
  • 网络FCV;FCEV;fuel cell;Fuel cell vehicles
  1. 针对PID控制系统存在的不足,本文探讨了离散模型参考自适应控制方法在燃料电池车电机驱动系统中的应用。

    Be dead against the lack of the PID control , this paper discusses the discrete-time model reference adaptive control methods applies to the motor drive system .

  2. 以丙烷为主要成分的液化石油气(LPG)是一种有希望作为燃料电池车车载制氢系统的燃料。

    Liquefied petroleum gas ( LPG ), with propane as the main component , is a promising fuel for on-board hydrogen producing system for fuel cell vehicles .

  3. 以TMS320LF2407为核心设计了燃料电池车离散模型参考自适应控制系统的硬件电路和软件程序。

    Taking TMS320LF2407 as the core , the hardware circuits and the software programs of FCEV discrete-time MRAC system are designed .

  4. 燃料电池车动力系统的特征和整车性能的改善

    Characteristic of power systems of fuel cell vehicles and performance improvement

  5. 燃料电池车氢气辅助系统结构动态特性分析

    Dynamic Analysis of Hydrogen Auxiliary System Structure of Fuel Cell Vehicle

  6. 新型燃料电池车车架模态分析

    Simulation Analysis on The Frame of Novel Fuel Cell Car

  7. 这些结论为燃料电池车动力系统的优化设计提供了依据;

    These provide a basis for the optimum design of FCV powertrain ;

  8. 燃料电池车分布式控制网络的研究

    Study on Distributed Control System of Fuel Cell Electrical Vehicle

  9. 嵌入式燃料电池车锂离子动力电池管理系统

    Embedded power lithium-ion battery management system used on fuel cell hybrid vehicle

  10. 基于有限元技术的燃料电池车车架静力分析

    Static Analysis by Finite Element Technique for Fuel Cell Vehicle 's Frame

  11. 对发展燃料电池车的多种思考

    Ponderations over Developing Fuel Cell Vehicles Buying a Car

  12. 燃料电池车离散模型参考自适应驱动系统研究

    Research on Discrete-Time Model Reference Adaptive Drive System of Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle

  13. 不像其它燃料电池车,这种电池不需要再充电。

    Unlike other fuel cell vehicles , the battery does not need recharging .

  14. 简要介绍了燃料电池车分布式控制网络的传送协议。

    The transmission protocol of the distributed control system is introduced in briefly .

  15. 燃料电池车用大功率DC/DC变换器电磁兼容性研究

    Research on EMC of High Power DC / DC Converter for Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles

  16. 燃料电池车车载储氢系统的技术发展与应用现状

    Current status of development and applications of onboard hydrogen storage technologies for fuel cell vehicle

  17. 并成功将该技术应用到了以纯电动车、燃料电池车为代表的电动汽车领域。

    And successfully applied this technology to electro-mobile field represented by BEV , fuel-cell vehicle .

  18. 最后对燃料电池车的发展前景进行了预测,提出了相应的发展措施。

    Finally , the market prospect and developing measures on fuel cell vehicles are given .

  19. 这辆燃料电池车还获得了《绿色汽车杂志》颁发的绿色汽车奖。

    This fuel cell car won the Green Car Journal 's Green Car vision award .

  20. 燃料电池车;车辆参数;驾驶循环;能量经济性;加速特性;

    Fuel cell vehicle ; Vehicle parameter ; Driving cycle ; Energy economy ; Acceleration performance ;

  21. 据了解,新能源车可以简单分为混合动力车、纯电动车、燃料电池车和替代能源车。

    The new energy can be simply divided into hybrid vehicles , electric vehicles and fuel cell vehicles and alternative energy vehicles .

  22. 以本田、丰田、通用等为代表的汽车公司仍表示将继续燃料电池车的研究。

    Major automobile makers , including Honda , Toyota and GM , have expressed their resolution to continue the research on fuel-cell vehicles .

  23. 美国总统奥巴马近期宣布大幅削减氢燃料电池车的研发经费,经济问题是其政策调整的主要原因。

    US president Barack Obama recently announced that the United States would slash the funds for the research and development of hydrogen fuel-cell vehicles .

  24. 和今天的氢氧燃料电池车不同(如本周本田推出的车款),电动车不需要新铺管道传送能源。

    Unlike cars powered by hydrogen fuel cells , of the sort launched by Honda this week , battery cars do not need new pipes to deliver their energy .

  25. 燃料电池车的整车控制策略包括能量分配策略,制动回馈策略和换档控制策略。这三者对整车燃料经济性的影响至关重要。

    The vehicle 's control strategies consist of power distribution between different energy sources , regenerative braking and gear shifting control , which have great effect on vehicle 's fuel economy .

  26. 本文从这个角度对燃料电池车车身进行设计:对原有车辆车身的继承,利用现有的资源;

    This text carry through the design to the fuel cell vehicle body from this angle : Inherit originally possessed to the vehicle carriage , make use of the current resources ;

  27. 燃料电池车是混合动力车,燃料电池和蓄电池的混合使用导致能量流管理问题。

    The Fuel cell electric vehicle ( FCEV ) is a hybrid traction electric vehicle , combining fuel cell with battery , and thus results in the problem of power flow management .

  28. 模态分析是对工程结构动力学特性进行分析的重要现代化手段。文章使用有限元方法对新型燃料电池车车架进行模态分析,了解了车架动力学特性,初步探索了进行改进的方法。

    Simulation analysis on the frame of novel fuel cell car is conducted by using finite element method , thus dynamics of the frame is understood and the upgrade method is explored .

  29. 在有足够的加气站之前,人们不太可能购买氢燃料电池车;但如果氢汽车非常少,建设昂贵的加气站设施就很难说得通。

    People are unlikely to buy hydrogen fuel-cell vehicles until there are sufficient refuelling stations , but this costly infrastructure is hard to justify while there are few cars based on the technology .

  30. 综述了燃料电池车车载储氢系统技术,包括高压氢、液氢、金属氢化物、低温吸附、纳米碳管高压吸附以及液体有机氢化物等的研究进展及其车载应用现状。

    The fuel cell vehicle onboard hydrogen storage technologies , such as high-pressure hydrogen , liquid hydrogen , metal hydride , cryogenic sorption , hydrogen storage of carbon nanotube and liquid organic hydrides , were reviewed .