
  • 网络proprietorship;individual proprietorship;Solo Proprietorship
  1. 典型的企业制度,经历了从传统的自然人业主制企业,合伙制企业到现代企业制度的演变。

    The typical enterprise system develops from that of traditional sole proprietorship and partnership to modern corporation .

  2. 传统的业主制和合伙制占据主流,但公司制在一些报业中超前发展,这些报业公司在近代中国举足轻重,引领着近代中国报业的发展方向。

    Although the traditional single proprietorship and jointly-run operation is the main stream , the company system has-developed ahead of time in the field of newspaper . These newspaper companies have played the critical roles in modern China and pointed out the developmental direction of modern newspaper .

  3. 我国项目业主制管理模式初探

    Corporate Consultants as Client 's Project Manager : Inquiry into Project Manage-mode in China

  4. 在业主制企业中,无须设立内部审计。

    In property owner system , there is no need to establish the internal audit .

  5. 大量土地汇集起来成为业主制农场或公司制的大型农场。

    Much of the land went into larger farms owned by individual owner-operators or by corporations .

  6. 企业组织的演变经历了单一业主制、合伙制、公司制等形式。

    Evolution of business organization experiences three forms : individual ownership , partnership business , and corporation business .

  7. 后者由经营代理人控制,因而代理人最重要。企业由业主制演变为代理制,反映了社会分工范围和市场交易规模对企业治理结构的影响。

    The change of the systems reflects the influence of social division scope and market trade scale to enterprise administration system .

  8. 在民营企业的初创阶段,采取了以业主制、合伙制为形式的家族管理模式。

    In the beginning of the private enterprises , they used the ways of private running , partnership and family control .

  9. 从最初的业主制企业到现代的股份公司,财权配置主要是企业内部各利益主体(如股东、经营者等)之间的权力分配和合约安排。

    From owner-controlled firms to limited companies , the financial-rights disposing are mainly internal financial-right disposing of enterprise between shareholders and managers .

  10. 企业制度的发展主要经历了个人业主制、合伙制和公司制三种形式。

    The development of enterprise system undergoes mainly three forms : the system of private business , system of co-operative business and company system .

  11. 根据投资者与企业的关系,可将企业分为业主制企业和代理制企业。前者由资本所有者控制,因而所有者最重要;

    Enterprises can be divided into enterprise in proprietor system , controlled by owner of property , and enterprise in procurator system , controlled by procurator .

  12. 随着经济的发展,企业制度和组织形式不断地完善,从最初的业主制企业和合伙制企业逐步转变为现代公司制企业。

    With the development of economy , it is also improved of enterprises , which gradually transformed from the property owners and Partnerships into modern corporate enterprises .

  13. 中国推行的现代企业改革与西方国家走过的现代企业制度的道路不同,中国企业没有经过业主制、合伙制的发展道路,而是肩负着沉重的历史重负进行公司制改造的。

    It is different from road to the modern enterprise system that the western countries pass by that modern enterprise which china pursues reform . There are not Chinese cooperation enterprises .

  14. 企业产权组织形式在工业化初期,主要是独资企业,或称单业主制企业;在当前则主要是公司制或股份制企业。

    At the early days of the industrialization , the organized form of the corporation 's property right are mainly enterprises through one 's own exclusive investment , or single-investor enterprises they were called .

  15. 自社会化大生产产生以来,企业制度经历了个人业主制、合伙制、公司制的演化变迁。

    Since the inception of large-scale socialized production , enterprise system has undergone the evolution from individual ownership system to partnership system to corporate system , which is a course of transition from natural person enterprises to legal person enterprises .

  16. 业主制和合伙制民营企业内部审计机构的设置模式内部审计外部化。公司制民营企业内部审计机构设置的理想模式双重审计机构。

    This paper maintains that externalization of internal audit should be the setting pattern of internal audit institution of proprietor and partnership system of privately-owned enterprises while dual audit institution should be the ideal pattern of internal audit institution of the corporate system of privately-owned enterprises .

  17. 我国公用设施项目业主招标制研究

    Study on Ownership Bidding System in the Public Service in China

  18. 业主负责制、招投标制、监理制落实;

    The owner responsibility system , the bidding system and the construction supervision system are implemented ;

  19. 在管理体制改革上,以业主责任制等三项制度为主要内容的新体制已全面推行;

    In the reform of management system , the new mechanism of three systems taking the Owner 's responsibility system as main has been spread in the whole country .

  20. 三峡工程是规模宏大的跨世纪工程,工程采用的业主责任制、招标投标制、建设监理制在我国水电工程建设中是一项重大实践。

    TGP is a grand trans-century project and the adopted Owner responsibility system , tender and bidding system , construction supervision system is an important practice for hydro-electric project construction in China .

  21. 业主负责制、工程监理制和施工招标投标制是一整套建设制度,不可偏废,要加强施工过程的质量控制。

    A set of management system including owner responsible system , project supervision system and tendering and bidding system should not neglected and more attention be paid to quality control during project construction .

  22. 这次深刻的变革,逐步形成和完善了以业主负责制、建设监理制和工程招标承包制为主要内容的全新建设体制。

    The profound change , gradually formed and improve the responsibility system , construction supervision system in owner and engineering bidding contract responsibility system as the main contents of the new construction system .

  23. 随着市场经济的推进,水电项目实行业主责任制、招标承包制、建设监理制,造价形成的市场化程度日益提高。

    With the advance of market economy , the hydropower project adopts the owner 's responsibility system and project bidding and tendering and contracting system so that the cost has formed the market mechanism .

  24. 公司对工程管理全面实行了业主负责制、工程建设监理制、招标承包制及合同管理制。

    The Company exercised the overall responsibility system by the owner , the project construction supervision system , the bidding and contract system and the contract management system for the construction of the project .

  25. 以项目业主责任制为中心的建设监理制与招标承包制、合同管理制四位一体,构成了工程建设管理体制新格局。

    The construction supervision system of taking the project owner - responded system as a centre and the tendering , contracting and contract management systems form a new structure of the project construction management system .

  26. 在对此进行因素分析的基础上,作者提出了明确政府职能定位,推行项目登记备案制,实行投资业主负责制等改进意见。

    With all these factors analyzed , the authors put forward such corrective countermeasures as clear orientation of government function , files of program registration on record , and the system of investor 's responsibility , etc.

  27. 工程建设项目管理实行的是由业主负责制、工程施工项目经理制、建设监理总监理制的新的管理体制。

    The acting system of project , management of engineering construction is a new management systems including system of own responsibility system of project manager responsibility for the engineering construction and the system of the chief - supervisor responsibility for the construction supervision .

  28. 随着容量的增加,租金也许会承受压力,这将打击业主有限合伙制企业的盈利能力。正在建造油罐的RoseRockMidstream表示,平均租金已经下跌。

    Lease rates may come under pressure as capacity grows , hitting the profitability of master limited partnerships . Rose Rock Midstream , which is building tanks , said average rates had fallen .

  29. 他特别指出了业主有限合伙制企业。

    He specifically pointed to Master Limited Partnerships , or MLPs .

  30. 提出了对业主实行会员制的经营管理模式的概念。

    Expounded the concept of the member regimentation .