
  • 网络Leo Apotheker
  1. 自从前CEO李艾科上任以来,惠普连续三次调低了销售预期。

    Since former CEO Leo apotheker took over last November , the company lowered sales forecasts three times .

  2. 惠普公司(HP)董事会成员因为在会议室里老是争执不休而精疲力竭,结果他们在聘用首席执行官李艾科之前居然都从来没跟他碰过头。

    HP ( HPQ ) board members were so worn out from boardroom squabbling that they never even met CEO Leo apotheker before they hired him .

  3. 后来李艾科又宣布惠普打算剥离市值410亿美元的PC业务。

    He followed it up with news that HP was exploring a spinoff of its $ 41-billion PC business .

  4. 一个月后,李艾科辞职,惠特曼继任CEO。

    A month later , apotheker was out as CEO and Whitman was in .

  5. 不过,他的确允诺,一旦李艾科被聘为CEO,他将会加入惠普董事会并担任董事长。

    He did , however , agree to join the board as chairman if apotheker was hired as CEO .

  6. 现在,又有传言称董事会新成员梅格•惠特曼将取代李艾科,成为惠普新一任CEO。

    Now , it is being suggested that Leo apotheker may be out and new board member Meg Whitman may become CEO .

  7. 李艾科曾一度将TouchPad称为iPad最有力的挑战者,但时不待人,他不久之后就丢掉了工作。

    Apotheker , who had once called the touchpad a serious challenger to the iPad , would soon lose his job .

  8. 首席执行官的更替速度影响重大:在IBM实施辉煌的五年计划时,惠普首席执行官从硬件高管菲奥莉娜、赫德转到软件高管李艾科,再到现在的电子商务高手惠特曼。

    The pace of CEO turnover can be crucial : while IBM has had the luxury of laying out five-year plans , HP has shifted from hardware execs Fiorina and Hurd to software exec apotheker to e-commerce veteran Whitman .

  9. 惠普(Hewlett-Packard)就是一个例子,去年在李艾科的领导下这家公司的市值缩水了40%。

    Just look at Hewlett-Packard ( HPQ ) , where shareholders were stripped of 40 % of their stock value under Leo apotheker last year .

  10. 李艾科和惠普首席财务官凯西莱丝雅克(cathielesjack)已与许多投资者谈过话,而非执行董事长雷莱恩(raylane)本周也将进一步致电大股东。

    Mr apotheker and HP chief financial officer Cathie lesjack have already spoken to dozens of investors , while non-executive chairman ray Lane will make further calls this week .

  11. 雅虎(Yahoo)刚刚迎来五年内的第五任首席执行官,而李艾科在惠普(Hewlett-Packard)的领头人位置上只呆了11个月。

    Look at Yahoo ( yhoo ) , which just got its fifth CEO in five years , or think of Leo apotheker , who lasted only 11 months at the top of Hewlett-Packard ( HPQ ) .

  12. 李艾科承诺,惠普云将真正做到开放。

    Apotheker promised that the HP cloud would truly be open .

  13. 但是,李艾科不可能一直把责任推给之前的管理层。

    But blaming past administrations can work for only so long .

  14. 惠普的董事会是否确实做到了如莱恩一开始描述的那样“支持李艾科”?

    Did HP 's board " support Leo " as Lane initially outlined ?

  15. 最引人关注的是李艾科公布的云战略。

    What drew most of the attention was the public cloud apotheker announced .

  16. 现在,李艾科要做的就是成功实现自己的愿景。

    Now he just has to pull it off .

  17. 李艾科希望看到惠普设备与惠普云互动。

    The vision apotheker has is one where HP devices interact with an HP cloud .

  18. 李艾科从2010年11月份上任以来一直饱受诟病。

    Since taking over in November 2010 , apotheker has faced his share of reversals .

  19. 相比之下,在惠普股东大会之后的采访环节上,李艾科的话很有辩解的意味。

    By contrast , in interviews following the meeting , apotheker seemed on the defensive .

  20. 在那份泄密的备忘录中,李艾科吩咐公司高管道,惠普“在开支方面必须斟酌每一分钱,并将招聘成本降至最低。”

    In the leaked memo , apotheker told execs that the company " must watch every penny and minimize all hiring . "

  21. 李艾科上任不到一年,去年又遭解职,临走拿到了约2500万美元。

    With less than one year of service , apotheker was ousted last year and walked away with around $ 25 million .

  22. 与此同时,常务副总裁戴夫•多纳特利、比尔•维迪和简•扎达克都获得了晋升,以后将直接向首席执行官李艾科汇报工作。

    Meanwhile , EVPs Dave Donatelli , bill veghte , and Jan Zadak are all getting promoted and will report directly to CEO Leo apotheker .

  23. 《财富》杂志首次报道李艾科被逐出惠普后,公司股价立刻急剧飙升,这对任何公司的管理层而言都不是好兆头。

    The stock jumped radically when Fortune first reporter news of Apotheker 's ouster ; that 's a bad sign for any company 's executive management .

  24. 惠普计划力推自行开发的应用,李艾科将业务分析和安全这两个领域列为该公司关注的重心。

    HP plans on pushing its own applications , and apotheker singled out business analytics and security as two areas on which the company will focus .

  25. 由于无法说服李艾科,她将自己的意见在董事会上提了出来,试图以一种及其不寻常的、更引人注目的方式阻止这项交易。

    Unable to get apotheker to see her way , she took her case to the boardroom in a highly unusual and dramatic plea to scotch the deal .

  26. 惠普已连续三年每年都换一任首席执行官(梅格•惠特曼取代了李艾科,之前是李艾科取代了2010年8月离职的马克•赫德)。

    HP sports a different CEO this year for the third year running ( Meg Whitman replaced Leo apotheker who replaced Mark Hurd who left in August 2010 ) .

  27. 不过,假如华尔街之前在等着看对于惠普怎样才能重获并保持动力,李艾科是否有清晰的认识,那么李艾科在本周一给了他们答案。

    Still , if Wall Street was waiting to see if apotheker had a clear-eyed vision of how HP can get its momentum back and keep it , he laid it out Monday .

  28. 李艾科在面向分析师召开的电话会议上表示,服务部门还需要近半年的时间,才能与客户签署基于云计算等高利润产品的合同。

    In a conference call with analysts , apotheker said it will take perhaps six months to get the services unit to sign customers on to higher-margin contracts for such products as cloud computing .

  29. 但在另一方面,像国际商用机器公司的卢杰斯特纳和克莱斯勒汽车公司的李艾科卡那样的总裁,作为变革的代理人,却承担者对公司文化进行重大改革的重任。

    On the other hand , CEOs such as Lou Gerstner at IBM , or Lee Iococca at Chrysler were brought in to be a change agent charged with dramatically transforming the organizational culture .

  30. 作为马克•赫德(一年前,赫德因为性骚扰丑闻离任)的继任者,惠普现任首席执行官李艾科指责赫德忽视了上述两大业务,相比于硬件业务,网络和服务业务能带来更高的利润率。

    CEO Leo apotheker has blamed the regime of former CEO Mark Hurd ( who was ousted a year ago amid scandal ) for neglecting these areas , which offer much better margins than hardware does .