《国务院关于深化城镇住房制度改革的决定》(国发〔1994〕43号文件)学习探研了城镇公有住房标准价出售计算方法问题。

    According to the rules in serial number of the state council documents [ 1994 ] 43 , the method for calculating the standard sales price of urban housing has been studied and investigated in this paper .

  7. 已购央产房是指职工按房改成本价或标准价购买的原产权属于中心在京单位的公有住房。

    Already buying center delivery room is the public housing that the former property right that shows the worker changes cost price by the room or standard value is bought belongs to central unit is in beijing .

  8. 该服务将会成为漫威电影、星球大战系列、迪士尼和皮克斯动画的专属播放平台,每个月会员费将是6.99美元,大约是网飞标准价的一半。

    The service will be the exclusive home of Marvel , " Star Wars , " Disney Animation and Pixar and will cost $ 6.99 a month - about half the price of a standard Netflix subscription .

  9. 对标准全价的部分减免。

    A reduction from the full or standard amount of a list price .

  10. 不存在外部市场时,以中间产品的边际成本为转移价格优于协议价和标准成本价。

    If there are not external markets , taking the marginal cost of intermediate products as the transfer price is better than the bargain price or standard cost .

  11. 本文还从工业生产角度山发,对镀铬层理化特性提出了较为全面而实用的评价指标体系,并对三价铬镀铬层与标准六价铬镀铬层的各项性能指标进行了对比分析。

    For the purpose of industrial manufacture , the practical and comprehensive system of evaluation criterion was made for the chromium electrodeposited coating 's physical and chemical properties . Besides , through parallel analysis , the indexes of trivalent chromium and hexavalent chromium electrodeposited coating were contrasted .

  12. 渣中镍含量为11.18%、钴0.193%、铜0.74%。废水处理后达到国家排放标准,有价金属得到有效回收。

    The amount of Ni in slag was 11.18 % , Co 0.193 % and Cu 0.74 % , so that the recovery rates of these metals were effective .

  13. 前项结算保证金之收取方式、标准及有价证券抵缴之折扣比率,由本公司订定,报请主管机关核定之。

    The means of collection , standards , and haircut rates for using Securities for margin requirement referred to in the preceding paragraph shall be prescribed by this corporation and submitted to the competent authority for approval .

  14. 征地补偿标准区片综合价的确定基础及数学模型的建立

    The fundamental price and mathematics model of levied land for standard redeemed part

  15. 从各国发行实践看,判断发行定价是否合理的主要标准是,发行价的确定是否以预期的二级市场价格作为定价基础。

    According to the IPO practice in the other countries , the main standard of judging the rationality of the offer pricing is that whether the pricing is based on the base of the anticipatory second-class market .

  16. 目前原产地的判断标准有三个:加工工序标准、税目归类改变标准和从价百分比标准。

    At present the origin of the three criteria : the standard processing procedures , standards and change in tariff classification from the value-standards .