
  • 网络enterprise search;Enterprise Searching
  1. 他以前参与过IBM企业搜索产品的性能和可伸缩性设计。

    Previously he has been involved with performance and scalability engineering for IBM enterprise search products .

  2. 下面一节描述开发一个使用OmniFindWeb服务执行企业搜索的.NET应用程序的主要步骤。

    The following section describes the main steps to develop a.NET application that performs an enterprise search using OmniFind Web services .

  3. 基于Lucene的ApacheSolr企业搜索服务程序,它以可移植的war文件的形式发布,提供了立等可用的索引和查询功能。

    Apache Solr is a Lucene-based enterprise search server that delivers out-of-the-box indexing and query capabilities in a portable war file .

  4. 作为一种企业搜索系统而不是内容管理系统,OmniFind要求更具创造性地将其概念映射至IICE。

    As an enterprise search system , rather than a content management system , OmniFind demanded a little more creativity in mapping its concepts to II CE .

  5. 基于规则的分类法:为了简化企业搜索部署,OmniFindEnterpriseEditionV8.4提供了配置分类法目录和目录规则的功能。

    Rule-based taxonomy : To simplify enterprise search deployments , OmniFind Enterprise Edition V8.4 provides the ability to configure a taxonomy of categories and category rules .

  6. 在企业搜索中,搜索分许多类型:关键字、布尔值、范围、多层面元数据(facetedmetadata)、语义、自然语言和参数化。

    Within enterprise search , there are many different types of searches : keyword , Boolean , range , faceted metadata , semantic , natural languages and parameterized .

  7. 本文假设您具备企业搜索系统功能的基本知识,尤其是了解OmniFind。

    This article assumes you have a basic knowledge of the functionality of an enterprise search system and OmniFind in particular .

  8. 企业搜索引擎在供电行业的研究和应用

    Research and Application of Enterprise Search Engine in Power Supply Industry

  9. 他目前从事企业搜索和分类领域的工作。

    He currently works in the area of enterprise search and classification .

  10. 敏捷制造下候选企业搜索方法研究

    Application of searching method for potential partners in agile manufacturing

  11. 基于云计算的分布式企业搜索引擎研究

    The Research of Distributed Search Engine Base on Cloud Computing

  12. 描述了特征类型,提出基于二次匹配模型(特征与设备进行两次匹配)进行合作企业搜索。

    We provide the classification of features and a two fold matching model .

  13. 我们在真实的大规模企业搜索数据和网络搜索数据上进行了实验。

    Experiments are conducted on large-scale real-world data in enterprise search and web search .

  14. 企业搜索管理是近年来搜索引擎方面的研究热点。

    In recent years , enterprise search is a hot research in search engine .

  15. 第四章介绍小微企业搜索营销的效果的评估和提升,指导小微企业搜索营销效果评估并学会运用相关工具。

    The next chapter guidance small and micro-enterprise search marketing effectiveness learn to use tools .

  16. 探讨了基于特征和设备资源约束进行合作企业搜索过程。

    Next a collaboration enterprise searching algorithm based on features and production ability constrains is presented .

  17. 主要工作包括:1.论述了企业搜索引擎的研究意义以及体系结构。

    The main tasks included : 1 . Discussing the significance , architecture of enterprise search engine . 2 .

  18. 除了搜索关键字之外,还能够搜索概念,这对于改进企业搜索解决方案的效率和易用性非常有意义。

    Searching for concepts instead of or in addition to keywords is a powerful means to improve efficiency and usability of enterprise search solutions .

  19. 企业搜索系统为搜索任意数量的结构化和非结构化数据源提供广泛的功能,而且只要求单点访问。

    An enterprise search system provides extensive capabilities for searching any number of structured and unstructured data sources with a single point of access .

  20. 信息管理栈中的企业搜索、数据质量与验证,以及分析等服务通常是外购的不错选择。

    Services such as enterprise search , data quality and validation , and analytics in the information management stack are often good candidates for outsourcing .

  21. 在拓展了企业搜索的发展空间的同时,解决目前搜索引擎在企业环境中应用所存在的问题,因此企业搜索管理是当前研究的热点问题。

    In addition to expand the development space of enterprise search , we need to solve the problems existing in the application of current search engine in enterprises .

  22. 针对协作任务的多样性,着重研究了面向单一加工任务和多种零件加工任务的合作企业搜索模型及算法。

    Secondly , to deal with the diversity of collaborative task , the search model and algorithm oriented to single machining task and multi-tasks were studied in particular .

  23. 这些机制使企业搜索用户能够更高效地发现信息,他们可以通过熟悉的关键字查询界面同时搜索关键字和语义概念。

    Together , these mechanisms empower enterprise search users to discover information more effectively by searching for both keywords and semantic concepts through the familiar keyword-based query interface .

  24. 本文分析和指出了全文检索技术目前存在的问题,研究了基于本体的语义检索方法,引入知网本体库,并提出了一种基于语义的企业搜索引擎体系结构。

    This paper analyses and points out the problems existing in the current retrieval technology , and this paper do some research on the theory and methodology of ontology .

  25. 通过宣传活动、各种其他沟通渠道,以及集成到我们的企业搜索引擎,该平台已成长至支持1800多个项目,涉及13000多位贡献者。

    Through campaigns and various other communication channels , along with integration into our enterprise search engine . , the platform grew to facilitate more than 1800 projects involving over 13,000 contributors .

  26. 本文通过对现有的各种搜索引擎进行分析,提出一种基于语义的企业搜索引擎的框架,这种框架关键是结合本体对各种资源进行索引,提高了检索的性能。

    This paper proposes a frame of semantic-based Enterprise Search Engine , the key of this frame is we indexed all resources combined with ontology which can improve the performance of retrieve .

  27. 本文认为,创业企业搜索进入到垂直型纵向一体化、纵向垂直型企业集团时,表现在处于条块分割市场具有纵向链性质的纵向产业关系中。

    When the start-up enterprise searching entering the vertical integration and the vertical enterprise group , present the vertical industrial relationship have vertical chain nature in the market that is separated by rectangle .

  28. 第三章论文的重点部分,介绍小微企业搜索营销策略和方法研究,全面介绍适合小微企业的搜索营销的具体方法和操作。

    The third chapter of the study on a small micro-enterprise search marketing strategies and methods of research , comprehensive introduction to the specific methods and operations of the Search Marketing suitable for small and micro enterprises .

  29. 但是仅仅靠搜索引擎来解决对大量信息的检索势必造成企业搜索效率不高、可扩展性差、信息安全没保障、发展空间局限。

    But if we only rely on search engine to search such a large number of information , it will lead to low efficiency in enterprise search , bad expandability , poor information security and limited development space .

  30. 本文以阳光旅行网为例,分析其搜索引擎营销的现状,总结中小企业搜索引擎营销策略方面存在的问题,探索适合中小企业自身特点的搜索引擎营销策略。

    Based sunshine travel network as an example , its search engine analysis of the current marketing , aggregate SMEs search engine marketing strategies exist , suitable for SMEs to explore the characteristics of its own search engine marketing strategy .