
  • 网络business change;Transformation;Change Management;Business Transformation
  1. 人们对企业变革是否具有连续性存在不同的看法。

    People hold different views towards whether enterprise transformation is continuous or not .

  2. 在此基础上,本文发展的模型不仅揭示了企业变革连续性的特点,而且从逻辑上演示了管理变革过程的连续性,从而使二者达到了本质上的一致。

    Based on this point , the model developed in this paper not only explains the feature of continuous enterprise transformation , but also logically demonstrates the continuity of managing transformation process , and furthermore makes them become congruence in essence .

  3. 本文在广泛借鉴企业变革的相关研究成果的基础上,综合应用管理学的理论和方法,以可持续发展为大背景,系统讨论了进入WTO后国有保险公司的变革问题。

    Based on the research achievements related to enterprise reform , the essay , applying theoretical and practical management methods , discusses the problems on reform of state-owned enterprises after they join the WTO with the aim of continual development .

  4. 企业变革赶得上我们周边世界的变化吗?

    Are companies changing as fast as the world around us ?

  5. 基于信息传递机制的企业变革研究

    Research on Enterprise 's Reform Based on the Information Transmission Mechanism

  6. 矿山企业变革和可持续发展的流程再造

    The strength source of mining enterprises reform and sustainable development

  7. 企业变革与企业文化管理

    The Organization Change and the Management of Corporate Culture

  8. 关于突破企业变革临界点的思考

    Reflections on the critical point of the enterprises reform

  9. 企业变革管理模型框架及其实证研究

    A Model of Change Management and Case Study

  10. 面向敏捷制造的制造企业变革

    The Innovation of Manufacturing Enterprises for Agile Manufacturing

  11. 浅析企业变革能力及其指标体系的构建

    A Study on the Ability of Enterprises Change and the Construction of Index System

  12. 企业变革若干问题试析

    Preliminary Analysis on Several Questions of Enterprise Reform

  13. 业务流程再造以其成功的、富有创新性的管理变革,从战略发展的视角,揭示出其价值创新的深刻内涵,为矿山企业变革提供了一种新型的管理和变革范式。

    BPR offers a new paradigm for the management and transformation from a strategic development perspective .

  14. 基于过程的企业变革管理

    Enterprises Change Management Based on Process

  15. 家族企业变革剖析

    Analyzing the changes of family firms

  16. 企业变革是常态。

    Enterprise reformation is normal .

  17. 2、主要比较分析了企业变革中的内容层次和应对层次的变革特征。

    The comparision analysis of the content levels and response levels in the process of enterprises change .

  18. 在瞬息万变的商业世界里,企业变革是一种无可避免的商业行为。

    In today 's business world that changes rapidly , change has become a necessary business behavior .

  19. 政府的宏观调控是推动我国煤炭企业变革的决定力量。

    Our government 's macroscopical control is a determinative force to promote the reform of our coal enterprises .

  20. 企业变革中管理者诚信的影响及对策的探讨

    A Study on the Effect and the Game in Connection with honesty and creditability of manager during enterprise reformation

  21. 该章首先对国有企业变革的背景(即中国经济转型大背景)进行了简要的分析,以便为更深入的研究做出铺垫。

    Firstly , the author briefly introduces the background ( ie. transition economy ) of Chinese state-owned enterprises ' change .

  22. 一旦首席执行官退居幕后并将企业变革的责任交付给员工,他们就会开始以企业家的思维进行思考。

    When the CEO steps back and places the onus of organizational change onto the employees , they start to think like entrepreneurs .

  23. 然而,企业变革活动也造成了组织资源的浪费、使得企业员工疲惫不堪、在心理上造成很大的压力感,这为企业整体绩效的提升制造了障碍。

    However , organizational change may waste time and resources , exhaust employees , and cause a lot of pressure in the psychological sense .

  24. 该方法的核心在于多角度地分析和优化流程,识别并减少无增值的流程,识别关键的衔接,迅速建立新的业务流程,有效地支持企业变革。

    This method analysis and optimizing process via multi-views , effectively support enterprise change by identifying and reduce valueless process , identifying key link and building new process quickly .

  25. 与此同时,生产准备信息系统还要跟上企业变革的步伐,随着企业管理模式的改进而变化。

    At the same time , production preparation information system must keep up with the pace of entrepreneurial innovation , and it should be altered with the improvement of enterprise management mode .

  26. 随着全球范围内掀起的以团队为核心的企业变革,基于团队的薪酬政策成为了组织行为学和人力资源相关领域的一个研究应用焦点。

    With the globe prevalence of team which has caused great enterprise changes , the team-based pay policy became one of the focuses in the field of Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management .

  27. 通过运用系统理论对企业变革进行描述分析,指出企业变革研究范式转变的必要性:企业变革是一个非线性的系统,具有高风险和高度的不确定性。

    It describes the change using the systematic theory and points out the necessity of the patterns for the change : The change is not a linear system which bears great danger and uncertainty .

  28. 同时,通过对案例中各项策略的分析,为相关企业变革中人力资源部门所应发挥的作用提供一定的参考与借鉴。

    At the same time , the article bring quite good reference about the HR department has to play the key role in company change , through different strategy analysis in the article cases .

  29. 第二章介绍了渠道变革的基本理论,对企业变革、营销渠道和渠道变革的相关概念、内容与理论研究成果进行了概括。

    The second chapter has introduced the basic theory of organization and marketing channel innovation as well as basic knowledge of marketing channel to summarize the concept 、 Function 、 feature and channel relations .

  30. 因此,本研究以企业变革动因作为研究的突破口,对企业变革的深层次原因进行发掘,通过对企业变革的需求方和驱动力的分析,提出企业变革动因&价值重构。

    Therefore , aiming to explore the deeper reasons for the enterprise change , this research puts forward the value reconstruction which is the impetus of the change by analyzing the demand and the driving force .