
yè yú xué xiào
  • spare-time school;part-time school
  1. 她提出了创办一所业余学校的大体设想。

    She plotted out the idea for setting up a spa-retime school .

  2. 通过业余学校、文化夜校开展初等教育。

    Begin primary education through evening school of sparetime school , culture .

  3. 从今天起,我们要在工人业余学校学日语。

    Starting from today , we 'll study Japanese in a spare time school for workers .

  4. 商业职员的情况最为复杂多样。他们所受的教育从小学到专科学校不等,有的来自商科学校,有的受过学徒训练,也有业余学校毕业的。

    Some of them come from apprenticeship , some from commerce schools , some from part-time schools .

  5. 从农村到城市都举办了各种识字班、民众夜校、职工业余学校,成千上万的妇女参加了扫盲学习。

    Various literacy classes , popular evening schools and workers ' spare-time schools mushroomed in both rural and urban areas , and women attended these in their millions .

  6. 在方式上,上海郊区还结合自身的特点,建立文化馆、农村剧团、农村俱乐部,成立读报组、农民业余学校,办黑板报、展览会等非党组织宣传形式。

    As for the methods , the suburbs of Shanghai establish cultural centers , rural theaters , rural clubs , newspaper-reading groups , amateur farmer schools , blackboard newspaper , exhibitions and other non-party forms of propaganda with its own characteristics .

  7. 一部戏剧连演结束后,很多服装都会租借给业余剧团和学校。

    When a play finishes its run , many of the costumes are hired out to amateur dramatics companies and schools .

  8. 对业余体育运动学校发展的思考

    Consideration of the development of amateur sport training school

  9. 群体活动与业余训练在学校体育工作中的差异

    The Differences between Group Activities and Amateur Training in Schools ' Physical Education

  10. 业余体育训练是学校利用课余时间,对部分运动水平较高和有运动才能的学生实施有目的、有组织、有计划的训练过程。

    Spare time physical training is a kind of organized , planned and purpose built training process for the students with high level sports talent in their leisure time .