
  • 网络Business Logic;business logic layer;business layer;BLL;Business Tier
  1. 从Web服务客户端收到请求之后,ResourceRequestHandler从业务逻辑层请求服务。

    After receiving a request from a Web service client , the Resource Request Handler requests the service from the business logic layer .

  2. 同时对与业务逻辑层密切关联的数据访问层和RFID卡访问层进行了重构。

    Also data access layer and RFID access layer associated with business logic layer are refactored .

  3. 业务逻辑层推入DataServices组件而不是驻留在BusinessServices层的组件中

    Business logic being pushed into the Data Services components instead of residing within components within the Business Services layer

  4. 能和Java和非Java的业务逻辑层交互。

    Interact with both Java and non-Java business logic tiers .

  5. 该设计模式分为三层,即应用系统的业务逻辑层(Model层)、控制逻辑层(Control层)和显示逻辑层(View层)。

    This mode can be divided into three layers : the Model layer , the Control layer and the View layer of application system .

  6. 该模型主要分为五层:Web展现层、表示层、业务逻辑层、数据访问层和数据存储层。

    There are five layers : Web tier , presentation tier , business logic tier , data access layer and data base .

  7. 详细内容如下:首先,搭建异构数据源集成体系架构。本文基于WEBService通信协议,提出的数据集成体系架构由表示层、业务逻辑层和数据源层三层组成,对数据集成流程进行总体设计。

    Details are as follows : Firstly , the paper builds integrated architecture for heterogeneous data sources based on communication protocols of Web Service .

  8. NET开发方式的应用表示层、业务逻辑层、数据访问层和数据存储层四层结构。

    NET exploiture method : application expression layer , operation logic layer , data interview layer and data storage layer .

  9. 这种模型把Web应用程序划分为三个基本的层次:用户界面层、业务逻辑层和数据访问层。

    This model is the Web application is divided into three basic levels : user interface layer , business logic and data access layer .

  10. 系统共分为数据层、业务逻辑层、表示逻辑层和Web客户端四个层次。

    The system 's architecture adopts N-Tiers architecture of J2EE and has four tiers : data , business logic , presentation logic and Web client .

  11. 早期的Web应用框架通常为三层结构,即表示层,业务逻辑层和数据层。

    The structure of traditional application web framework was divided into three tiers , they are presentation tier , business logic tier and infrastructure tier .

  12. 讨论了MVC的设计模式的优点和在Struts架构的中WEB层在系统中的实现,EJB业务逻辑层的设计和实现;

    The design pattern of MVC ; the application of Struts architecture in web layer ;

  13. 使用Spring管理业务逻辑层,实现与Hibernate、Struts框架的整合。

    Using Spring Management of business logic and Integration of Hibernate , Struts framework .

  14. 举例来说,层次n可能被实例化为表现层、业务逻辑层和持久层之类的面向服务的企业应用12。

    For instance , layer n might be instantiated into the presentation , business-logic , and persistence layers of a service-oriented enterprise application .

  15. 然后对系统按页面、Web层、业务逻辑层、持久层以及数据库层进行了详细的设计。

    And then the detailed design to the system was according to the database layer , persistence layer , business logic tier , Web layer and pages .

  16. 系统在实现上采用三层结构的形式,分为数据访问层、业务逻辑层和Web层,各个层次完成明确的任务。

    This system using 3-tier structure in implementation , it divides data access layer , business logic layer and Web layer , each layer has its specific tasks .

  17. 该系统利用元数据驱动的多实例多租户技术,共分为4个层次:元数据层、应用接口层、业务逻辑层和Web前端层。

    This system leverages meta-data driving multi-instance multi-tenant , which can be divided into four layers : meta-data layer , API layer , logic layer and Web layer .

  18. net技术,基于用户表示层、业务逻辑层、数据访问层三层结构的办公自动化系统的设计实现。

    Net technologies and based on three-layer Browse / Server / Database which contains user express layer , business logic layer and data access layer .

  19. 用Struts框架实现业务逻辑层。

    Struts framework to achieve the business logic layer .

  20. Spring框架用于将数据访问层、业务逻辑层和表示层中的各组件结合在一起。

    Spring framework is used to tie together the components in the Data Access Layer , the Business Logic Layer , and the Presentation Layer .

  21. 以域管理服务为核心,通过XML数据总线将业务逻辑层中的各项服务有效集成;

    The use of domain management service as its core ; the effective integration of various services of business logical layer via XML data bus ;

  22. 因此,应该避免在业务逻辑层使用对servletAPI或StrutsAPI调用的任何引用。

    Therefore , avoid any reference to servlet API or Struts API calls in the business layer .

  23. 业务逻辑层包括EJB(EnterpriseJavaBeans),EJB运行在服务器上,以便管理业务逻辑。

    The Business Logic layer contains EJBs ( Enterprise Java Beans ) . These execute on the server to manage business logic .

  24. 技术上采用C/S结构,实现前台客户端,后台服务器端业务逻辑层与数据库服务层的三层架构。

    The system adopts C / S frame in technology , realizes three layers framework , which is proscenium client , background server business logy and data bank service layer .

  25. 本系统采用J2EE分层架构,包括表现层、业务逻辑层、和数据模型层。

    The system uses J2EE layered architecture , including the presentation layer , business logic layer , and data model layer .

  26. 该方案在原有两层B/S模式的基础上,增加了业务逻辑层,这样就使得应用程序与服务数据之间能够紧密的联系起来。

    This program based on the original two-tier B / S model , Business Logic Tier is increased , so that makes applications and data services can be linked closely .

  27. 最终设计了一个基于B/S模式的,包括表现层、业务逻辑层和数据访问层清晰的三层结构的WEB应用系统。

    We eventually developed a web applications based on B / S model which has a clear three-tier structure ( including the presentation layer , logic layer and data access layer ) .

  28. 介绍了智能化水产养殖信息系统的最基础且最关键的技术WindowSDNA体系;解释了前端客户层、中间业务逻辑层、数据库服务器层及其主要技术;

    Windows DNA system is introduced , which is fundamental computer technology on Intellectual Aquacultural Information System Every tier and its main technology of the system are analyzed .

  29. J2EE应用服务器真真实现了多层体系结构和跨平台性,并大大简化了企业应用解决方案开发、部署和管理,尤其是分离了业务逻辑层,这使得软件的重用性大为提高了。

    The J2EE application server implement multi-layer architecture , across different platform , simplifying the enterprise solution of development , deployment and management .

  30. 业务逻辑层通过业务逻辑类或Struts的action类实现,Spring框架提供的面向方面编程技术,提供了解决分散在多个不相关模块中的共同问题的方法。

    Spring framework provided technique to solve the co-problems of multi-irritated modules with AOP . Business logic class or action class of Struts realized business logic tier .